

The Clinical Application of Liquid Dilation in the Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

【作者】 张光辉

【导师】 李庆霖;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 外科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:探讨腕管综合征手术治疗的方法,以及神经外膜下注射地塞米松和利多卡因混合液即液体扩张方法的临床疗效。方法:我院在2009年4月至2010年11月,对25例(29侧)年龄在43~68岁的自发性腕管综合征患者行手术治疗。术中根据神经粘连的程度及术前临床症状选择仅行腕横韧带切开减压术或行腕横韧带切开及外膜液体扩张术或行腕横韧带及神经外膜切开松解术。其中外膜液体扩张术的具体手术方法是切开皮肤、皮下组织、筋膜及全部腕横韧带,显露正中神经,见正中神经弹性略差,表面有不同程度痕迹,在近端正常神经组织(离卡压病变组织约2cm处)用5ml注射器于与神经呈45°的角度在神经外膜下向远端病变方向注入适量0.5%-1℅利多卡因与地塞米松的混合液,边注射边观察,发现正中神经外膜卡压处被注入的液体逐渐扩张隆起并与粘连的神经束分离,拔出注射器后注入的液体也很快从针眼处流出,10分钟后隆起消失。随访4个月,观察临床疗效并用Kelly的评定方法评价。结果:本组25例29侧,其中6例侧仅行腕横韧带切开减压术,19例侧行腕横韧带切开减张及外膜扩张术,4例侧行腕横韧带及神经外膜切开松解术,切口均一期愈合。未见血管、神经和屈肌腱损伤等并发症。全组术后第二天自觉症状减轻,夜间痛全部消失。术后随访4个月,全组4~6周桡侧三个半指感觉恢复至S3或以上。6例大鱼际肌萎缩、拇对掌功能障碍者术后8周~12周肌力恢复至M3或以上,捏握功能良好。按照Kelly的评定方法评价,4个月后评定结果:全部29例侧中21例侧优(功能完全恢复正常),8例侧良(偶有轻度症状)。结论:1.腕横韧带的完全充分切开减压是治疗腕管综合征的最基本条件。2.在部分病例中神经外膜下液体扩张法是判断神经外膜粘连程度的有效方法,同时也是治疗轻中度神经外膜粘连的有效方法。

【Abstract】 Objective: To explore the surgical treatment methods of carpal tunnelsyndrome and the clinical efficacy of the epineurial injection of dexamethasoneand lidocaine or liquid expanded methods.Methods: From April 2009 to November 2010,25 essential patients(29cases)were treated by Open carpal tunnel release. The subjects were allspontaneous, and ages varied form 43 to 68. According to the degree of nerveadhesion select transverse carpal ligament incision decompression, or cut thetransverse carpal ligament and liquid dilatation treatment, or the release oftransverse carpal ligament and median nerve epineurium. The detailed methodsof liquid dilation is skin incision, subcutaneous tissue, fascia, and all thetransverse carpal ligament to expose the median nerve, see median nerveelasticity slightly worse, and the surface has obvious signs of compression. Inthe proximal of normal nerve tissue( about 2cm away from the lesions) with a45°angle use a 5ml syringe to the distal nerve lesions under epineurium injectthe amount of 0.5%-1℅ mixture of lidocaine and dexamethasone, in the sametime, found that the pressure mark of median nerve gradually expanded upliftand separation with the adhesion of the nerve. After pulled out the syringe, theliquid flowed out from the eye of a needle and bulge was disappeared.Followed up for 4 months, clinical efficacy was observed and evaluated byKelly’s evaluation method.Result: The group of 25 patients with 29 sides, 6 cases only transversecarpal ligament incision decompression, 19 cases was cutted the transversecarpal ligament and liquid dilatation treatment, 4 cases was released oftransverse carpal ligament and median nerve epineurium, the incision all healed. The next day the whole group were to reduce symptoms, night paindisappeared. No blood vessels, nerve and tendon injury complications.Followed up for 4 months, the sensation of radial three and a half fingers of allpatients recover to the S3 or above after 4 weeks to 6 weeks.6 cases of thenarmuscle atrophy, dysfunction of thumb recovered to M3 or above, a good pinchfunction after 8 weeks to 12 weeks. After 4 months the evaluation results withthe evaluation method of Kelly was that 21 cases was superior (functionreturned to normal), 8 cases was good (occasional mild symptoms).Conclusion: 1. The completely full decompression of transverse carpalligament is the basic conditions of the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.2. In some cases the liquid dilation under the epineurium is the effectivemethod to judge the extent of adhesion, but also the effective way to treatmentof mild and moderate adhesion .

【关键词】 腕管综合征治疗液体扩张
【Key words】 Carpal tunnel syndromeTherapyLiquid dilation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】R688
  • 【下载频次】41

