

Cloud-based Digital Library Construction Research

【作者】 孝童

【导师】 毕强;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 图书馆学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2009年9月中国图书馆学会学术委员会举办“云计算与图书馆”专题研讨会在上海召开,标志着图书馆界正式涉足云计算领域。随着图书馆事业的发展,越来越多的学者开始关注将云计算的理念植入数字图书馆业务中。20世纪90年代,网络技术突破性的进展,数字信息环境的形成,数字图书馆建设全球化热潮,图书馆服务意识的凸显,催生了数字图书馆云服务的新形态。云计算的出现将使延续了上百年的图书馆服务形式发生跃变。云计算技术的发展不仅极大地丰富了图书馆学的理论,而且拓新和延伸了图书馆实践活动的领域。云计算在国内图书情报界受到了极大的关注,云计算已经成为一种不可忽视的网格计算模型和商业计算环境。目前,中国高等教育文献保障系统(China Academic Library Information System, CALIS)技术中心开发的支持分布式云服务的CALIS数字图书馆云服务平台已初步完成,为新一代数字图书馆系统的开发和实施奠定了全新的技术基础。云计算技术必将成为数字图书馆服务的新亮点。但是,综观国内外云计算数字图书馆的研究发展情况,国内数字图书馆的发展与国外同行存在较大的差距,其中既有技术的原因,也有体制的因素。虽然近年来我国数字图书馆业取得了令人瞩目的成就,但由于基础设施建设的滞后及从业人员素质方面的约束等,我国许多数字图书馆服务水平较低,至今大多图书馆基于云计算的项目却尚未起步。就国内高校数字图书馆而言,目前还没有一个正式的云计算服务项目。分析其原因,思考解决的办法,试图对我国数字图书馆云服务发展和数字图书馆建设起到推进作用这正是本文的研究对象和努力的方向。本文以国内外云计算的发展和研究现状为研究起点,主要研究内容如下:第1章,绪论。概述了论文的选题背景、目的和意义以及研究内容,‘并介绍了国内外云计算的发展现状以及云计算在数字图书馆的相关研究。第2章,云计算相关理论及关键技术概述。对与论文研究相关的理论进行了综述,论述了云计算的概念、云环境的特点、云计算的体系结构、云计算与其他运算的关系和其实现机制等。第3章,云计算对数字图书馆的影响分析。主要分析云计算对数字图书馆的影响。首先,阐述云计算在数字图书馆中的价值;其次,分析当前我国数字图书馆发展所面临的问题;再次,分析云计算应用于数字图书馆的功能优势;最后,强调基于云计算的数字图书馆建设具有一定风险需谨慎。第4章,基于云计算的数字图书馆实现方法与策略。讨论基于云计算的数字图书馆实践的方法与策略。首先从逻辑层面上分析其实现的可行性,然后分析具体云计算数字图书馆的体系架构;而后阐述了数字图书馆云服务的内容和特点;最后提出建设云计算数字图书馆的策略。第5章,数字图书馆向云演进的系统构建。从实证研究的角度出发,设计了云计算数字图书馆的虚拟资源池配置、数据库服务器架构、数据库访问机制、应用服务器架构以及网络平台架构等。进一步验证了云计算数字图书馆实施的可行性与可操作性。第6章,研究结论与展望。对整篇论文进行总结,提出有待进一步研究的问题,并展望了云计算数字图书馆的发展前景。目前国内图书馆界关于数字图书馆应用云计算的研究基本停留在理论层面和可行性的研究层面,缺乏对从整个数字图书馆系统的角度向云计算演进的具体实施研究。本文不但全面分析了当前我国数字图书馆发展存在的主要问题,而且通过云计算在数字图书馆中的价值总结出云计算的功能优势。在此基础上设计了基于云计算数字书馆的体系架构,并提出了数字图书馆向云演进的策略。本文从实证研究的角度出发,设计了云计算数字图书馆的虚拟资源池配置、数据库服务器架构、数据库访问机制、应用服务器架构以及网络平台架构等。进一步验证了云计算数字图书馆实施的可行性与可操作性。文中所设计的系统着重解决目前数字图书馆的突出问题,在提高虚拟化程度,信息资源的整合以及资源的方面有独特的优势,这些也是论文的创新点所在。构建一个成功的基于云计算数字图书馆服务系统是长期而艰巨的任务,不仅需要图书馆方面的专业人才,而且具有计算机技术方面的综合性人才。这就给新时代的数字图书馆界带来了新的挑战,数字图书馆只有不断地吸纳各种人才为己所用,不断研发更加方便与读者的信息服务模式,才能体现数字图书馆的核心价值而不被其他行业所取代。

