

Design and Implementation of Billing Engine for China Unlcom’s Online Charging System

【作者】 张妍

【导师】 刘桂霞;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在如今的通讯市场中,运营商通过固有的获取客户资料等方式已经很难维持用户的在网率,不得不面对日趋饱和的业务市场这一艰难现状,而在长期的总结和实践中发现分别通过合理的机制与后付费和预付费用户建立稳固的长期关系是走出这一困境的绝佳途径,而比较关注的语音等主要业务的用户平均收入也可更大程度的体现自身价值。计费系统作为中国联通业务支撑系统的核心组成部分,其功能与性能需足够强大,这样更能为运营商不断推出新资费、新产品及多种业务的捆绑与组合营销提供强有力的保障。在3G大环境的建设中,技术规范机构提出了在线计费系统这一优质参考结构,即Online Charging System,这一具有灵活性的实时计费系统可以完全将古板的计费机制参与到用户的实际使用过程中,第一时间的承载如会话、事件等具体业务带来的计费内容,具有充分的通用性和开放性。OCS系统负责管理实时在线用户的账户、处理并控制在线用户的计费,并针对不同消费个体和群体完成全业务的支撑内容,在以中国联通系统角度上讲属三大系统域中的BSS业务服务支撑层,并且与综合计费账务系统并行组成新计费系统。计费引擎是省级OCS的核心部分,它主要由数据管理、计费网关、账户管理、账务处理、批价处理、计费控制、通用接口等几大系统模块组成。本文主要阐述了计费引擎中账务处理、批价处理、计费控制三大模块的详细设计及处理流程。省级OCS计费的业务处理包括批价处理和计费控制两大方面:批价处理根据文件规定并遵循灵活的资费机制对各种套餐和纷繁复杂的业务进行有序的处理,它是省级OCS的费用计算核心,按照配置的参数通过正算以及反算等方式进行计算和优惠。计费控制为在收到在线用户的计费请求后进行包括如会话的起始请求、及时的状态更新、事件类型、账户数额等进行管理,并且在参与的全过程事件中对在系统中机进行价后的余额进行管理。业务请求时,反算的方式很可能由于计费因素没有完全被在线计费系统得到,而批价处理的模块在收到请求的同时用户资料和使用量被默认为充足,那么只能评估用户所需服务的使用量;正算则可同时对用户的金额和使用量进行合理的分配和锁定,并且在计费引擎发生故障的时候,协议适配器会将期间用户的业务落地为及时话单,当引擎恢复时,会采集到这部分落地话单,重新进行批价和账务的处理,并且包括如应急话单这类特殊话单,计费引擎可以通过多种方式对业务进行在线或临时离线的处理。OCS系统可以控制实时计费、避免用户欠费风险,但现有阶段,还存在很多问题。目前的OCS系统设计的只能承载200万用户支撑,这对于未来的广大的2G与3G用户是远远不够的,而OCS系统只负责计费部分的相关处理,用户资料、账户资料等内容都在BSS系统中,这使得OCS系统与CRM、BILLING、VAC有着大量的交互过程,业务流程复杂,原有的智能网用户要割接到OCS系统运行将会成为一项复杂而繁重的任务。未来如何更好的满足OCS系统中新用户的支撑,及圆满完成智能网用户割接成为我们要完成的重要课题。OCS的建设可以大大降低欠费成本和机会成本兼顾了性价比、建设成本、系统综合稳定性;OCS的引入提供优化IT网络和业务网络的契机,符合产业发展的趋势,它的引入使智能网和数据业务网网元承担话务控制其核心功能,计费、批价功能由专门负责在线计费的OCS系统完成。通过提供灵活的付费模式、业务捆绑、实时服务等,将有效地吸引客户,并提高客户的离网成本,从而大大加强客户的忠诚度,使市场拓展迈入良性循环的发展轨道。

【Abstract】 In today’s communications market, operators through the natural means of access to customer data has been difficult to maintain the user in the net rate, the business had to face the increasingly saturated market, this difficult situation, and in the long-term review and practice found in Respectively, through reasonable mechanisms and post-paid and prepaid users to establish a solid long-term relationship is a great way out of this dilemma, and more concerned about other major business voice average revenue per user may also reflect the greater its value.China Unicom’s billing operations support system as a core component of the system, its functionality and performance to be strong enough, so better for operators continue to introduce new charges, new products and services bundled with the combination of a variety of marketing and provide a strong protection. The construction of the 3G environment, the technical specifications bodies of the quality of online billing system reference structure, that is. Online Charging System, the flexibility of real-time billing system can be completely old-fashioned mechanisms involved in the billing to the user’s actual use, such as a session hosted the first time, events and other specific charges brought by the content business, has sufficient versatility and openness. OCS system is responsible for managing real-time online user accounts, process and control the online billing and consumption for different individuals and groups support the completion of full-service content, in the case of China Unicom system standpoint, the BSS the three systems in the domain business service support layer, and integrated charging and billing system in parallel with the formation of a new billing system.OCS billing engine is the core of the provincial level, it mainly consists of data management, billing gateways, account management, accounts processing, rating processing, billing control, common interface, and other major system modules. This article focuses on the billing engine accounts processing, rating processing, billing control the detailed design of three modules and processes. Provincial-level business processes, including OCS billing process and billing control rating in two areas:the provisions of rating processing according to the file and follow the flexible mechanisms of the various tariff packages and orderly complex processing operations, it is the province OCS core-level costing, according to configuration parameters are calculated, and by means of inverse calculation and benefits. Charging control line in the user’s billing requests received after the start of a session request including, for example, timely status updates, event type, amount and other account management, and the whole process of participating in the event of the machine in the system the price of the balance to manage. Service request, the inverse approach is likely due to factors not fully charging online charging system has been, and batch processing module price, while in receipt of the request and use of user information by default is adequate, then the user can only be assessed the use of the services required; is considered the user can also use a reasonable amount and distribution and locked, and when the billing engine failure, the protocol adapter will be operational during the user’s phone bill for the timely arrival When the engine is restored, will be collected from this part of the floor, then a single, re-rating and accounting treatment, and includes words such as emergency if one of these special orders, billing engine, a number of ways to conduct online business or temporary off-line processing. OCS system can control real-time billing, to avoid risk of the user arrears, but the current stage, there are still many problems. The current OCS system design support can only hold 200 million users, which for the future of the majority of 2G and 3G users is not enough, the OCS system is only responsible for part of the related accounting treatment, user information, account information and other content In the BSS system, which makes OCS system with CRM. BILLING, VAC has a lot of interaction, business process complex, intelligent network users to the original cut will be receiving the OCS system is running a complex and arduous task. How to better meet the OCS system support new users, while successful completion of the intelligent network user cutover will be our important task to complete.OCS can significantly reduce construction costs and the opportunity cost of arrears into account the cost, construction cost, system synthesis stability; OCS provides the introduction of IT network and business network optimization opportunity, in line with industry trends, and its introduction of the Intelligent Network and data service network traffic control network element assumes its core functions, billing, rating feature online billing by a dedicated system to complete OCS. By providing a flexible payment model, bundling, real-time services, will effectively attract customers and increase the cost of off-grid customers, thereby greatly enhancing customer loyalty, expanding the market into the virtuous circle of development track.

【关键词】 在线计费系统3G接口协议计费引擎智能网
【Key words】 OCS3GInterface Protocolbilling engineIntelligent Network
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】67

