

Economic Analysis on Circular Economy Legislation

【作者】 郭宁

【导师】 谢地;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 人类的生存发展离不开赖以生存的环境,而环境又为人类的活动提供了不可或缺的自然资源。人类通过对自然资源和生态环境开发利用实现自身生存与发展的同时,给自然资源和生态环境造成了不同程度的污染和破坏。这就促使人类去寻求一种更为科学的经济发展模式,以解决当前面临的环境问题,满足人类长期发展的需要,循环经济正是在这样的社会背景中产生的。循环经济作为一种新型的经济发展观,为了谋求经济的持续发展,它作为一种新的经济发展模式代替以往传统的经济模式。通过长期的实践,许多发达国家都实现了循环经济的法制化与社会化,通过法律手段来推动和保障循环经济的发展,实现了循环经济法制化与社会化的融合。我国循环经济法制建设经历了长期的发展过程,虽取得一定的成绩,但从总体来看还不够完善,有待于我们运用经济学的工具和标准来辨别是否符合社会多元化的需求。本文通过对循环经济基本理论的论述,力求通过回顾整个循环经济法律制度的发展演进过程,借鉴发达国家已经成熟的循环经济法律制度和相关政策,从经济学角度来研究循环经济法律制度,以此提出完善我国循环经济法律制度、推动循环经济发展的建议。本文共分六大部分,分别是导论,循环经济及法律制度概述,发展循环经济法律制度的经济学分析,循环经济法律制度的国内概况,国外循环经济法律制度建设的经验及启示和完善我国循环经济法律制度的建议。第一部分,主要包括论文的研究背景及意义,循环经济法的国内外文献综述,本文的研究方法及内容。第二部分,从知识概念出发对循环经济及其法律制度进行了简单的介绍。首先介绍了循环经济的理论来源,接着引出循环经济的基本内涵,各个学者对循环经济的认识以及“3R”原则,最后给出目前学术界对循环经济法律制度的定性有四种不同的观点。第三部分,对循环经济法律制度进行经济学分析。从经济学角度看,制度本身也是一种商品。立法者、执法者往往希望以最小的消耗获得最大限度的满足,此时政府出台的法律也是为了满足社会成员对制度这一公共产品的需求,存在着供求均衡的问题。博弈论为研究行为人之间的相互影响提供了很好的方法。循环经济法律制度从利益角度看是立法者、生产者以及执法者三者间的利益冲突的集中体现,三者又是如何达到各自的均衡。第四部分,是对我国循环经济法律制度的现状进行分析。首先,列举了我国在循环经济法律建设方面的成绩。其次,阐述我国循环经济在立法、执法和司法上存在的一些缺陷和弊端。第五部分,是循环经济法律制度的国际比较。首先,通过介绍德国、日本、美国等发达国家有关发展循环经济的现状,透视出我国循环经济建设与发达国家的差距。其次,介绍了国外循环经济法律制度对我国的借鉴。第六部分,是关于完善我国循环经济法律制度的若干建议。通过以上几部分对循环经济法律制度的分析和研究,分别从立法和执法方面提出相应的建议。

【Abstract】 The subsistence and development of human species heavily depend on the environment, which provides necessary natural resources for the social activities. However, The exploiting and utilizing of natural resources cause different levels of pollution and damage to the natural resources themselves and the ecological environment. These consequences lead us seek a more scientific economy developing mode, which can solve the current environment problem and also fulfill the requirement of future development of the human society. Circular economy is put forward to resolve the conflict between environment protection and economical development on this background.The sustainable development of the economy requires circular economy, as a fresh new economy developing mode, should replace the former traditional economy developing framework. After long-term legal practices, many developed countries have achieved the legislation and socialization of circular economy, which means protection and promotion of circular economy can be enforced by applying compulsive legal measures. The building circular economy legal system in China has experienced a long developing journey. Though some of the particular parts achieved certain success, the whole legal system is still not systematized in China. So, it is in eager need to analyze the legislation with economic tools and standard so that the circular economy legal system can fulfill the society’s variant needs. In this thesis, the author first analyzed the fundamental concepts of circular economy theory. Then, the author looked back on the evolvement of circular economy legislation history. After that, the author presented the reference from matured circular economy legal system and policies of several developed countries. Finally, the author analyzed the circular legislation from economic perspectives. With all these, the author aimed to provide suggestions for China to complete the circular economy legal system and to promote the advancement of circular economy.This thesis includes six chapters. They are: I) Introduction,Ⅱ) Summary of circular economy and its legal system,Ⅲ) Economical analysis on establishment of circular economy legal system,Ⅳ) Summary of domestic circular economy legal system,Ⅴ) Experience and inspirations on circular economy legislation from developed countries,Ⅵ) Suggestions on circular economy legal system for China. In Chap.1, The author briefed the background and significance of circular economy legislation. The author also surveyed papers on the circular economy law. Then, the author detailed the research method and summarized main content of the dissertation.In Chap.2, The author provided short introduction to circular economy and its legislation. The author first introduced the theoretical root of circular economy and explained its basic meaning. Then, the author summarized different school of thoughts among scholars, and the author especially elucidated the‘3R’principles. Finally, the author concluded the four different definitions of circular economy legal system within academic circle.In Chap.3, the author analyzed the circular economy legal system from economic perspective. From this perspective, the legislation itself is a public commodity. Legislator and law-executor wishes to get maximum effect on minimum expense. The members of the society strongly demand the law issued by government. So, there is a balance problem between supply and demand. The game theory provides perfect method to analyze the interactive influences among reasoning persons. From this perspective, circular economy legal system is the concentrated reflection about the conflict of interest among legislator, producer and law-executor.In Chap.4, The author analyzed the status quo of circular economy legislation in China. First, the author noted the achievements of circular economy legislation. Then, the author discussed the defects and disadvantages of current circular economy in legislation, law enforcement and justice procedure.In Chap.5, the author made an international comparison on circular economy legal system. First, the author summarized the current situation of circular economy of Germany, Japan and USA, etc. The findings reflected the disparity between China and other developed countries. Then, the author concluded the methods and content from developed countries that can be used as references for China. In Chap.6, the author gave several suggestions for China on improvement of circular economy legal system in legislation and law enforcement aspects, respectively. The suggestions are based on all above analysis and research on circular economy legal system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】D912.6;D912.29
  • 【下载频次】200

