

Single Stage Water Pumping Station and Reservoir Classification of Research about Reservoir Irrigation

【作者】 王潇

【导师】 张庆华;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 水利水电工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 针对库区灌溉浪费严重的现象,本论文对灌溉系统四大部分(包括提水泵站、输水管道、蓄水池、配水管网)的投资和年运行费分别进行研究,以期达到库区灌溉系统年费用最小。本论文的主要内容和研究成果如下:(1)对各种提水泵站的型式进行了详细论述,及不同水源、水位、地形地质等条件下可采用的具体型式。(2)对水泵协同调节(水泵变频调速与阀门调节的有机结合)和单纯的变频调速在提高水泵效率方面,从理论和实例两方面进行分析论证,证明协同调节是比单纯变频调速更优的调节方式。(3)对单站分级提水和多站分级提水进行能量分析与比较,得到在灌水方式相同的情况下,两种方式所需能量相同且优于单级提水。对蓄水池分级方法进行论述并对单站分级提水的供水形式进行详细论述,确立本论文所采用的形式。(4)对系统四大部分各部分的投资进行分析研究,建立系统投资函数,同时根据系统的动力费和其它费用建立系统年运行费函数。根据两大函数,结合工程经济学中的最小化准则建立单站蓄水池分级优化模型,并对模型的求解方法进行论述。(5)建立输水管道经济管径模型,用微分法对模型进行求解,得到经济管径的通用公式。

【Abstract】 According to the phenomenon of severe waste of irrigation ,This paper research the four parts’investment and annual operating costs (including pumping station, Water pipe ,reservoir and distribution system of water supply) of the irrigation system. In order to achieve annual cost of minimum. The main content of this paper and research results are as follows :(1)Various types of pumping stations are discussed in detail. And different water sources, water level, topographic and geological conditions such as the specific type can be used.(2)Coordinated Regulation of the pump (pump frequency control and regulation of combination valve) and simple frequency control in improving pump efficiency, both from the theoretical analysis and examples demonstrate, demonstrate synergistic regulation is better than simple frequency control The adjustment method.(3)Grade water pumping station on the single-and multi-grade water pumping station for energy analysis and comparison, are the same way as in the case of irrigation, the energy required for the same two ways better than the single-stage and carrying water. Classification methods for reservoir and single station classification discussed the water supply for water in the form discussed in detail to establish the form used in this paper(4)Four major parts of the system of investment analysis, investment function to establish the system, while the system’s power costs and other costs to establish the system in operation cost function. According to the two functions, combined with engineering economics in the establishment of minimum criteria for classification of single station reservoir optimization model, and discussed methods of solving the model.(5)Diameter water pipelines established economic model, with the differential method to solve the model, by the general formula of economic diameter.


