

Supply and Marketing Cooperatives in Rural Grass-roots Problems of Survival and Development

【作者】 董岩

【导师】 谭海鸥;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业推广, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 供销合作社作为伴随着新中国产生的经济产物,在由计划经济到市场经济乃至今天经济贸易全球化、信息化的演变过程中,其本身的优势和职能渐失已经成为影响其生存和发展的巨大障碍。在新的经济条件下,探索符合实际的发展思路对于供销社生存十分重要。本文分五部分简单论述了供销社改革发展的历程、所面临现状和存在的问题,对今后的发展空间和定位问题进行了初步探索。结合供销社职能和现存的组织网络体系,供销社在服务“三农”方面,以其独特的组织网络存在着进一步发展甚至可能壮大的优势空间。如何利用供销社现有优势巩固自身发展,成为本文论述的重点。通过分析当前供销社的现状和所处的经济社会环境,结合当前我国集中力量服务“三农”的发展大局,通过分析比较农村基层供销社的优势与劣势以及其面临的机遇与威胁,探索供销社发展的思路。本文所采用的研究方法主要是历史分析、结构分析、比较分析等。通过分析供销社多年来的发展历程,总结出供销社这个经济组织在历史环境中的优势劣势,通过总结分析供销社在当前经济条件下的独特优势和发展障碍。结合我国当前经济社会状况和一系列路线方针政策,寻求供销社可持续发展的着眼点。供销合作社是农民群众集体所有的合作经济组织,农民社员之间的相互合作组成了基层供销合作社,基层社之间及其逐级合作与联合,构成了县、市、省联合社和全国总社,从而形成了遍布城乡、上下贯通的供销合作社网络和体系。供销合作社通过业务经营活动满足广大社员的经济、社会等各种需求,实现办社宗旨,体现自身价值。因此,合作与联合是供销合作社的题中之义。由于我国特殊的历史原因,长期以来供销合作社被作为执行计划经济体制的分配工具,按照“发展经济、保障供给”的方针,上级社与下级社之间的联系纽带是商品分配的计划、重要物资的调拨,没有真正意义上的业务联合与合作关系,导致了“合作社不合作、联合社不联合”,“大系统、小企业”的顽疾。改革开放以来,虽然也曾经尝试过开展业务合作与联合,如20世纪80年代曾经探索过“工业品联购分销、农产品分购联销”的合作与联合模式,但由于观念、体制、机制和利益分配的原因,也都夭折了。本文以莒南县供销社较先进的模式为例,结合山东省的农业大省实际,进一步探索供销社的发展思路。供销合作社在积极发展现代农业扎实推进社会主义新农村建设中具有的条件和优势其它组织无法相比。供销合作社是农民自己的合作经济组织,其宗旨是为“三农”服务,主要阵地在农村,服务对象是农民,与“三农”有着天然的联系,具有发展现代农业和推进社会主义新农村建设的地缘优势。供销合作社目前是我国最大的合作经济组织,是通过经营活动来满足广大社员物质文化需求的,供销社开展各种经营活动的过程,就是发展农村经济的过程,也是参与社会主义新农村建设的过程。供销合作社工作与建设社会主义新农村的相辅相成。在建设新农村的新形势下,供销合作社更要增强紧迫感和危机感,抓住新农村建设的历史性机遇,充分发挥人才、资产、网络、技术、信息等方面的优势,通过市场竞争为新农村建设多做贡献。

【Abstract】 As supply and marketing cooperatives that with the new Chinese economic product from a planned economy to a market economy today, as well as economic and trade globalization, the evolution of information technology, its own advantages and functions have gradually become their survival and development of the great Obstacles. In the new economy, to explore the development of realistic thinking is very important for the survival of supply and marketing cooperatives. This article consists of five parts on a simple supply and marketing cooperatives in the course of reform and development, facing the current situation and existing problems of the future development of space and positioning of a preliminary exploration. Combine the functions of supply and marketing cooperatives and the existing network system, supply and marketing cooperatives in the "three rural", with its unique network of organizations, there is likely to grow even further development of the advantages of space. How to make use of the advantages of the existing supply and marketing cooperatives to consolidate their own development, become the focus of discussion in this article. By analyzing the current situation and the current supply and marketing cooperatives are the economic and social environment, combined with our current focus on "three rural" the development of the overall situation, by analyzing the typical number of pilot projects, supply and marketing cooperatives to explore the development of ideas. In this paper, an approach to the study is to compare and analysis of the case analysis. By analyzing the supply and marketing cooperatives course of development over the years, summed up the supply and marketing cooperative economic organizations in the historical context of the advantages of a disadvantage, through analysis of supply and marketing cooperatives in the current economic conditions, the unique advantages and obstacles to development. China’s current combination of economic and social situation and a series of line, principles and policies, supply and marketing cooperatives to seek sustainable development focus. Supply and marketing cooperatives are farmers collective cooperation of all economic organizations, farmers co-operation between the members formed a grass-roots supply and marketing cooperatives, grass-roots level between the agency and its level of cooperation and joint constitutes a county, city, province and the National Association of the total Society, which formed around the urban and rural areas, linking up and down the supply and marketing cooperative system and network. Supply and marketing cooperatives through the business activities of the majority of the members to meet the economic, social and other needs to do to achieve social objectives, reflected in the value of their own. As a result, in cooperation with the United Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives is the meaning of the title. China’s special historical reasons, supply and marketing cooperatives for a long time as the implementation of the planned economic system, the distribution of tools, in accordance with the "economic development, ensuring supply and demand", the higher and lower social agency is the link between commodity distribution program, an important material The allocation, there is no real sense of joint operations and cooperation, leading to a "non-cooperation of cooperatives, not the United Association", "large-scale systems, small business," illness. Since reform and opening up, although have sought cooperation and joint operations, such as in the 1980s has been to explore "joint purchase of industrial products distributor, to purchase agricultural products at Lianxiao" cooperation and joint model, but because of the concept, structure, mechanism And the reasons for the distribution of benefits, also died. This article lists the province Huimin, Penglai, Junan, Zaozhuang, such as the advanced experience of the pilot, the combination of Shandong Province, a major agricultural province of practice, supply and marketing cooperatives to further explore the development of ideas. Supply and marketing cooperatives active in promoting the sound development of modern agriculture in building a new socialist countryside has the advantage of the conditions and other organizations can not be compared. Supply and marketing cooperatives are farmers of their economic cooperation organization whose mission is to "three rural" services, the main positions in rural areas, clients are farmers, and the "three rural" has a natural link with the development of modern agriculture and promote the new socialist countryside Construction of the geographic advantage. At present, supply and marketing cooperatives in China is the largest cooperative economic organizations, through business activities to meet the majority of the members of the material and cultural needs, supply and marketing cooperatives to carry out a variety of business process is the process of developing the rural economy and is also involved in building a new socialist countryside in the process . Supply and marketing cooperatives and the work of building a new socialist countryside each other. Building a new countryside in the new situation, supply and marketing cooperatives should have a sense of urgency and a sense of crisis and seize the building of new countryside historic opportunity to give full play to human resources, assets, networks, technology, information and other strong points through competition in the market for Make more contributions to the building of new countryside.

  • 【分类号】F721.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】450

