

Effects of Different Waterlogging Stages on Emergence Rate, Yield and Quality of Winter Wheat

【作者】 刘鑫

【导师】 田奇卓;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 为探明冬小麦不同生育时期渍水和不同渍水时间对不同品种出苗率和产量及品质的影响,在池栽和盆栽两种条件下,对冬小麦不同生育时期渍水和不同渍水时间与其产量、品质、光合性能、物质运转、NPK吸收、衰老酶活性的关系进行了研究,旨在为渍涝麦田损失的界定提供理论依据,也为农业保险业的发展提供技术支撑。主要研究结果如下:1.播种深度和播后渍水时间与出苗率及冬前幼苗质量的关系在池栽控制条件下,采用4个不同类型品种对播深和淹水时间的响应进行研究,结果表明:播种后淹水1-4天,可导致5种播深TN18的平均出苗率降低22.43%,越冬期单株干物重降低21.56%;JM20分别降低23.43%和18.46%;SN8355分别降低9.66%和19.86%;LM14分别降低6.21%和23.20%;说明淹水对TN18和JM20出苗率的影响显著低于SN8355和LM14。淹水可使3 cm地温降低0.47℃,5 cm降低1.15℃。在淹水时间相等条件下,随播种深度的增加,对出苗率和幼苗质量的影响逐渐增大;在播深相同时,淹水时间越长影响越大。在播深2-6 cm范围内,播种越浅出苗率和越冬期单株干物重越高,淹水对其的影响也越小,浅播是降低易涝地区渍涝灾害的有效措施;但由于浅播分蘖节基本处在2cm处,不利于抗寒和抗旱,因而该结果仅适于渍涝麦田应用。2.渍水与冬小麦产量和品质的关系开花期和灌浆期渍水均会导致生物产量、籽粒产量、千粒重、经济系数不同程度下降,且渍水时间越长受影响越大。高肥地开花期淹水的W3、W6、W9和W12处理的经济产量分别比W0降低1.22%、3.60%、4.84%和6.01%,仅W12与W0达到显著水平,W3、W6、W9与W0未达到显著水平。中肥地开花期淹水W3、W6、W9和W12处理的经济产量分别比W0降低4.40%、4.71%、8.46%和10.75%,W3、W6与W0未达到显著水平,W9和W12与W0达到显著水平。中肥地灌浆期淹水W3、W6、W9和W12处理的经济产量分别比W0降低0.08%、2.42%、4.13%和8.57%,W3、W6与W0未达到显著水平,W9和W12与W0达到显著水平,W9和W12之间也达到显著水平。高肥开花期渍水各处理的平均产量为9385.13kg.hm-1 ,高于中肥开花期各处理平均产量8773.35kg.hm-1和中肥灌浆期各处理平均产量9017.21kg.hm-1。且高肥的千粒重、经济系数均高于中肥地。中肥地力条件下,开花期渍水各处理对产量的影响大于灌浆期渍水对产量的影响。开花期、灌浆期渍水12天后,籽粒蛋白含量、湿面筋含量、面团稳定时间和沉淀值均显著减小。说明小麦生育后期渍水会导致其品质的下降。此外,高肥地力条件下籽粒蛋白含量、湿面筋含量、吸水率、形成时间、沉淀值均高于中肥。起身期渍水会导致穗数的显著降低;挑旗期渍水对千粒重的影响最大;开花期渍水对经济系数影响最大;开花期和灌浆期渍水会引起小青穗增多,结实穗数减少。开花期和灌浆期渍水对产量的影响大于起身期和挑旗期。3.渍水与小麦旗叶生理生化指标的关系对植株旗叶光合性能的测定表明,渍水会使冬小麦旗叶光合速率提高,渍水结束后时间越长,渍水处理与对照的光合速率差距越大,不同处理旗叶Pn均随着生育期的推进逐渐减小。池栽和盆栽开花和灌浆期渍水处理的ФPSⅡ、Fv/Fm值均较对照略有下降,且渍水对ФPSⅡ值的影响幅度大于Fv/Fm。植株开花和灌浆期渍水后旗叶SOD、CAT活性下降,MDA含量和POD活性升高,说明渍水对植株有一定的伤害;渍水结束后6天与对照处理SOD、POD、CAT、MDA的差值均小于渍水刚结束时,说明小麦有一定的自我修复能力。开花后对照处理旗叶的SOD、POD、CAT活性均呈现下降趋势,MDA含量呈上升趋势。高肥地旗叶的SOD、POD、CAT活性高于同时期中肥地,而MDA含量低于同时期的中肥地。4.渍水与物质运转和分配的关系与对照相比较,渍水12天会导致各处理生物产量降低,运转量、转移率和贡献率显著下降,导致单茎籽粒产量下降,说明渍水会影响茎杆的干物质向籽粒转移,最终影响产量。开花和灌浆期渍水12天的籽粒氮含量较对照均显著下降,秸秆中磷、钾含量均显著上升。高肥地渍水各处理开花期单株氮含量、籽粒氮含量,收获期单株氮含量、氮运转量、氮转移率、氮贡献率的平均值高于中肥地。但是渍水后高肥地籽粒中氮含量降低幅度为14.07%,而中肥地下降不显著,说明渍水会促进高肥地开花前积累氮素向营养器官的转移,而抑制开花后积累氮素向籽粒的运转。

【Abstract】 In order to explore the influence of different waterlogging stages and different waterlogging time on emergence rate and yield and quality, pool plant and potted were used to research the effect of different waterlogging stage and different waterlogging time on yield,quality,photosynthesis properties,matter transfer, NPK absorption and aging enzyme activity,aiming to provide theoretical basis for the definition of waterlogging crop loss and technical support for The development of agricultural insurance. The main findings were as follows:1. Effect of sowing depth and waterlogging after sowing on emergence rate and the quality of seedlings before winterWith the pool planted condition,using four different varieties to study the response of sowing depth and waterlogging time under controll condition. Results showed that: waterlogging can reduce 3 cm soil temperature by 0.47℃, 5 cm soil temperature by 1.15℃. When the waterlogging time was equal, with the increase of sowing depth, waterlogging influence germination rate and seedling quality more and more strongly; when sowing depth was the