

Study on the Dynamic Evolution Rule of Groundwater in the Xiaokaihe Irrigation District

【作者】 刘静

【导师】 毛伟兵;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 水利水电工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 黄河三角洲地区浅层地下水主要受黄河侧渗补给、降水、历次海水入侵等多个影响因子的控制,浅层地下水矿化度大,地下水位较高且在不同时间段和不同的地理位置复杂多变。引黄灌区不仅提供了当地最主要的淡水资源,还以农田水利体系为纽带,把灌区范围沟通成一个整体,改变了区域水循环规律,使灌区地下水系统变为自然——人工复合系统。受灌区长期、大规模水资源开发等人类活动的干扰,大量引黄水量改变了区域内的自然景观和下垫面条件,地下水系统也进入受灌区水利体系与水利活动强烈影响下的新的演化时期。本文通过分析黄河三角洲典型引黄灌区——滨州市小开河引黄灌区建设前后区域地下水动态演化规律,从时间和空间上全面系统地分析小开河灌区地下水的动态变化特征,确定影响该地区地下水动态变化的关键驱动因子,以建立可持续发展的引黄灌溉模式,协调区域人、水与生态环境的关系,对黄河三角洲高效生态经济区具有重要作用。主要研究结果如下:1、黄河三角洲地区淡水资源短缺,土壤盐渍化严重,在多重因子的综合作用下,生态系统极不稳定。引黄灌区作为黄河三角洲地区的特殊区域,对该区域生态环境演变起着十分重要的作用。灌区水利体系因其对水的人为调控而居于生态系统的核心层次,人为因素对水、沙的干预状况决定了生态系统的演变与发展方向,如何实现引黄灌区水利体系与区域生态系统的正向耦合是黄河三角洲地区可持续发展的关键所在。2、小开河灌区建设前,黄河沿岸地区浅层地下水位保持基本稳定,尽管在不同年份地下水位变化较大,但多年间地下水位的年际变化与年降水量的变化基本吻合,与黄河干流的年径流量变化无明显的相关性,这与黄河的年均稳定入渗量及徒骇河对地下水的排泄密切相关。灌区中游和下游地区的浅层地下水位变化与降雨保持明显的一致性。在丰水年浅层地下水位上升,平水年地下水位基本稳定,枯水年浅层地下水位明显下降。在降雨入渗、蒸发排泄等主要条件的控制下,浅层地下水位年际变化幅度较大。3、小开河灌区建设后,由于小浪底水库运行后,黄河没有出现断流现象,使黄河侧渗对该区域的浅层地下水补给量基本稳定,上游地区的浅层地下水位基本保持相对稳定。另外,沿黄区域受徒骇河对区域内浅层地下水排泄的影响,以及灌区渠系节水衬砌、引黄节水灌溉等影响,引黄水量对区域内浅层地下水的影响偏小。中游地区地下水变化受到引黄灌溉等人类活动影响十分明显。由于引黄灌区对水资源的合理调控,引黄灌溉对地下水产生了良好的补源作用,所以,在干旱年份没有出现浅层地下水位大幅度下降的现象。由此可见,通过引黄灌区良好的调控,可以有效的稳定区域内的浅层地下水位,避免由引黄灌溉导致的浅层地下水位上升的现象。另外,各种措施对于防止地下水位升高、改善区域水平衡状况起到了良好作用。4、引黄灌溉对区域浅层地下水矿化度会产生一定的影响,浅层地下水中的可溶性盐分沿灌区内和地形倾斜方向一致的潜水流向进行了一定程度的重新分布,土壤和浅层地下水中的盐分向地势低洼和灌区下游区域汇集,出现重新分布的趋势。灌区大部分地区浅层地下水得到改善,在局部洼地和灌区下游地区,有地下水位升高和地下水矿化度上升的趋势。5、从黄河三角洲地区引黄灌区建设发展的曲折历史证明,如果引黄灌区不采取科学、合理的水资源调控措施与方法,会导致对地下水的严重不良影响。但是通过研究小开河灌区发现,科学的调控田间用水及采用合理的节水灌溉方式,既可以避免因引黄灌溉而产生的灌区浅层地下水位升高的现象和土壤次生盐渍化的产生,也能促进灌区浅层地下水水质的改善,从而减轻土壤盐碱化程度,改善灌区的生态环境。6、通过采用灰色关联分析法确定典型地区—中游地区地下水位影响因素的关联度发现,降水与地下水位的关联度最大。同时,结合SPSS统计分析软件,采用多元回归分析法建立了地下水动态模型。7、在黄河三角洲引黄灌区,仍然面临局部区域盐碱程度加重等问题,利用灌区水利体系,把节水与调控区域水、盐运动进行有机结合,通过进一步的科学试验确定以节水控盐为主的农田生态灌水定额,进而确定以维护区域生态安全的浅层地下水生态水位,维持灌区生态系统健康运行的引黄灌溉模式应是今后研究工作的重点。

