

Studies on Stress Tolerance of Cold-resistant Dwarf Bamboo Under Saline-alkali Stress

【作者】 李寿冰

【导师】 曹帮华; 丁世民;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 林学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 盐碱问题已经成为世界性的问题,如何更好的开展利用盐碱地已经成为研究的热点问题。竹子是重要的森林资源,具有抗盐碱、生长快、成材早、产量高、用途广等优点,尤其是在园林上的应用愈来愈广泛,因此选用竹子作为抗盐碱的研究对象不仅具有重要的理论意义,还将产生巨大的经济效益和社会效益。本文主要以黄条金刚竹和铺地竹两个种竹作为试材,利用盆栽等手段,研究了在不同盐碱胁迫条件下生长及生理生化指标的动态变化,探讨和比较了耐盐特性和机理的差异,主要研究结果如下:1.研究了不同盐碱胁迫处理对两种竹生长状态的影响(1)不同盐碱胁迫处理对两种竹的影响有所不同:各盐碱处理一定程度上影响了两种竹的生长。在C4(盐浓度:300mmol·L-1,pH:9.96)处理下,黄条金刚竹全部死亡。在K4(盐浓度:300mmol·L-1)、C4处理下,铺地竹均有死亡现象。(2)不同盐碱胁迫处理明显抑制了两种竹的高生长和生物量。中性盐胁迫下,两种竹的高生长均呈现先生长加速后降低的趋势,当盐分达到300mmol·L-1时,第24天,黄条金刚竹的生长量仅为对照的25%左右,铺地竹全部死亡。在碱性盐胁迫下,铺地竹的影响较黄条金刚竹大,说明高碱对铺地竹的作用更为明显。中性盐与碱性盐胁迫明显抑制了两种竹的生长量,两种竹的根茎比显著增加,这是植物在逆境下的重要生存对策之一。2.研究了不同盐碱胁迫处理对两种竹叶绿素含量的影响。低浓度中性盐胁迫下,黄条金刚竹叶绿素a含量呈现升高—降低—升高的趋势,其余处理叶绿素a含量变化较为平缓,说明始终受到抑制;铺地竹受到胁迫后,叶绿素a开始均呈现上升趋势,但随着胁迫时间的推移,叶绿素a含量呈现明显的下降趋势,尤其以K4处理最为明显。两种竹叶绿素b含量变化基本呈现初期上升后期下降的趋势。碱性盐胁迫下,两种竹的叶绿素a和b含量变化规律不明显,但是含量总体呈现下降的趋势。3.研究了不同盐碱胁迫处理对两种竹MDA含量变化的影响。中性盐胁迫下,两种竹的MDA的含量随着盐浓度的增大而升高,变化幅度也越来越大,其中铺地竹的含量变化更明显一点,K1处理在第6天就与对照达到了极显著水平,这说明盐胁迫加剧了膜系统的破坏。在碱性盐胁迫下,两种竹的MDA含量呈现先上升后下降然后再上升的趋势,膜脂过氧化作用是造成两种竹细胞膜结构和功能损伤的主要因素。4.研究了不同盐碱胁迫处理对两种竹保护酶活性的影响。不同中性盐处理胁迫下,两种竹的SOD、POD活性变化规律基本一致,初期都是上升趋势,从而防止和降低自由基对细胞的伤害;在胁迫末期,二者活性下降,表明了两种竹抗氧化能力的下降。碱性盐胁迫下SOD、POD活性变化与中性盐胁迫下的变化规律基本一致。5.研究了不同盐碱胁迫处理对两种竹渗透调节物质的影响。在中性盐处理胁迫下,两种竹的脯氨酸含量随着盐浓度的增高而呈现先升高后急剧下降的趋势,K4处理下,铺地竹全部死亡;碱性盐各处理胁迫下,两种竹的脯氨酸含量变化并无一致规律;中性盐胁迫下,黄条金刚竹中可溶性蛋白的含量随着盐浓度的增加呈现缓慢上升的趋势,但低盐胁迫较高盐胁迫增加明显。铺地竹可溶性蛋白的含量呈现与黄条金刚竹完全相反的趋势,其中高盐处理下,可溶性蛋白急剧下降。碱性盐处理下,黄条金刚竹可溶性蛋白的含量除K1(低盐)处理呈现上升趋势外,其余处理均出现不同程度的下降,其中高盐处理出现了死亡现象。铺地竹各盐处理下可溶性蛋白的含量与黄条金刚竹的变化规律基本一致。6.研究了不同胁迫处理对两种竹伤害程度的评定采用模糊数学隶属函数法,在综合分析各胁迫处理对各个指标影响性大小的基础上,评定了16个胁迫处理下两种竹的伤害性大小并进行排序。试验结果证明,盐胁迫与碱胁迫是两种完全不同的胁迫,应将碱性盐胁迫称为碱胁迫,而通常所说的盐胁迫应仅指中性盐胁迫,而且两者具有明显的交叉作用。

