

Study on Control Section Design and Storage-routing Method of the Weir-gateway Combination of the Spillway

【作者】 吕艳

【导师】 张庆华;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 水利水电工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 溢洪道工程是土石坝水库枢纽的重要组成部分,而在溢洪道工程中控制段是设计的重点。本文在溢洪道控制段采用闸门控制的基础上,提出了控制段采用闸堰结合的形式,并对闸堰结合溢洪道控制段设计与调洪方法进行了详细的研究。这里的闸堰结合方式不同于传统的在堰上面建闸,而是在溢洪道控制段既有闸室段又有实用堰段。闸堰结合相对于其它方案兼顾了纯闸与纯堰的优点,且较经济、合理,在大中型水库溢洪道工程中具有良好的应用前景。本文的主要内容和成果有:(1)分析了闸堰结合溢洪道控制段的布置。主要分析了“一侧式”和“对称式”两种闸堰结合溢洪道形式的特点及适用条件、地质、水流方向等自然条件、适合闸堰结合溢洪道的堰型(WES堰、折线型实用堰、迷宫堰)的特点等,研究出合理的闸堰结合溢洪道布置形式的选择方法、提出了闸堰结合溢洪道的布置原则、从泄流能力、地形条件、经济等方面,对现有适合闸堰结合溢洪道的堰型进行比较,提出了溢流堰堰型的选择方法。(2)分析闸堰结合溢洪道的泄流特点,并依据水库现有调洪方法和调洪理论,结合闸、堰的泄流特点,研究提出了闸堰结合溢洪道的调洪原则和调洪方法。利用回归软件分析闸、堰现有流量系数,提出了流量系数的确定方法。(3)从效益和费用两个方面分析研究,结合工程实例—杨庄水库溢洪道控制段的经济方案比较,提出了闸堰结合溢洪道控制段与纯闸、纯堰的经济比较方法。

【Abstract】 Spillway project is an important part of the earth-rock dam hub, and in the spillway project the control section is the important part of the designing. On the basis of the control section of the spillway using gateway control, this paper proposes the use of the weir-gateway combination in the control section, and researches the control section design and storage-routing method of the weir-gateway combination of the spillway detailed. Here the weir-gateway combination is different from traditional gateway built on the weir, but it has gateway and weir in the control section of the spillway. Weir-gateway combination which relatives to the other schemes has the advantages of the pure gateway and pure weir, and is more economical and reasonable, in large and medium-sized reservoirs spillway project has a good application prospect. The main contents and conclusions of the paper are as follows:(1)The layout of the control section for weir-gateway combination has been analyzed in detail. This paper mainly analyses the "side type" and "symmetric-al type" two forms’ characteristics and suitable conditions of the weir-gateway combination, geological, in the direction of flow and other natural conditions, weir type(WES weir, hard dine practical weir, maze weir)suitable for weir-gateway combination characteristics, researches a reasonable selection method of layout of the weir-gateway combination, proposes layout principle, from discharge capacity, topography condition, economic and the other aspects, and the weir type existing suitable for weir-gateway combination compared, proposes the selection method of the weir type.(2)The discharge characteristics of weir-gateway combination have been analyzed, basing on the existing reservoir storage-routing methods and storage-routing theory and combining with the discharge characteristics of the weir and the gateway, this paper proposes storage-routing principles and storage-routing methods of the weir-gateway combination. Using the regression software, the existing flow coefficients of the weir and the gateway have been analyzed, this paper puts forward the method to determine the flow coefficient.(3)From the benefits and costs analysis, combined with the engineering practice -- the economic scheme comparison of the spillway control section Yangzhuang Reservoir, puts forward the economic comparison method of the spillway control section for the weir-gateway combination and the pure gateway, pure weir.


