

Research on the Relationship between the Urban Rail Transit Platform and the Departure Intervals

【作者】 赵满姣

【导师】 尹相勇;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 北京交通大学硕士学位论文随着全球经济社会的发展、世界各地城市现代化程度的提高。城市交通拥堵问题日益严重,大力发展轨道交通是解决城市交通拥堵的重要途径之一。在我国轨道交通飞速发展的同时,仅仅依靠扩大交通基础设施建设并不能有效的解决交通拥堵。研究车站乘客特性,合理安排运力,是解决交通拥堵的有效方式。城市轨道交通车站站台聚集人数与列车到达间隔密切相关,研究二者的关系有助于经济、合理的进行运力安排与设备配置,对搞好日常行车组织与运营管理工作具有重要意义。本文对城市轨道交通车站站台聚集人数与列车到达间隔的关系进行了研究。站台客流变化直接受到列车运行的影响。在某一固定时段内进出站乘客总人数恒定的情况下,列车到达间隔时间直接影响到站台聚集人数的变化情况。根据站台上的乘客在一个列车到达时间间隔内的动态变化过程,设计了站台聚集人数的在各个阶段的计算方法。并由此确定任意时刻站台上的聚集人数。本文结合深圳地铁三号线大运站的实际和预测数据,对研究的算法进行了示例分析。当列车到达间隔为12min、8min、6min时,采用本文的算法,分别研究上下行列车错时到达站台时,站台聚集人数的变化情况。验证了相关算法的适用性。

【Abstract】 With the development of the global economic and society and the higher level of city modernization in the world, urban traffic congestion is becoming increasingly serious. Thus, as one of the most efficient methods, it is crucial to build a better public transportation system to solve this problem. With the rapid development of rail transportation in China, only expanding transport infrastructure alone can not effectively relieve traffic congestion Researching the characteristics of passenger in stations and reasonable arrangements for transport capacity, is an effective way to solve the traffic congestion。Assembling passengers in the urban rail transit stations platform are closely related to the train arrival interval. Study the relationship between the two, helps the capacity arrangements and equipment for allocation economically and reasonably. At the same time, it is important to improve the daily traffic on the organization and operation.In this paper, the relationship between the assembling passengers in the urban rail transit stations platform and the train arrival interval were studied. The passenger flow directly affected by the train arrival interval. When the total number of passengers entering and leaving stations is constant In a fixed period of time, the train arrival interval directly affect the number of the assembling passengers in the urban rail transit stations platform. According to passengers’ dynamic process on the platform of within a train arrival time, this paper designed a way to calculate the number of the assembling passengers in various stages. This paper gathered the actual and forecast data of Dayun Station of Shenzhen Metro Line 3 analyzed the sample with the algorithm. This paper uses the algorithm to study the changes of the number of assembling passengers in the urban rail transit stations platform under three different programs in different circumstances, at the same time, Verified the applicability of related algorithms.