【Abstract】 The problem of salinization was become to the cosmopolitan problem. How better to use the saline-alkaline soil was return to the hot problem of the study. Bamboo is the important forest resources; it has many advantages, such as the saline-alkaline resistance, fast growth, early lumber, high yield, wide application. Especially it can be wider used in the garden. So selecting bamboo as the research object of saline-alkaline resistance not only have the important theoretical significance, but also can bring huge economic benefit and social benefit.Using Pleioblastus kongosanensis f. aureostriaus and Pleioblastus argenteostriatus as the major test material, and pot culture and so on, this paper studied the dynamic changes of the growth and physiological and biochemical indexes under the saline-alkali stress, discussed and compared the character and mechanism differences of the salt-tolerance. The main research result is as follows.1.The growth state of the two bamboos under different salt stress were studied.(1) Different salt stress had different effect on the two bamboos: The growth condition was extent affected by the saline-alkaline treatments. The Pleioblastus kongosanensis f. aureostriaus all died under the C4 ( the salt concentration is 300mmol·L-1and the pH:9.96) treatment. And Pleioblastus argenteostriatus had death phenomenon under K4(the salt concentration is 300mmol·L-1 ) and C4 treatment.(2) Different salt stress treatments obvious inhibited the growth and biomass of two kind bamboo. Under the stress of the neutral salt, the tendency of the height growth showed accelerating growth firstly and then decreased. Especially when the concentration reached 300mmol.L-1, the biomass of Pleioblastus kongosanensis f. aureostriaus was only about 25% relative to the control. And Pleioblastus argenteostriatus all dead. Under the stress of the alkaline salt, the effect showed more serious for the Pleioblastus argenteostriatus. The height growth of seedlings was inhibited and the biomass was decreased under the neutral salt and alkaline salt stresses. Under different stress level, the ratio of root to stem was increased significantly; Adding nutrients distribution to root may be the main adapting stress way of two bamboos.2.Studied on the effects of salt stresses on Chlorophyll of Pleioblastus argenteostriatus and Pleioblastus kongosanensis f. aureostriaus. Under low-strength neutral salt stress, the results showed that the contend of Chlorophyll a of Pleioblastus kongosanensis f. aureostriaus leaves appeared an increasing and then declining trend and then increasing, The change of other treatments were not obvious. And the results showed that the contend of Chlorophyll a of Pleioblastus argenteostriatus leaves appeared an increasing and then declining trend especially K4. The results showed that the contend of Chlorophyll b of Pleioblastus kongosanensis f. aureostriaus and Pleioblastus argenteostriatus leaves appeared an increasing and then declining trend. Under the stress of the alkaline salt, the content of Chlorophyll a and b were not presented a single tendency, but the general trend was decreased.3.Studied on the effects of salt stresses on MDH of Pleioblastus argenteostriatus and Pleioblastus kongosanensis f. aureostriaus. Under the neutral salt stress, with the increasing of the salt concentration, the content of the MDH was increasing, especially Pleioblastus argenteostriatus. It showed that the membrane system was damaged by the salt stress. Under the stress of the alkaline salt, the results showed that the contend of MDH of Pleioblastus kongosanensis f. aureostriaus leaves appeared an increasing and then declining trend and then increasing, the membrane lipid per oxidation of leaves was the main factor to the damage of the cell structure and function.4.Studied on the effects of salt stresses on protective enzyme of Pleioblastus argenteostriatus and Pleioblastus kongosanensis f. aureostriaus. At the early stage of neutral salt stress, the activities of SOD and POD were increased and the damage of free radical was off set. At later stage of the stresses, the decreasing of SOD and POD activities indicated that the capacity of eliminating free radical was weakening. Under the stress of the alkaline salt, the change law of the SOD and POD activities was the same to the neutral salt stress.5.Studied on the effects of salt stresses on osmoregulation substance of the Pleioblastus argenteostriatus and Pleioblastus kongosanensis f. aureostriaus. Under the neutral salt stress, with the increasing of the salt concentration, the content of the proline was increasing and then sharp drop about the two kind bamboos. And under the K4 treatment, Pleioblastus argenteostriatus all dead. Under the stress of the alkaline salt, the change law of the proline was not uniformly. Under the neutral salt stress, with the increasing of the salt concentration, the content of the soluble protein was slowly increasing of Pleioblastus kongosanensis f. aureostriaus, but change law showed completely reverse trend about the soluble protein on Pleioblastus argenteostriatus. Under the stress of the alkaline salt, the content of the soluble protein was decreasing except for K1, and the part Pleioblastus kongosanensis f. aureostriaus dead under high salt treat. The change law was on the content of the soluble protein about two kind bambooss were the similar.6. Studied on the injured result of comprehensive evaluation under different alkaline and salt stress gradients. According to the analyzed on the all influence indexes by Subordination function method and evaluated and sorted damage degree of the two kinds bamboos according to the sixteen stress treatments.Results revealed that alkali salt stress and salt stress were actually two distinct kinds of stresses. The former was better called alkali stress, while salt stress only meant neutral salt stress. An interactive effect between salt stresses and alkali stresses could be found under mixed salt and alkali stress.

  • 【分类号】S688.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】164

