

Control Effect of E-β-Farnesene、 Z,E-Nepetalactone and Honeydew on Chinese Cabbage Aphid

【作者】 崔亮亮

【导师】 刘勇;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国,菜蚜对北方大白菜生产造成重大损失。单纯依赖杀虫剂会导致很多负面影响,如环境,天敌和食品安全等。巨大的环境和人类健康的代价,驱使科研工作者去寻找另外的防治菜蚜的有效策略和技术。生物防治的最大优点是不污染环境,是农药等非生物防治病虫害方法所不能比拟的。蚜虫自身分泌物能够对蚜虫及其天敌有作用,它专一性较强,生物活性突出,对非标靶生物安全,从而成为绿色植保的重要研究方向。蚜虫蜜露(Honeydew HON)成份和性外激素(Sex pheromone)成份假荆芥内酯(Z,E-Nepetalactone NEP)能够吸引多种蚜虫天敌。蚜虫报警外激素成分反-β-法尼烯(E-β-Farnesene EβF),能够干扰蚜虫对寄主的定位和取食,在实验室内能够对蚜虫天敌有很强的吸引作用。这些或许能为菜蚜的防治开辟新的途径。为了弄清EβF、蜜露和假荆芥内酯对蚜虫及其天敌的作用,本论文研究了HON和NEP对菜蚜及其天敌异色瓢虫,黑带食蚜蝇的嗅觉测定和风洞试验,并探明了EβF与低浓度的吡虫啉补充使用对菜蚜的防控作用,及EβF,HON和NEP对菜蚜天敌的作用效果。EβF与吡虫啉补充使用对菜蚜的防控作用实验分4个处理:(a)对照田;(b) EβF释放田块;(c)低浓度吡虫啉喷洒田;(d) EβF释放和低浓度吡虫啉喷洒田。距离EβF释放装置5m,10m,15m和20m的白菜上相关的蚜虫被调查。其他田间实验均设处理和对照两个实验小区,并调查黄盆内和5m之内白菜上昆虫种类和数量。1.假荆芥内酯和蜜露提取物对蚜虫及其天敌的影响在四臂嗅觉计中,除了100μg/ml,HON 4和10μg/ml NEP对蚜虫在嗅觉计臂中停留时间的影响有显著性差异(P < 0.05)外,其他的挥发物对蚜虫均没有显著性影响(P > 0.05)。10μg/ml的HON 1,1μg/ml的HON 2,10μg/ml的HON 4和1μg/ml的NEP对异色瓢虫的停留时间有显著性影响(P < 0.05)。风洞实验中异色瓢虫被1 mg剂量的NEP显著吸引,而对桃蚜和黑带食蚜蝇没有显著性影响。田间实验结果为:白菜上瓢虫数量顺序为HON 2 (10.7) > HON 1 (5.3) > CK (4.7)。白菜上僵蚜数量顺序为HON 1 (338) > HON 2 (236) > CK (53)。白菜上蚜虫的数量为HON 1 (4430) < HON 2 (5852) < CK (6688)。2.反-β-法尼烯在田间对菜蚜种群数量的影响2009年和2010年,5m距离内,(c)小区内白菜上有翅蚜和无翅蚜显著高于(d)小区内的白菜上蚜虫数量(P < 0.05)。2009年,(a)小区内白菜上的无翅蚜数量显著高于和(b)小区内无翅蚜数量(P < 0.05)。2年内4个处理和4个距离的交互作用对无翅蚜有显著的影响(P < 0.01)。EβF和低浓度吡虫啉喷洒的交互作用对无翅蚜在5m、10m和15m (P < 0.05)距离内有显著影响,2010年在5m和10m内对有翅蚜有显著影响(P < 0.05)。忌避率和EβF释放装置距离之间的关系符合Cubic模型,在没有使用杀虫剂的对照田中为:Y = 327.220 - 0.153x3 + 6.344x2 - 82.254x, F = 3.687, P = 0.062, R2 = 0.580;在低浓度吡虫啉使用田中为:Y = 304.640 - 0.195x3 + 6.866x2 - 74.766x, F = 13.149, P = 0.002, R2 = 0.831。3.反-β-法尼烯在田间对天敌种群的影响对照田块中白菜上的瓢虫数量显著低于EβF释放田块中的白菜上的数量(2009: F1,4 = 0.000, P < 0.05; 2010: F1,4 = 7.185, P < 0.05)。蚜茧蜂在对照田块中黄盆水中的数量显著低于EβF释放田块中黄盆里的数量(2009: F1,4 = 1.538, P < 0.05; 2010: F1,4 = 0.643, P < 0.05)。2年内白菜上的僵蚜量(P < 0.01)和小区内蜘蛛量(P < 0.05)有显著性差异,黄盆内瓢虫(P < 0.01)数量有显著差异。但是处理和2年之间的交互作用没有显著性差异。蚜虫在空白对照田中的数量显著高于EβF释放田块(2009: F1,4 = 1.454, P < 0.01; 2010: F1,4 = 0.491, P < 0.05)。室内及田间试验结果表明,一定剂量的蚜虫蜜露提取物、假荆芥内酯和反-β-法尼烯,对菜蚜及其主要天敌的行为反应均具有显著影响;田间释放蚜虫分泌物对蚜虫的防控有一定的作用,尤其是在5m内,效果明显。但是单一的挥发物释放,并不能大幅度地降低蚜虫的种群数量,蚜虫分泌物与低浓度的化学农药补充使用,能够更有效地降低蚜虫种群数量,减少单纯依赖常规化学农药所带来的负面影响。

