

A Bidirectional Optimality-based Relevance Approach to Lexical Underspecification

【作者】 薛博

【导师】 于林龙;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 言语交际中许多词汇传递的实际信息并不等于它们的字面意义,这种现象称为词义的未完全表达。尽管这些词汇表面上看来意义不明确,释话人却总能够在瞬间推测到说话人的真实意义。Grice等语言学家提出了不同的机制来解释这种现象。其中Wilson等建立的基于关联理论的词汇语用学工程最有影响。本文作者认为关联理论处理话语解读的机制不够精细客观,试图创建一个精细的,操作性强的话语理解机制。优选论对格式上精度的强调,可违反制约条件的明确说明,及对可违反度的严格排序成为它客观性和强操作性的来源。复旦大学的杨子基于单向优选论建立了关联优选模式。她的模式试图降低说话人意图的地位。然而,在语用学界说话人意图一直被看作话语理解的关键因素。杨子的单向优选模式未考虑说话人意图,并不可取。Blunter把双向优选论用于词汇语用学,非常有启迪作用。本文把双向优选论的解释机制和杨子关于认知效果候选项多次生成的观点结合起来,建立了双向优选关联模式。该模式的运行步骤如下:生成机制依据对语境假设的依次调用有序提供认知效果候选,以等级排列的四个制约条件对候选项进行优选。如果第一个候选项不能通过评估机制,生成机制要重新调用低一等的语境假设,再次生成其它候选项。评估机制内的三个绝对制约条件没有等级,候选项违反任何一个,都将被排除。如果候选项满足三个绝对制约条件,则作为最优释义被输出。本文接着验证该模式确实比关联模式更精确,操作性更强。作者从美剧《绝望主妇》中收集了大量词义未完全表达的语料。通过用双向优选关联模式和Wilson的关联理论模式分别定性分析相同的语料发现:如果最可及的语境假设生成的认知效果不符合释话人的关联期待或是不满足评估机制内的某一个绝对制约条件,关联理论得不出最优释义。相反,基于双向优选论的关联模式却能在所有的情况下为词义未完全表达的词汇和结构得出最优释义。因此,可以验证基于双向优选论的关联模式比关联话语理解模式更客观,更精细,操作性更强。

【Abstract】 It is widely observed that information transferred by many words, phrases and structures is usually not equally to their literal meaning. Such a phenomenon is called lexical underspecification. Although they are underspecified semantically, addressees are often able to acquire the meanings intended by addressers in an instant. Various approaches have been proposed to explain this phenomenon, among which Relevance theorists Sperber, Wilson and Carston’s lexical pragmatic project based on relevance theory is the most influential one.However, during the process of studying relevance theory, I find that relevance theory is vague and subjective in defining some key terms such as relevance, cognitive effects, and etc. To overcome the explanatory inadequacy of RT, a more precise and maneuverable mechanism of utterance interpretation is needed. Optimality Theory’s strong emphasis on formal precision, specification of violable constraints and strict ordering of violability is the source of its objectivity and strong maneuverability. Yang Zi in Fudan University proposed a unidirectional optimality-based relevance theoretic model to deal with utterance interpretation. Her model degraded the status of the speaker’s intention. However, intention was recognized as a decisive factor in utterance interpretation. Blunter’s bidirectional OT approach used in lexical pragmatic field is very enlightening. It dealt with lexical pragmatics form both the speaker and the interpreter’s perspective. I borrow the bidirectional OT approach and Yang Zi’s idea of regenerating candidates of cognitive effect, and finally construct a Bidirectional Optimality-based Relevance Theoretic Framework. The new framework works in the following steps. The activation and retrieval of contextual assumptions is determined by four hierarchically ordered constraints in GEN: MAX-Acces.CA > ACCORD-ER > High-Degr.Mm.CA > High-Stren.CA. Candidates of cognitive effect are then generated and submitted to EVAL for evaluation. The constraints in EVAL will check every cognitive effect candidate and decide whether it should be eliminated or kept as the optimal reading of the utterance. If a cognitive effect candidate satisfies the absolute constraints Stren.CE!=0, !CONTRA.Str-er.CA and !CONTRA.S’I, it will survive as the optimal reading. The relative constraint CE-I’E checks the nature of the cognitive effect candidate. Finally, the interpreter can check whether his expectation of relevance is satisfied.When this new framework is constructed, its explanatory adequacy needs to be testified. A corpus of underspecified words collected from the TV series Desperate Housewives is build. A data-driven qualitative analysis approach is adopted in this study. Through the analysis of the comprehension procedure of underspecified word meanings, their superiority can be revealed. After the sample analysis by the two models, I find that when the first most accessible contextual assumption can satisfy the interpreter’s expectation of relevance and meanwhile satisfy the absolute constraints in EVAL, the relevance theoretic comprehension procedure is capable of dealing with such simple underspecified words. Otherwise, it can not produce an appropriate interpretation. On the contrary, the Bidirectional Optimality-based Relevance Theoretic Framework is able to deal with all the cases of lexical underspecification. Therefore, this Bidirectional Optimality-based Relevance Theoretic Framework is indeed more objective, precise and maneuverable than the relevance theoretic comprehension procedure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】H030
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】51