same, with the increase of waterlogging time, the influence of waterlogging increase. When the sowing depth was in the range from 2 cm to 6 cm, shallow sowing can make germination rate and seedling quality higher, and reduce the effect on waterlogging, so shallow sowing was one of effective measures to treat waterlogging in waterlogging areas. However, shallow sowing makes the tillering node basically in 2 cm, not conducive to resistance freezing and drought, so the results were only suitable for waterlogging areas.2. Effect of waterlogging on yield and qualityAnthesis and filling stage waterlogging can cause biomass yield,grain yield ,1000-Kernel weight,harvest index decrease,and with waterlogging time become longer, the impact was bigger. The grain yield of treatments W3、W6、W9 and W12 waterlogged in the anthesis in high fertilizer soil respectively were lower 1.22%、3.60%、4.84% and 6.01% than W0 treatment,only W12 and W0 treatment reach the significant level, W3、W6、W9 and W0 did not reach the significant level. The grain yield of treatments W3、W6、W9 and W12 waterlogged in the anthesis in medium fertilizer soil respectively were lower 4.40%、4.71%、8.46% and 10.75% than W0 treatment, W3、W6 and W0 treatment did not reach the significant level, W9、W12and W0 reach the significant level.The grain yield of treatments W3、W6、W9 and W12 waterlogged in the filling stage in medium fertilizer soil respectively were lower 0.08%、2.42%、4.13% and 8.57% than W0 treatment, W3、W6 and W0 treatment did not reach the significant level, W9、W12 and W0 reach the significant level, W9 and W12 also reach the significant level.Waterlogging for 1 to 4 days after sowing can led to the average germination rate of five different sowing depths of TN18 decreased by 22.43%, winter dry matter decreased by 21.56%; JM20 decreased by 23.43% and 18.46%; SN8355 decreased by 9.66% and 19.86%; LM14 decreased by 6.21% and 23.20%; the effects of waterlogging on TN18 and JM20 were significantly lower than that on the SN8355 and LM14. The average yield of high fertility anthesis stage waterlogging treatment was 9385.13 kg.hm-1,higher than the average yield of medium fertility anthesis stage waterlogging treatment 8773.35kg.hm-1and the average yield of medium fertility filling stage waterlogging treatment 9017.21kg.hm-1.And 1000-Kernel weight and harvest index, high fertility treatments were higher than medium fertility treatments. Under the condition of medium fertility,anthesis stage waterlogging treatments make greater influence in yield than filling stage waterlogging treatments.After theanthesis and filling 12 days waterlogging, grain protein content, flourwet gluten content, dough stability time, zeleny sedimentation bolume significantly reduce.It explains that the later stage waterlogging can cause quality significantly reduce.In addition,we also find that Grain protein content, flourwet gluten content,Water absorption,Dough stability time,Zeleny sedimentation bolume in the high fertility condition were higher than that in medium condition.Arosing stage waterlogging can cause spike number significantly reduce;flagging stage waterlogging has the biggest