【Abstract】 Aphids cause much damage to Chinese cabbage in north China. Over reliance on pesticides has negative effects, for example the environment, natural enemies and food safety. Large enviromental and human health costs that compel researchers to seek alternative management tactics and technology for aphids control. The biggest strength of biological control is no polluted to environment. This is incomparable to the other tactics for disease and pests control. Own secretions of aphids can do some effects to themselves and their natural enemies. The specificity and bioactivity of aphids own secretions are strong, and it is also safe to the no target creature. So it will be the very important direction of green pesticide. The component of aphid alarm pheromone, E-β-Farnesene (EβF); sex pheromone, Z,E-Nepetalactone (NEP) and Honeydew (HON) are very important secretions of aphids. EβF which interferes with aphid host locating and feeding, can strong attract natural enemies in laboratory. The component of aphid Honeydew and sex pheromone can also attract natural enemies. This maybe can provide theoretical basis for the cabbage aphids control. To understand the effects of EβF、HON and NEP to aphids and their natural enemies. This article tests the olfaction of aphids and natural enemies ladybeetles, Syrphidaes to the three molecules using olfactometer and wind tunnel in laboratory. And we also released in the fields to test the effects of the combination of E-β-Farnesene and low concentration imidacloprid, and the effects of E-β-Farnesene,Honeydew and Nepetalactone. The research of the combination of E-β-Farnesene and low concentration imidacloprid was established by four treatment field plots: (a) Control; (b) EβF released; (c) Low concentration imidacloprid sprayed (LCIS); (d) LCIS and EβF released. We selected 5 m, 10 m, 15 m and 20 m away from the releaser to investigate the related aphid data.1. Effects of Z,E-Nepetalactone and Honeydew on aphids and natural enemiesIn the olfactometer experiments, HON 4 (100μg/ml) and NEP (10μg/ml) can do significant influence to the duration time of aphids. HON 1 (10μg/ml), HON 2 (1μg/ml),HON 4 (10μg/ml)and NEP (1μg/ml) can do significant influence to the duration time of ladybeetles. In the wind tunnel, the Asian lady beetle Harmonia axyridis Pallas was significantly attracted by the NEP at a dose of 1 mg, the aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and the hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus did not show any behavioural response to this volatile compound. The results in the fields is: the order of ladybeetles on the plants is Honeydew 2 (10.7) > Nepetalactone (9.7) > Honeydew 1 (5.3) > CK (4.7); mummified aphids: Nepetalactone (430) > Honeydew 1 (338) > Honeydew 2 (236) > CK (53); Cabbage aphids: Honeydew 1 (4430) < Honeydew 2 (5852) < Nepetalactone (6509) < CK (6688).2. Effects of E-β-Farnesene on aphids in the fieldThe result showed that, at 5 m, alatae and apterae were significantly higher in plots (c) than (d) both in 2009 and 2010. There were significant differences for apterae between plots (a) and (b) in 2009 (P < 0.05). It was significantly different in the interactions of treatment and distance for apterae (P < 0.01) in the two years. There were significant differences in the interactions of EβF and LCIS for apterae at 5 m, 10 m, 15 m (P < 0.05) in 2009, 5 m (P < 0.05) in 2010; for alatae 5 m, 10 m (P < 0.05) in 2010. The relationships between deterrent rate (Y) and distance (x) from the releaser were simulated by the cubic models, in EβF without LCIS plots: Y = 327.220 - 0.153x3 + 6.344x2 - 82.254x, F = 3.687, P = 0.062, R2 = 0.580; In EβF with LCIS plots: Y = 304.640 - 0.195x3 + 6.866x2 - 74.766x, F = 13.149, P = 0.002, R2 = 0.831.3. Effects of E-β-Farnesene on natural enemies in the fieldLadybeetles on Chinese cabbage leaves were significantly higher in EβF released plots than in control plots (2009: F1,4 = 0.000, P < 0.05; 2010: F1,4 = 7.185, P < 0.05). Aphidiidae were significantly higher in EβF released yellow traps than in control yellow traps (2009: F1,4 = 1.538, P < 0.05; 2010: F1,4 = 0.643, P < 0.05). There were significant differences in mummified aphids (P < 0.01) and spiders (P < 0.05) on cabbage plants, ladybeetles in traps (P < 0.01) between the two years. But no significant differences were detected in the interactions of different treatments and the two years for all natural enemies. Importantly, significantly low aphid densities were found in EβF released plots (2009: F1,4 = 1.454, P < 0.01; 2010: F1,4 = 0.491, P < 0.05).The behavioral experiment of aphids and natural enemies in laboratory show that some doses of E-β-Farnesene、Z,E-Nepetalactone and Honeydew can do some effects on the behaviour of aphids and natural enemies. The field experiments show that secretions of aphids can do some effects on aphid control, especially in 5m. But using secretions of aphids solely, the effects is very little. Some secretions together with low concentration insecticide is a good solution, it can reduce the aphid population effectively, and also can reduce the negative influence by chemical pesticide.


