

A Research on Current Situation of Chinese Teaching in Elementary Schools in Xiangxi Miao Areas

【作者】 张红梅

【导师】 李梦;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 我国是一个统一的多民族国家,汉语是我们各民族之间通用的语言。搞好少数民族地区的汉语文教育,对促进少数民族地区的经济发展,繁荣民族地区的科学文化,加强各民族之间的交流和交往,都具有重要意义。湖南湘西土家族、苗族自治州是一个以土家族和苗族为主的少数民族和汉族杂居的自治州。在民族杂居的城镇和农村,人们使用的语言为汉语方言,但在苗族聚居的村寨,苗语是人们唯一使用的交际语言。湘西苗区大多处于交通、信息不发达的山区,因此,苗区(苗族聚居区)的儿童大多在入学前不会汉语,对于苗区儿童来说,苗语是自己的母语,虽然对汉语不能说是完全陌生,但是由于缺乏汉语语言环境,苗区小学低年级的儿童汉语基础非常差。汉语作为苗区儿童的第二语言,其汉语文教学理应遵循第二语言教学理论来组织,但是,在湘西苗区,汉语文教学模式几乎完全是按照第一语言教学(汉族地区)的模式来进行的,这给苗区的汉语文教学带来了极大的困难,也是湘西苗区汉语文教学一直落后的症结所在。通过文献阅读、问卷调查、听课走访和比较分析等方法,研究了湖南湘西苗族聚居地区的小学汉语文教学状况,集中对凤凰县苗区的几所小学进行了走访调查,了解到湘西苗区小学汉语文教学普遍存在的问题:苗区小学生初学汉语难,苗语语音、语法跟汉语有很大差异,从而产生母语负迁移作用,而教材对苗区学生来说内容偏多、偏难,是适合汉族学生使用编排的教材;苗区留守儿童数量逐渐增多,教育难;教学资源不足,设备陈旧落后;教师整体素质相对偏低,教师待遇比较差。针对这些问题,相应对策为:全面推广以苗族母语启蒙学汉语文;政府和学校应采取有效措施解决留守儿童的教育问题;开发、利用汉语文课程教学资源,尽快为苗区孩子定制专门的教材;加强教师培训工作,鼓励教师相互学习、交流,提高教师生活待遇。本论分为四部分:第一部分阐述选题缘由、研究方法、理论依据以及前人对湘西苗族地区汉语文教学的研究情况;第二部分为调查的内容及步骤,并分析了调查结果,从中发现苗区汉语文教学存在的问题和困难;第三部分分析影响湘西苗族地区小学汉语文教学的因素,有母语负迁移的影响,苗区留守儿童教育难的问题,教学设备陈旧落后和师资力量薄弱等;第四部分针对影响苗区汉语文教学发展的问题,结合苗区实际情况,提出了相应的解决对策。

【Abstract】 China is a unified multi-ethnic country. Chinese is our common language among different ethnic groups. In order to promote economic development, prosper the cultural science of minority areas, strengthen the exchange and contact among people, we should improve Chinese education of minority areas.There are more minority people than Han Chinese people in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province. People speak Chinese dialects in towns and rural areas, but in the villages inhabited by the Miao (Hmong) the only language is Miao language when they communicate each other. Miao Communities are always in mountain region with poor situation of transportation, and the information is not developed. Therefore, most children do not understand Chinese before they begin their School education. Miao language is Miao children’s mother language, even though Chinese is not unknown completely, because of lacking Chinese language environment, Miao children’s Chinese is very poor before they go to school. Chinese as a second language for Miao children of Miao Communities, the Chinese language teaching should follow the theory of second language learning to organize, but in Xiangxi Miao areas, Chinese teaching almost entirely in accordance with the model of Han Chinese regions. This is a great challenge to Miao communities’Chinese teaching. It is also the reason of why Chinese teaching in Xiangxi Miao area has been the crux lie.Through literature reviewing, questionnaire studying, visiting classes, comparison method to study the current situation of elementary schools’Chinese teaching in Miao areas of Xiangxi . The study is mainly done in several elementary schools of Fenghuang County. The problems of Chinese teaching in Xiangxi Miao regions are focus on these aspects: It is difficult to Miao children to begin to learn Chinese , for Miao’s pronunciation and grammar are very different with the Chinese, so it results in the role of negative transference; the Chinese book is just appropriate to Han Chinese students, it is too difficult to learn to Miao pupils; with the gradually increased number children of migrant workers’, the education in Miao regions became a big problem; lacking of Chinese teaching resources and equipments are obsolete; the quality of teachers is relatively low and the salary of teachers are very poor.Countermeasures to solve these problems are: promoting the way of using mother language when begin to learn Chinese ; government and schools should take effective measures to address the education of migrant workers’children; developing and using all kinds of Chinese teaching resources, customizing appropriate Chinese books for children of migrant workers as soon as possible; strengthening teachers’training and encouraging teachers to exchange experiences each other and learn from each other, improving the living conditions of teachers.The thesis is divided into four parts: the first part elaborates the reason of selecting the topic, research methods, theoretical basses and the previous research about Chinese teaching in Xiangxi Miao areas; the second part talks about the contents and procedures of surveys, analyzes the survey results then try to find the problems which exist in Chinese teaching of Xiangxi Miao areas; the third part analyzes the factors of affecting Chinese teaching in primary schools of Xiangxi Miao areas: the effects of negative transfer of mother tongue, the hard education of migrant workers’children, the outdated teaching equipments, and the weak teaching staffs; the fourth part put forward the countermeasures according to the actual situation that affects the development of Chinese teaching of Xiangxi Miao areas.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