influence on 1000-Kernel weight;anthesis stage waterlogging has the biggest influence on harvest index; anthesis stage and filling stage waterlogging can cause small green spikes significantly increase, pregnant spikes significantly reduce. The effect of anthesis stage and filling stage was bigger than that of arosing stage and flagging stage.3. Effect of waterlogging on flagleaf physiological and biochemical index hThe research on flagleaf photosynthetic showed that, the waterlogging can improve the photosynthetic of winter wheat. Besides, the longer after waterlogging end,the photosynthetic value will more different between waterlogging treatment and contrast treatment,the flagleaf photosynthetic of different treatments were decreased gradually along with the growth period. In the aspects of flagleaf fluorescence,the waterlogging treatment’sФPSⅡa nd Fv/Fm value were down slightly than contrast treatment,which were treated in the anthesis and fillingperiod in pool and pot planted experiment. Waterlogging treatment influenceФPSⅡvalue more than Fv/Fm value.The flagleaf SOD、CAT activity decreased and POD activity,MDA content increased when waterlogging in the anthesis and fillingperiod, state that waterlogging has certain harm to plant.After six days waterlogging end,the difference value of SOD and POD and CAT, MDA were less than the difference value when waterlogging just end between contrast treatment and waterlogging treatment, state that wheat has certain self-repairing ability.After the flowering the contrast treatment’s wheat flagleaf SOD and POD and CAT activities were declines, MDA content shows ascendant trend. The flagleaf of SOD and POD, CAT activity were higher in high fertilizer soil than in the medium fertilizer soil in the same period , And MDA content was lower than in the medium fertilizer soil in the same period.4. Effect of waterlogging on Translocation and distribution of materialCompared with CK,waterlogging for 12 days can cause biomass yield,grain yield,transition quantity, transfer rate,contribution rate significantly increase, stem and leaf weight significantly reduce,that cause grain weight per stem reduce.It illustrates that waterlogging prevent straw dry matter transfer to grain, leading to dry matter transfer rate,contribution rate reduce, ultimately influence yield.Nitrogen content of Anthesis and filling stage waterlogging for 12 days was significantly reduce contrast to CK,but P,Kcontent significantly increase. The High fertilizer waterlogging treatment flowering plant nitrogen content, grain nitrogen content, harvest nitrogen content per plant, nitrogen transition quantity, nitrogen transfer rate, higher than that of medium fertilizer. But after waterlogging in the high fertilizer the nitrogen content of grain decreased margin of 14.07%,but in medium fertilizer waterlogging the nitrogen content of grain decrease was not significant.This shows that in high fertilizerwaterlogging condition,waterlogging can stimulate accumulated of nitrogen before flowering transport more to the vegetative organs, but restrain the accumulation of nitrogen after flowering tranfer less to grain.


