

Application of Frequency Division AVO Analysis in the Exploration of Gas Hydrate

【作者】 刘凤

【导师】 栾锡武;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(海洋研究所) , 海洋地质, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 东海是在西太平洋大陆边缘边缘海之一。因其分布于欧亚大陆的最东缘,长期以来接受了来自陆源大量的沉积物,发育厚层的沉积地层,具有丰富的油气资源。同时,东海所处的位置又位于欧亚板块和太平洋板块俯冲、碰撞、交接的地带,这里火山发育、地震频繁,蕴涵着非常丰富的构造地质内涵。既是板块构造调查研究的重点区域,同时又是海洋油气资源勘察的重点区域。在利用已有的地震资料、海底温度资料,从沉积物来源、沉积地层厚度、烃源岩条件、沉积速率、海底温度-压力条件等方面对东海水合物成藏条件进行了分析。认为冲绳海槽沉积物源丰富,沉积厚度大,且发育烃源岩地层。冲绳海槽盆地中普遍发育的底辟构造、背斜构造等局部构造,以及网格状断裂系统,为烃类气流体的向上及侧向运移创造了有利条件,成为天然气水合物发育的有利区带。综合地质资料,结合已经发现的BSR,认为东海地区天然气水合物前景广阔。应用AVO属性分析得到了AVO截距、梯度、泊松比变化率、流体因子、纵波速度变化率、横波速度变化率等属性参数剖面,通过交汇图分析和AVO特征曲线分析技术确定了AVO异常,达到了水合物检测的目的。主要研究内容为对已有的多道地震剖面特别是被认为出现BSR的多道地震剖面进行认真分析。本文在常规地震处理发现BSR的基础上开展了:(1)已有的多道地震剖面解释;(2)多属性地震特征与水合物的关系研究,建立天然气水合物多属性地震识别标志;(3)分析不同频率尺度空间上的AVO异常及AVO反演,获得了多属性地震特征。研究表明,经过精细处理的海上地震资料,进行的AVO反演属性能够准确的反映天然气水合物区域异常。

【Abstract】 East China Sea is one of the continental margin sea in the Western Pacific. It is rich in oil and gas resources result from a lot of sediment from land sources and thick layers of sedimentary strata. At the same time,the East China Sea located between the Eurasian Plate and the Pacific plate subduction,collision and transition zone where volcanic and earthquakes are frequent. It is an important area of plate tectonics and marine oil and gas resources exploration.The accumulation of the gas hydrate is analyzed through the existing seismic data,sea temperature data from the sediment source,the thickness of sedimentary strata,source rocks,deposition rate,sea floor temperature,pressure conditions and so on. It is thought rich of sediments,thick sediment and potential of source rocks. Diapir,anticlline and the other regional structures and the gridded fault system which are common in the Okinawa Trough Basin provid favorable conditions for gas upward and lateral migration. It is a favorable zone for gas hydrate. The East China Sea has a bright prospect for gas hydrate discovery from the identified BSR.The research methods in the paper are applied through AVO intercept,gradient,Poisson’s ratio reflectivity,fluid factor and compression and shear wave velocity reflectivity obtained from AVO weighted stack inversion methods. AVO anomaly which is detected by cross plot analysis and AVO characteristics curve analysis is used to detect gas hydrate. The main content is careful analysis in multi-channel seismic profiles in particular the one with BSR. This paper carried out the following works based on the BSR found in conventional seismic processing. First of all,seismic data interpretation. Second , gas hydrate identification symbol deserved from the relationship between gas hydrate and seismic characteristics. Last,multi-attribute seismic characteristics obtained from frequency division AVO analysis and AVO inversion. Studies have shown the AVO inversion of the specially processed marine seismic data can accurately response the anomaly.properties of gas hydrate.

  • 【分类号】P631.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】340

