

Species Diversity and Fauna Analysis of Butterflies in Mount Tai

【作者】 张起玉

【导师】 卢希平;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 森林保护学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 采用样地法和Poolard路线样带法对泰山蝶类物种多样性进行了调查,共采集标本160只,发现泰山蝶类40种,隶属7科31属。其中新记录一种,为尖角黄粉蝶(Eurema laeta Boisduval);国家二级保护蝶类一种,即冰清绢蝶(Parnassius glacialis Butler)。其中蛱蝶科种类最多,有11属13种;凤蝶科3属6种;眼蝶科5属6种;粉蝶科3属6种;弄蝶科4属4种;灰蝶科4属4种;绢蝶科最少,为1属1种。按照Poolard路线样带法,共设置3条样线,分别为东线、中线和西线。各样线按月份进行分析。东线蝴蝶的种类和数量最多出现在7月;而多样性指数和均匀度最高出现在8月;西线蝴蝶的种类数最高出现在6、7和8月,数量最多出现在7月份,多样性指数和均匀度最高出现在8月份。中线蝴蝶的种类数、个体数量、多样性指数、均匀度最高值均出现在7月。全年各样线蝴蝶多样性分析表明,物种数东线与西线相同,中线略少;个体总数顺序为东线>西线>中线;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数变化趋势为东线>西线>中线;均匀度大小顺序为东线>西线>中线。相似性分析表明,西线和中线的相似性指数最高,东线和中线的相似性指数最低。3条样线分析显示,游人多的样线蝶类多样性低。泰山旅游业的发展给蝶类的生物多样性及生存带来了不利影响。利用样地法调查了泰山蝶类的垂直分布,调查中将泰山分为3个海拔梯度,分别为500m以下、500~1000m和1000~1500m,每个海拔高度设置3个样地。各样地蝴蝶的种类数大小顺序为500m以下=500~1000m>1000~1500m;个体总数顺序为500-1000m>500m以下>1000~1500m;Shannon—Wiener多样性指数变化趋势为500~1000m>500m以下>1000~1500m;均匀度大小顺序为500~1000m>500m以下>1000~1500m。泰山蝶类的种类数量随海拔高度的上升呈现下降的趋势,但总体数量呈先上升后下降的趋势。在海拔500-1000m时蝶类多样性指数最高,即落叶阔叶与针叶混交林比落叶阔叶林、高山灌木和针叶林的环境更适合蝶类生存。泰山蝶类从3月份开始出现,且数量在不断上升,6月达最高峰,但11月份仍有蝶类成虫活动。12月至次年2月未见蝶类成虫活动。泰山蝶类优势种为菜粉蝶(Pieris rapae Linnaeus)、琉璃灰蝶(Celastrina argiola Linnaeus)和黄钩蛱蝶(Polygonia c-aureum Linnaeus)。对泰山蝴蝶进行了区系分析,其中东洋种3种,占7.5%,比例最少;古北种11种,占27.5%;共有种18种,占45%,比例最多;广布种有8种,占20%。表明泰山蝶类在地理区系中以共有种为主。

【Abstract】 The species diversity of butterflies in Mount Tai was investigated by using the methods of“sample plot”and“Poolard route”. 160 specimens of butterflies were collected in total and 40 species of butterflies belonging to 7 families and 31 genera were identified, among which one new-recorded species to Mount Tai, Eurema laeta Boisduval and the butterfly under Class II State protection, Parnassius glacialis Butler were found. Of the butterflies collected, the 13 species and 11 genera belonged to Nymphalidae with the most abundant species, Papilionidae 6 species and 3 genera, Satyridae 6 species and 5 genera, Pieridae 6 species and 3 genera, Hesperiidae 6 species and 3 genera, Hesperiidae 4 species and 4 genera, Lycaenidae 4 species and 4 genera and Parnassidae 1 species and 1 genus with the rare species.Based on the method of Poolard route, three lines named“east line”,“middle line”and“west line”were set for surveying the butterflies in Mount Tai. The butterfly diversity of each line was comparatively analyzed monthly from March to November. In the east line, the number of species and individuals of butterflies was most abundant in east line in July, but the highest diversity and the evenness of the butterflies appeared in August. In west line, the time with the most abundant species of butterfly was from June to August, the highest diversity and the evenness of butterflies of different months also appeared in August, but the most number of individuals appeared in July. In middle line, the numbers species and individuals, the diversity and the evenness of butterflies all peaked in July. The comparison of the community characteristics of the three lines concluded that the number of butterfly species in the east and the west line paralleled, the middle line had slightly fewer species; the order of number of butterfly individuals was the east line > the west line > the middle line; the indexes of diversity and the evenness in the three lines all trends the same as the order of the number of butterfly individuals. The similarity analysis showed that the similarity coefficient between the west line and the middle line was the highest, and the lowest one was between the west and the middle line. All the results showed that the middle line which visitors often climb the Mount Tai had lower diversity of butterflies, meaning the tourism exerted an adverse effect on the biodiversity and the survival of butterflies.The diversity of butterflies in three vertical altitudes, <500m, 500~1000m and 1000~1500m, in Mount Tai was surveyed and analysed by using the method of sample plot. The order of richness, i.e. the number of the species, was( <500m)= (500~1000m) > (1000~1500m); the total number of individuals (500~1000m )> (<500m)> (1000~1500m), the Shannon-Wiener diversity indexes (500~1000m) > (<500m) > (1000~1500m), the evenness (500~1000m) > (<500m) > (1000~1500m). The number of butterfly species in the mountain decreased with the rise of altitude, but the total number was first increased and then decreased. Diversity index of butterflies in 500~1000m was highest, i.e. the mixed deciduous broad-leaved and coniferous forests are more suitable for the survival of the butterflies than the single deciduous broad-leaved forest, or shrubs and coniferous forest environment in the higher altitude.The butterflies in Mount Tai emerge from March each year, the number of butterfly populations rise gradually and peak in June, adult butterflies still were seen in November in the wild, but no butterflies adult were found from December to next February.The dominant species of butterflies in Mount Tai were Pieris rapae Linnaeus, Celastrina argiola Linnaeus and Polygonia c-aureum Linnaeus.The fauna of butterflies in Mount Tai was analyzed. 3 species belonged to Oriental region, accounting for 7.5% with lowest proportion; 11 species in Palaearctic region, accounting for 27.5%; 18 common species in Oriental and Palaearctic region, accounting for 45% with largest proportion; and 8 widespread species, accounting for 20%, Butterflies in Mount Tai in fauna were dominated by common species.