【Abstract】 September 2009 organized by the Academic Committee of China Society for Library Science "Cloud Computing and Libraries " workshop held in Shanghai, marking the official involved in the library community of cloud computing. With the development of libraries, more and more scholars begin to pay attention to the concept of cloud computing business of implantable digital library.20th century, 90 years, network technology breakthrough, the formation of digital information environment, globalization, digital library construction boom, highlighting the awareness of library services, gave birth to a new digital library services, cloud forms. The emergence of cloud computing will allow continuation of a century of library service that takes the form jump. Cloud computing technology not only greatly enriched the theory of library science, and the extension of new and extended areas of library practice.Cloud computing books in the country by the intelligence community great concern, cloud computing has become a grid computing model can not be ignored and business computing environment. At present, China Academic Library and Information System (China Academic Library Information System, CALIS) technology center to support the development of CALIS Distributed Digital Library of cloud services cloud services platform has been initially completed, the new generation of digital library system development and implementation of the lay A new technology base. Cloud computing will become a new bright spot in digital library services.However, an overview of domestic and international digital library of cloud development, domestic and foreign in every respect there is a big gap, which for historical reasons, there are practical reasons. In recent years, digital libraries in China has made remarkable progress in industry, but because of the lag network infrastructure and the quality of personnel constraints, etc., many of our low level of digital library services, has most of the cloud-based library The project has not yet been started. For the purposes of Jilin Province, there is no cloud of a formal service. Analysis of the reasons to think the solution in an attempt to cloud service development of digital libraries and digital libraries play a role in facilitating this is the object of this study and efforts.In this paper, the development of cloud computing at home and abroad and the present status as the starting point, the main contents are as follows:Chapter 1, Introduction. Paper outlines the background, purpose and significance of research and describes the development of domestic and international status of cloud computing and cloud computing research in digital libraries.Chapter 2, cloud computing, an overview of relevant theories and key technologies. Associated with the thesis of the theory are reviewed, discussed the concept of cloud computing, cloud characteristics of the environment, the architecture of cloud computing, cloud computing and other computing relations and its implementation mechanisms.Chapter 3, cloud computing, the impact of digital libraries. Analysis of cloud computing major impact on digital libraries. Firstly, the cloud the value of the digital library; Secondly, the analysis of the current development of digital libraries problems; Again, the analysis of cloud computing the functional advantages of digital library; Finally, the importance of the digital library based on cloud computing Pavilion has a certain risk must be careful.Chapter 4, the cloud-based methods and strategies to achieve digital library. Discuss the cloud-based digital library practice methods and strategies. First, the logic level from the analysis of the feasibility of its implementation, and analysis of specific cloud computing architecture of digital libraries; then describes the digital library content and characteristics of cloud services; Finally, the construction of digital libraries cloud computing strategy. Chapter 5, the digital library system to build the cloud evolution. From the perspective of empirical research, the design of the Digital Library of the virtual cloud computing resource pool configuration, database server architecture, database access mechanism, the application server architecture, and network platform architecture and so on. Further verify the implementation of the Digital Library of cloud computing feasibility and operability.Chapter 6, the conclusions and prospects. Summary of the whole thesis, put forward the issue for further research, and prospects cloud prospects for the development of digital libraries.Currently most of the scholars on the Digital Library of the cloud base remains at the theoretical level and the feasibility study level, the lack of the digital library system from the perspective of the evolution of the specific implementation of cloud computing research. This is not only a comprehensive analysis of the current development of digital libraries in China the main problems, but also through the cloud in the Digital Library summarized the value of the functional advantages of cloud computing. On this basis, is designed based on cloud computing architecture of digital libraries and digital library is proposed to the cloud evolution strategy.From the perspective of empirical research, the design of the Digital Library of the virtual cloud computing resource pool configuration, database server architecture, database access mechanism, the application server architecture, and network platform architecture and so on. Further verify the implementation of the Digital Library of cloud computing feasibility and operability. In this paper, a system designed to focus on solving the outstanding problems in current digital libraries, in raising the degree of virtualization, the integration of information resources and the resources have unique advantages, these are also papers innovation lies.Building a successful digital library services based on cloud computing system is a long and arduous task, not only professionals in libraries, computer aspects of personnel is also essential. Which gives a new era of digital reference service has brought new challenges, just keep on learning and exploring, be possible to adapt to the new situation on the reference development. The development of modern information technology for the digital library service model brings an opportunity to optimize the digital library service model optimized for the needs of modern information technology to support the integrated use of the concept of cloud computing services to optimize the strategy, pushes strategy, specific Strategy, the strategic integration of personal contact, supplemented by traditional digital library service, to demand a given service. Digital Library for the realization of the core values, needs, based on the traditional service, absorbing the idea of cloud computing, with the use of information technology, information services, new thoughts formed a new service strategy. Also need to retain some of the traditional service mode, with the new service strategies, multiple methods, the formation of virtualization, fast, personalized, efficient service delivery model, high quality of library service to the user’s ultimate goal.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

