

Study on the Causes of Pediatric Medical Disputes and Counter-measures for Medical Defence

【作者】 陈慧斯

【导师】 杨淑娟;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来儿科医疗纠纷的发生率呈明显增高趋势,医疗侵权诉讼的数量急剧上升,紧张的医患关系使矛盾不断升级,暴力冲突时有发生。频频发生的医疗纠纷严重干扰医疗机构和科室正常的工作秩序,成为社会关注的热点和焦点。为了更好的控制儿科医疗纠纷的发生,将儿科医疗纠纷化解于萌芽状态。如何建立良好的儿科医患关系以及风险管理防御体系,有效的防止医疗纠纷的发生,达到为患儿治病、维护和谐医疗环境的目的成为了我们研究的重点。目前国内对于医疗纠纷的研究主要集中在探究现有医疗执业环境下医疗系统整体的医疗纠纷成因及防范处理。针对某一科室医疗纠纷成因的系统研究,尤其儿科医患关系及医疗纠纷的研究甚少,以往的研究主要集中在护患关系上,针对儿科医务人员整体与患方关系及纠纷成因的研究,以及医疗机构针对儿科纠纷防御体系的构建更是空白。本论文选取长春市和杭州市作为研究区域,通过对两市儿科专门医院以及设有儿科的省级以上综合医院的医务人员以及患者家属进行具有针对性,较为具体详实的问卷调查,了解我国南北方地区儿科医患关系现状。在比较和分析的基础上,阐述当前儿科医疗纠纷的原因,揭示儿科医患关系中存在的不和谐因素。经过相关文献的查阅,此种南北地区对比分析儿科医患关系、医疗纠纷的研究方法尚属首次,这也是本文的创新点所在。本论文结合我国基本国情,适用责任承担理论下医师注意义务以及医疗工作归因理论,通过对两地区医务人员及患者家属调查问卷进行统计分析,依据现有的医疗纠纷处理方面的法律法规,针对儿科提出减少或避免医疗纠纷的方法和措施。为进一步研究儿科医疗防御,实现对儿科医疗纠纷的干预和阻断,建立有效控制医疗纠纷法律体系提供建议,旨在建立完善的儿科医疗纠纷防御体系。

【Abstract】 In recent years, It show significantly increasing trend of the pediatric medical disputes and the number of medical tort lawsuit is rising sharply.The strained doctor-patient relationship make contradictions grow in breadth and in depth Violence often occurred. The medical disputes,which have frequently happened interference the normal working order of the medical institutions and departments is becoming the focus of social attention.In order to control the occurrence of pediatric medical disputes better and resolve it in the bud. Research interests included:how to create a good pediatric doctor-patient relationship and risk management defense system, effectively prevent the occurrence of medical disputes, attain the objectives of children treatment, and maintain harmonious medical environment.In domestic the study of medical disputes focused on exploring the causes and prevention of medical disputes in the health system under the current medical practice environment. There are few of system researches on the pediatrics doctor-patient relationship and causes of pediatrics medical disputes. Previous studies focused on the nurses-patients relationship.This thesis chose Changchun and Hangzhou as the study area. From the two cities of specialized hospital and above the provincial level with the pediatric medical staffs in general hospitals.we chose medical workers and family members of patients.Through the investigation by questionnaires, which were targeted,specific and detailed, to find out the current doctor-patient relationship in the South and North regions.Explained the reasons of the current causes of the pediatric medical disputes and revealed the factors of disharmony pediatric medical disputes under the basis of comparison and analysis. After consulted the related literatures, it is the first time to analysis doctor-patient relationship and medical disputes comparison north and south area.This is also the innovative point of paper.This paper combines the basic national conditions of China. It is suitable for the accountability theory for the doctor duty of care, and medical working attribution theory. After statistical analysis of the questionnaires by medical staffs and family members of patients of two cities, according to the existing dealing with medical malpractice laws and regulations, we proposed measures to reduce or avoid the methods and measures of medical disputes for the pediatrics. Establish and improve pediatric medical malpractice defense system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