【Abstract】 The shallow groundwater in the area of the Yellow River is mainly affected by the lateral seepage recharge,rainfall,sea instruction and other factors. The salinity of groundwater and water table is big. And it is complexity changeable in different times and places.Irrigated areas not only provides the most important freshwater resources of local, but also communicates the irrigation district as a whole by the irrigation system. It has changed the law of the regional water cycle, and the groundwater irrigation system becomes natural—artificial composite system. By the irrigation district long-term, large-scale water resources development and other human activities, a large number of Yellow River water has changed the region’s natural landscape and underlying surface. And the groundwater systems comes into the evolution of new period influenced by the irrigation system and the strong of water activities.The dynamic characteristics of groundwater is analyzed comprehensively and ystematicly by analyzing the evolution of groundwater before and after the construction of Binzhou Xiaokaihe Irrigation District in the Yellow River delta to determine the key driving factors of groundwater dynamic changes.It is to establish sustainable development irrigation and coordinate with people、water and regional ecological environment.And it plays an important role for the Yellow River Delta economic zone.The main results are as follows:1、Water is short and soil salinization is serious in the Yellow River Delta. The ecosystem is unstable under multiple factors. Irrigation Area as a special area in the Yellow River Delta, it plays an important role in evolution of ecological environment. The water system of irrigation area lives in the heart of the ecosystem for its artificial regulation of water. The evolution and development of the ecosystem are determined by intervention of human factors on water and sand. The complementation between irrigation water System and regional ecological system is the key to sustainable development in the Yellow River Irrigation area.2、The shallow groundwater along the Yellow River remains stable before the construction.The annual changes of groundwater level and annual precipitation are consistent despite large changes in groundwater level in different years.And there is no obvions correlation with the annual runoff of the Yellow River.This is closely related to the stable average annual infiltration and the groundwater discharge of Tuhai River.The changes between shallow groundwater and rainfall remains consistent in the middle of irrigation areas. Shallow groundwater rises in wet years, groundwater stable in average years, and groundwater decreases in significantly dry years. The inter-annual changes of shallow groundwater is big under the control of main conditions as rainfall infiltration and evaporation discharge.3、After construction of the Xiaokaihai irrigation district, shallow groundwater remained relatively stable in upstream region for stable lateral seepage of recharge due to the running of Xiaolangdi Reservoir. In addition, irrigation water less affected the shallow groundwater of the region because of discharge of Tuhai River, water-saving canal lining and water-saving irrigation.Irrigation and other human activities affects obviously groundwater in midstream. Irrigation produce a good effect on groundwater for a reasonable regulation of water resources in irrigated areas.Therefore, it does not appear the sharp decline of shallow groundwater in the dry years. Thus, shallow groundwater couled be stabilized by irrigation regulated and it can effectively t to prevent shallow groundwater rise due to irrigation. In addition, various measures play a good role of preventing water rise and improving the regional water balance.4、Irrigation have a certain impact on regional shallow groundwater, soluble salt in shallow groundwater was driving to a certain degree of redistribution along the dive flows whicn have the same direction of terrain slope in the irrigation area, soil and shallow groundwater salinity occurs the trend of re-distribution——-downstream to the low-lying and irrigated areas together.Most parts of the shallow groundwater in the irrigation area have been improved, in local depressions and downstream irrigation, the water table and groundwater salinity have the tends of rise.5、From the tortuous history of the construction and development in Yellow River Irrigation Area has proven, If you do not take scientific and rational water resources control measures and methods will lead to serious adverse effects on groundwater. But the discovery by studying Xiaokai irrigation, water the fields of science and use reasonable water-saving irrigation methods, not only Shallow water table rise and Soil salinization resulting from irrigation can be avoided ,but also promote the improvement of irrigation water quality of shallow groundwater. Thereby reducing the degree of soil salinity, improve irrigation of the ecological environment.6、Through the use of gray correlation analysis method to determine the correlation of groundwater level effected factors in the typical region—the middle area, discovered that precipitation have the greatest associated with the degree of water table. At the same time, with SPSS statistical analysis software, using multiple regression analysis established a dynamic model of groundwater.7、Yellow River irrigated areas in the local area continues to face issues suc-h as salinity levels increase. Using irrigation water system, to combine water-saveing, regional water control and salt movement, to determine control of salt-based water saving irrigation of farmland ecological scale through further scientific testing, and to determine to maintain regional ecological safety ecological water level of shallow groundwater to maintain ecosystem health and irrigation Irrigation operation mode should be the focus of future research work.


