

The Research on Community-based System of Rescuing and Protecting for Street Children

【作者】 姜微

【导师】 薛在兴;

【作者基本信息】 中国青年政治学院 , 社会学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 流浪儿童问题是世界各国和各个地区长期存在的一个社会问题,怎样以及如何对流浪儿童开展救助服务,帮助他们回归家庭,回归主流社会一直是各国政府和各界人士致力解决的难题。我国流浪儿童现有救助模式虽然取得了一定的成果,但是仍然存在一系列的问题,而这一系列问题与机构化救助有很大的关系。本文以社会排斥理论、社会支持网络理论和儿童福利视角作为理论支撑,运用文献法、个案调查和访谈法展开社区为本的流浪儿童救助体系的研究。笔者通过对国内现有流浪儿童救助模式的分析,指出现有模式大多存在设施、经费、人员不足、流浪儿童重复流浪、集体养护、安置难等问题,且这些问题的直接原因在于机构化集中养育,进而论证了建立社区为本的流浪儿童救助体系的必要性。在对杨柳巷社区儿童救助保护工作进行案例分析的基础上构建了社区为本的流浪儿童救助体系这一理想模型。社区为本的流浪儿童救助体系是一个以社区为依托,以社区内儿童为主要服务对象,由政府部门和非政府组织提供支持的体系,其主要内容包括管理体制和社区儿童服务体系两方面内容。最后,笔者提出了建立社区为本的流浪儿童救助体系的对策和建议,主要包括健全法律保障体系,促进非政府组织发展、加大社会工作专业人才引进力度,建立专业救助队伍等。

【Abstract】 The problem of street children is a long-standing social problem across many countries and regions. Every government and public people try their best to solve this problem——what kind of services provided for street children and how to help street children to return home and mainstream society. The current models of rescuing street children in China have a certain effect, but there are still a number of problems. And this series of problems have a great relationship with institutionalized rescuing services.The theory of social exclusion, social support network and child welfare perspective is a theoretical support for this article. At first, the author use literature, case study and interview to research the community-based system of rescuing for street children. Second, The authors analyzed the existing models of rescuing for street children in China and pointed out that most models had many problems such as facilities, funding, inadequate staffing, street children repeated wandering, the problem of placement for street children, and so on. And then, author note the direct cause of the problem is institutionalized rescuing services. Third, the author argues that it is necessary to establish community-based system of rescuing for street children. By studying the case of Willow community service system of street children in Sichuan province, the author constructed an ideal model that is the system of community-based rescuing for street children, which is based on community, serviced to children in community, and supported by the government and non-government organization. This system includes management system and community’s service system for children. Finally, the paper gives some suggestions to establish this system, including improving the relevant laws and regulations, promoting the development of non-government organization, attracting more social work professional engaged in social assistances, establishing professional team, and so on.

【关键词】 流浪儿童社区社会排斥
【Key words】 street childrencommunitysocial exclusion
  • 【分类号】D632.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】845

