

Measurement of Mammary Blood Flow in Dairy Goats

【作者】 宋移福

【导师】 马卫明;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 临床兽医学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 (目的)在反刍动物,很多需要获得有关乳汁合成同时测量乳腺吸收乳汁前体和它们在乳汁中成分的数据的研究,在这些研究中就需要测量乳腺血流量。目前泌乳反刍动物尤其是奶牛乳腺营养研究已成为动物营养研究中的热点,乳腺血流量是影响乳腺营养物质吸收、摄取和利用的关键因素之一,因此乳腺血流量的准确测定也具有切实的理论和实践意义。要深入乳汁的合成与分泌的生理生化上的研究,就要重新强调需要在有意识的动物上有一个准确可靠的方法来测量血流量。根据计量的原理,现在的流量计量手段分为容积法和速度法两类。本文使用的Transit-time超声血流量计测得的是容量流量。血流量测量方法有多种,包括连续热稀释法、安替比林吸收法、电磁感应法、多谱勒超声法、Transit-time超声血流量计法等。利用Transit-time超声血流量计是一种有效准确可靠的方法。(方法)本文以奶山羊乳腺为研究对象,利用Transit-time超声血流量计对不同条件下乳腺血流量的检测及其准确性进行了评估。(结果)结果发现结扎阴部外静脉可防止阴部外静脉血逆流进入乳房并对血流量的影响不显著(P>0.05);营养对血流量影响缓慢而极显著(P<0.01);挤奶对血流量影响不显著(P>0.05),而躺卧能使血流量极显著增加(P<0.01);增加饲喂次数可以减小血流量的波动进而使检测更为准确,增加饲喂次数后乳腺血流量01:00到12:00逐渐降低之后逐渐升高,产奶量和血流量平均值也会趋于正相关,白天血流量一般比夜间低。(结论)由此可见,结扎阴部外静脉能有效防止阴部外静脉逆流且不影响乳腺血流量的检测;为保证检测结果的准确性,术后至少恢复一个月时间再进行乳腺血流量检测,以减小手术应激及疼痛等影响;营养对乳腺血流量有很大影响,当营养供给减少时,乳腺血流量可能会因为优先供给维持能量而减小并会在一天内出现显著下降;挤奶能引起奶山羊乳腺血流量的波动,但不显著;躺卧能极显著增加乳腺血流量,为得到准确的乳腺血流量必须保证在羊站立的姿势下进行检测;每天饲喂次数增加到12次时乳腺血流量从01:00到12:00逐渐降低之后逐渐升高,波动也小,产奶量和乳腺血流量平均值趋于正相关,结果更为准确;饲喂次数减小到每天三次时,6:00和18:00饲喂后2~3小时后乳腺血流量到达峰值,而中午12时的表现不明显,血流量变化无规律可循,在这种情况下不易检测到准确的乳腺血流量;在增加饲喂次数的条件下检测乳腺血流量会更为准确,缩短饲喂间隔时间有助于减小营养吸收对乳腺血流量的影响;本研究结果可以为泌乳反刍动物乳腺血流量检测标准的制定提供参考依据。

【Abstract】 (Objective) In ruminants, quantitative data can be obtained regarding milk synthesis by simultaneously measuring mammary absorption of milk precursors and their appearance in milk components. In these types of experiments, measurement of the mammary blood flow is required. The mammary nutrition research in lactating ruminants, especially in dairy cows, has become a hot spot of animal nutrition research at present, and mammary blood flow is one of the key factors that affect the absorption, uptake and utilization of mammary nutrients, therefore, the accurate measurement of mammary blood flow has the theoretical and practical significance. Increasing interest in the physiology and biochemistry of milk synthesis and removal has reemphasized the need for an accurate and reliable method for measuring mammary blood flow in conscious animals. According to the principle of measurement, the present flow measurement methods are divided into two types of volumetric method and speed method. The Transit-time ultrasonic blood flow measurement used in this article is the capacity flow. There are many methods for measuring blood flow, including continuous thermodilution, antipyrine absorption method, electromagnetic induction method, Doppler ultrasound method, Transit-time ultrasonic blood flow meter method etcetera. Using Transit-time ultrasonic blood flow meter is an effective method for accurate and reliable. (Method) This article took the mammary gland of dairy goats as the object and the Transit-time ultrasonic blood flow meter was used to assess the measurement of mammary blood flow and the accuracy under different conditions. (Result) The results showed that external pudendal vein ligation could effectively prevent external pudendal vein blood refluxed into the mammary vein and did not affect the mammary blood flow (P>0.05); The effect of nutrition on mammary blood flow was slow but significant (P<0.01); Milking had little effect on mammary blood flow (P>0.05), but lying could increase mammary blood flow significantly (P<0.01); Increasing the feeding times could reduce mammary blood flow fluctuations and enhance the rate of accuracy of measuring mammary blood flow, the mammary blood flow was decreased gradually from 01:00 to 12:00 o’clock and then increased, at the same time the milk yield was in a positive correlation with the average of the blood flow; Blood flow during the day generally lower than during the night. (Conclusion) In conclusion, the external pudendal vein ligation can effectively prevent the blood flow measurement from inaccuracy; Nutrition has a great effect on the mammary blood flow, when the nutrient supply was decreased, mammary blood flow may be decreased significantly in one day because of the nutrition supplied to body’s maintenance energy firstly; Milking can cause fluctuations in mammary blood flow of the dairy goats, but not significantly; Lying can increase blood flow significantly, in order to obtain the accurate mammary gland blood the goats should have to be measured in the standing postures; When the feeding times increased to 12 times in one day, the mammary blood flow reduced gradually from 01:00 to 12:00 and then increased gradually, the fluctuation is also small, the milk production and the mean value of mammary blood flow tends is being related, the result is more accurate; When the feeding times reduced to 3 times in one day, after feeding 2 to 3 hours at 6:00 and 18:00 the mammary blood flow arrives at the peak value, and the peak value is not significant after which at 12:00, there is no variation in the blood flow change, in this case it is not easy to measure mammary blood flow accurately; The measurement of mammary blood flow will be more accurate under the conditions of increasing the feeding times, reduce the feeding interval time can help to reduce the absorption nutrient effect on mammary blood flow; The results of this study can provides the reference for the standards of the measurement of the mammary blood flow on the lactating ruminant animals.


