

The Relationship of Nutrient Materials and Volatile Materials on Aphid-resistance of Cucumber

【作者】 陈玉茶

【导师】 曹辰兴;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 瓜蚜(Aphis gossypii glover)是危害黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)的世界性害虫。应用抗虫品种是防治瓜蚜最经济、最环保的措施之一。目前对黄瓜抗蚜性及其机理的研究尚很缺乏。本试验以普通型有毛黄瓜及其突变体无毛黄瓜为试材。试验选择生长良好的无毛黄瓜和普通黄瓜幼苗和成株期的叶片,纱网隔离防蚜虫侵染。供试虫源在人工气候室内饲养繁殖,繁殖三代之后其后代供试验用。首先对两个材料进行选择性和抗生性鉴定,然后从营养物质和挥发性物质两方面研究无毛黄瓜的抗蚜机理,以探讨无毛黄瓜的营养物质和挥发性物质的种类及含量与抗瓜蚜的关系。主要结果如下:1.无毛黄瓜的选择性和抗生性鉴定结果表明,随着时间的增加,蚜虫更倾向于有毛黄瓜的叶片。突变体无毛黄瓜16h后对蚜虫产生明显的驱避作用,并在24h达到最强;在人工接种条件下,无毛黄瓜和有毛黄瓜植株上的蚜虫种群数量存在着明显的差异,蚜虫的种群数量随着时间的延长持续增加,无毛黄瓜上蚜虫的种群数量一直保持在较低速度的增加,第8天时最高株蚜虫达到100头;有毛黄瓜上面的蚜虫则呈较高速度增加,截止第8天是数量为无毛黄瓜的2倍以上,鉴定结果显示无毛黄瓜表现出良好的抗蚜特性。2.对两个材料未接种和接种后第8天叶片中可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、游离氨基酸和各种氨基酸进行测定。结果表明:苗期两种材料相比,未接种的无毛黄瓜叶片中的可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白和游离氨基酸含量均低,接种8天后比接种前营养物质含量均降低,这是对蚜虫的本能反应。成株期基本也呈这个趋势,个别可能是因为营养生长和生殖生长的关系表现差异。较低的营养物质含量不利于蚜虫的生长繁殖,起到抗虫效果。对两种材料叶片中的各种氨基酸进行测定表明:无毛黄瓜中含有高含量的亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、脯氨酸、缬氨酸、丝氨酸和低含量的谷氨酸、丙氨酸、赖氨酸、天冬氨酸、精氨酸,这些氨基酸的含量组成对蚜虫的生长发育不利而起阻碍作用。3.无毛黄瓜和有毛黄瓜均取苗期和成株期叶片,用顶空固相微萃取-气质连用测定叶片中的挥发性物质。未接种时两种材料相比,无毛黄瓜中含有特异的挥发性萜类物质罗勒烯等;接种后诱导产生了β-法尼烯、d -莰烯和6-(3-)香豆素,这类萜类物质的作用广泛,涉及到植物-蚜虫-天敌三者之间的综合作用,起到趋避蚜虫和吸引天敌的作用。黄瓜不同生育期挥发性物质的种类和含量不同。4.本试验选取的无毛黄瓜突变体是新的种质资源,在营养物质和挥发性物质方面对其抗蚜机理的研究为今后抗虫育种和开发植物源农药方面提供一定的理论和实践依据。

【Abstract】 Aphid(Aphis gossypii glover) is a serious pest to cucumber in the world. Chemical defence is a main measure to control aphids, which causes environmental pollution and increases the resistance of aphids to pesticide. Plant resistance is one of the economic and effective way to defence the aphids. However, there are few studies on insect-resistant materials and its mechanism is unknown until now. Glabrous cucumber is the mutant of normal cucumber. We found that the mutant had the ability of aphid-resistance. We chose glabrous and normal cucumber as materials, using nets to prevent aphids infection. We bred aphids three generations and inoculated them on the glabrous and normal cucumber leaves. First we tested for selective resistance appraisal. Then nutrient and volatile compounds were researched to evaluate the resistance mechanism of glabrous cucumber. The results were as follows:1.Selected test of glabrous and normal cucumber indicated that aphids were prefer normal cucumber leaves to glabrous cucumber. After inoculated sixteen hours,the glabrous cucumber avoided aphids obviously. Twenty-four hours later, it showed much obviously. In conditions of artificial inoculation, there were different number of aphids on glabrous and normal cucumber plant. Aphid number all increased. Aphids on glabrous cucumber increased in a low speed,there were one hundred of aphids on cucumber until 8 days later. However, aphids on normal cucumber increased in a high speed, the number of aphids was two times more than glabrous by eight days, the glabrous cucumber showed aphid resistant characteristics.2.Chose glabrous and normal cucumber uninoculated and inoculated eight days, the contents of soluble sugar, soluble protein, free amino acid and various amino acids were tested. The experiment results showed that the contents of soluble sugar, soluble protein and free amino acids in the glabrous cucumber leaves were lower compared with normal cucumber, the contents of nutrients were descended after aphid infection. Low nutrients were useful to resist aphids. High content of Leu, Ile, Pro, Val, Ser and low levels of glu, Ala, Lys, Asp, Arg might be disadvantage of aphid breeding.3.Compared with the normal cucumber, the uninoculated mutant contains specific volatile material of Ocimene. Inoculated glabrous cucumber increased beta.-Farnesene,d-Camphene and Cumarin, 6-(3-nitrobenzylidenamino)-. This kinds of terpenoids material would pay great role on plant - insect- natural enemy,which could get rid of aphids and atract their natural enemy. 4.Glabrous cucumber was a new germplasm resources which selected in this test, and it will provide the theoretical and practical basis of resistance breeding in the future.


