

The Theory Innovation and Practice of the Adaptability between Religion and Socialist Society

【作者】 刘玉峰

【导师】 邱高兴;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 宗教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 宗教与社会主义社会相适应的理论创新及其实践宗教是一种历史现象,在我国社会主义社会将长期存在并继续发挥影响。马克思主义经典作家对宗教问题有过系统而深刻的论述,他们在宗教的本质、产生和消亡、社会基础、信仰自由、政教分离等方面都提出了影响深远的观点。马克思对宗教的本质有过深刻的论述,简而言之主要有“自我意识说”、“虚幻反映说”、“鸦片本质说”等观点。宗教的社会基础是社会经济,随着社会经济的发展变化而发生改变,因此宗教将长期存在。关于宗教信仰的问题,马克思主义主张宗教信仰自由和政教分离。中国共产党宗教政策在辨证吸收马克思主义宗教观的基础上,对宗教与我国社会主义社会相适应这一命题进行了长期的探索,其发展历程大致上可以分为三个阶段:新中国成立后至1957年、1957年至“文革”结束、“文革”结束后,在经历了长期的挫折与调整,中共在宗教问题上提出了宗教的“相适应”理论,并探寻到这个理论的实践路径。“相适应”理论的内涵首先是肯定宗教信仰自由原则,信教人民以遵守国家的法律、法规和方针政策为前提,革除宗教中不利于国家和民族利益、不利于中国特色社会主义建设的消极因素;积极挖掘和发挥宗教中有益于社会和人民的积极因素,投身于服务国家和人民的事业中,并坚决反对一切以宗教为手段进行的危害民族团结、社会发展和祖国统一的行为。“相适应”理论的实践主要体现在如下三方面的途径:政策引导、法律引导和原则引导。政策引导是指全面贯彻宗教信仰自由政策。为此要处理好宗教信仰与迷信活动、宗教与邪教、宗教信仰自由与科学无神论教育、宗教信仰自由与共产党员不能信仰宗教等关系。法律引导是指依法加强对宗教事务的管理,这既是实施依法治国方略、建设社会主义法制国家的需要,也是保障公民的宗教信仰自由,引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应的根本途径与手段。原则引导是指坚持独立自主自办原则,这不仅是我国处理宗教与国际政治关系的基本方针,也是我国引导宗教与社会主义社会相适的基本途径。

【Abstract】 The Theory Innovation and Practice of the Adaptability between Religion and Socialist SocietyReligion is a historical phenomenon. In our socialist society religion exists and continue to play a long-term effects. Marxist classical writers on religion have been systematically and profound exposition of the nature of the religion, generation and extinction, social infrastructure, freedom of religion, secularism, etc. Marx had a deep discussion on the nature of the religion, in short there are "self-awareness", "the illusory reflection ", "Opium", etc. The social basis of religion is social economy, and changes with social economic development, so religion will exist for a long time. On the question of religious belief, Marxism advocates freedom of religious belief and secularism.Communist Party of China’s religious policy on the basis of the absorption of the Marxist religion dialecticly, have a long-term exploration of adaption between religion and socialist society. The developing process in general can be divided into three stages: 1949 to 1957, 1957 and the 1976, and after1976. After a long period of frustration and adjustment, the CPC put forward in matters of religious "Adaptation" theory and the practice of exploring the path to this theory.The content of "Adaptation" theory is approbating the first principle of freedom of religious belief.Religious people must comply with national laws, regulations and policies as a precondition, get rid of the negative factors against state and national interests, and building socialism with Chinese characteristics.Actively explore and play the religious positive factors of benifiting people and state , and engaged in services in the state and the people, and resolutely opposed to all behavior to harm national unity, social development and reunification of the motherland as a means of religion. "Adaptation" theory and practice has mainly the following aspects of the way : Policy guidance, Law guidance and Principles guidance. Policy guidance is fully implementing the policy of religious freedom. To do this we must handle properly the relations of activities of religious belief and superstition, religion and cults, atheism education, and religious freedom, religious freedom and Communist Party members can not be religious. Law guidance is to strengthen their management of religious affairs. This is a strategy to implement the rule of law and building a socialist rule, but also protect the religious freedom of citizens and guide the religion to adapt to socialist society. Principles guidance is the principle of independence of dealing with religious affairs. This is not only our basic principles of dealing with religion and international political relations, but also the basic way of guiding religion fit to our socialist society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】D635
  • 【下载频次】265

