

Studies on Test Guideline to New Varieties on Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) and Database to Existing Varieties of Chaenomeles

【作者】 杜淑辉

【导师】 臧德奎;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 木瓜属(Chaenomeles)植物既是我国著名的观赏花木,又是传统中药,其栽培历史悠久,种质资源丰富,近年来新品种不断涌现。但是本属新品种DUS测试和已知品种数据库的研究尚属空白。本文通过分析植物新品种保护及DUS测试体系的发展现状,探讨了植物新品种保护测试体系及已知品种数据库建立的必要性及重要性。本研究以中华人民共和国林业植物新品种保护名录中木瓜属为研究对象,对其品种资源进行了规范、系统的实地调查,并以此为基础制定了木瓜属新品种DUS测试指南和已知品种数据库。主要研究结果如下:(1)在充分查阅国内外文献的基础上,对植物新品种保护和DUS测试相关理论进行了深入细致的研究,总结了植物新品种保护和DUS测试的发展趋势,对测试性状的选取进行了分析并针对存在的问题提出了建议。展望了分子标记等新的技术和方法在植物新品种保护和DUS测试中的应用。(2)完成了对山东、江苏、浙江、安徽等省木瓜属品种的实地调查,调查木瓜属品种63个,其中木瓜品种5个,木瓜海棠品种12个,贴梗海棠品种21个,傲大贴梗海棠品种18个,倭木瓜品种6个以及西藏木瓜。补充和修正了以前的记录。分析了木瓜属品种性状形态特点,为新品种DUS测试指南和已知品种数据库的制定奠定了基础。(3)遵循国际植物新品种保护联盟(UPOV)的相关规定,结合木瓜属植物的特点,探讨了DUS测试指南中标准品种和测试性状确定的原则。通过分析木瓜属品种形态特点及其稳定性和相关性,共筛选了14个标准品种和31个测试性状(质量性状9个、数量性状6个、假质量性状16个)用于新品种DUS测试,其中必测性状24个,辅助性状7个。并提出了新品种特异性、一致性、稳定性的判别标准。制定了木瓜属新品种DUS测试指南。(4)结合实地调查结果与以往资料,对木瓜属品种进行全面整理,共挑选出63个品种作为木瓜属已知品种,结合木瓜属新品种DUS测试指南的性状分级标准,参照测试性状,编制了木瓜属已知品种数据库中的特征信息,以此为基础构建了木瓜属已知品种数据库。从而建立了完善的木瓜属新品种DUS测试体系。

【Abstract】 Chaenomeles is not only a well-known ornamental flower, but also traditional Chinese medicine plant; they have a long cultural history and rich germless resources. But studies on test guideline on DUS and database to existing varieties of were vacancies . On the base of the development of the DUS testing system, the necessity and importance on designing the new varieties of testing system and establishing the database varieties of common knowledge were discussed. Based on the investigation of Chaenomeles, which is on the Forestry Plants New Varieties Protection List of China, the DUS testing guidelines for new varieties of Chaenomeles and the database to existing varieties were established. The main results were summarized as follows:(1) On the basis of consulting documents and information, theories about new varieties protection and DUS testing were studied carefully. The current situation of protection of new varieties and DUS testing guidelines were reviewed. The selection of testing characteristics was analyzed, and some suggestions were proposed on solving problems existed in it. An outlook of new technology and method using DUS testing was raised, such as molecule marker technology.(2) Through the investigation of Chaenomeles varieties in Shandong, Jiangsu and so on, 63 varieties with detailed characteristics were got. Morphological characteristics were analyzed and previous records were added and fixed.(3) The selection principles of example varieties were discussed based on UPOV assessment system and the peculiarity of Chaenomeles. The stability and relevance of characteristics were analyzed. Fourteen example varieties and thirty-one testing characteristics were selected for DUS testing. Twenty-four characteristics were of asterisked as well as seven characteristics of supportive. The identification standard for DUS was put forward. The test guidelines for new varieties of Chaenomeles was established.(4) Combined with investigation and pervious information, 63 varieties were picked out as existed. Referred to the testing characteristics and the grouping principles in test guidelines, Feature information of the database were drawled up. On the basis of this database to Chaenomeles varieties was established.


