

The Empirical Research of the Career Counseling for the Nurses in the Ward of the Grade Ⅲ Hospital

【作者】 胡晓瑾

【导师】 商临萍;

【作者基本信息】 山西医科大学 , 护理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的1.了解三级甲等综合医院护士对职业生涯规划认知度及自我职业生涯管理状况;2.探讨护士职业生涯规划辅导的效果,了解护士参加职业生涯规划辅导后的个人体验;3.形成适合护士职业生涯规划的辅导方案。研究过程在调查研究中,采用便利抽样法,对某三级甲等综合医院护士进行问卷调查,共发放350份,回收350份,回收率为100%;剔除无效问卷16份,有效问卷334份,有效率95.24%。调查问卷包括一般资料问卷和自我职业生涯管理问卷,采用统计软件对资料进行分析:统计描述。在干预研究中,选取某三甲综合医院呼吸科35名护士为研究对象,对其进行职业生涯规划辅导,用自我职业生涯管理问卷进行干预前后测量,采用SPSS15.0统计软件进行分析:t检验。对呼吸科35名护士进行职业生涯规划辅导后,研究者选择安静的场所,分别与11名参加职业生涯规划辅导的护士进行个人深度访谈,并征得受访者同意,进行录音、笔录,收集资料,每位受访者的访谈时间为0.5-1h。针对辅导内容及方式,访谈共设10个开放性问题,如:您参加辅导后有何感受;你现在对自己有何评价,优势与劣势是什么;你对现在工作有何看法;你对将来的职业发展有何打算;你对职业生涯规划辅导的建议。研究结果1.自我职业生涯管理问卷信效度检验结果信度:问卷总体a系数为0.839,重测信度系数为0.830.效度:各维度与总问卷之间的相关系数为0.621-0.777,问卷各维度之间相关系数0.155-0.567,各维度之间有相关,且低于各维度与总问卷之间的相关,说明问卷的维度间有一定相关。2.调查结果(1)护士自我职业生涯管理状况得分情况:68.12±8.06,处于中等水平,其中继续学习得分最高,可能与本医院对护理人员继续教育加强管理有关,自我展示得分最低,可能与中国人不张扬性格有关。(2)护士对职业生涯规划认知度情况:51.20%的护士知道个人职业生涯发展战略制定的定义,40.78%的护士知道个人职业生涯发展战略制定的原则,38.98%的护士知道职业生涯规划的内涵与意义,41.80%的护士知道职业生涯规划的方法与步骤,40.78%的护士知道职业生涯发展理论,45.37%的护士知道个人职业生涯周期,48.80%的护士个人职业生涯目标与组织发展目标需整合。说明护士对职业生涯规划认知度整体呈中等偏下水平。3.干预结果干预前后自我职业生涯管理得分差异显著(p<0.05)。4.访谈结果护士表明通过干预,自我职业生涯管理水平提高、职业认同感增强、重现自我价值。研究结论1.护理人员对职业生涯规划认知度属于中等偏下水平;2.护理人员自我职业生涯管理能力属于中等水平;3.对护士实施职业生涯规划辅导,有助于改善护士的自我职业生涯管理状况。主要表现在以下方面:职业探索的提高,职业目标的明确,继续学习、自我展示和注重关系的加强。

【Abstract】 Objective1.To understand nurses’awareness of the career planning and their status of individual careermanagement.2.To explore the effects of the nurses’career planning, and to understand their personalexperience after participating in the career planning guidance.3.To form career planning program for the nurses.MethodsIn the survey research, using convenience sampling method, for 350 clinical nurses of thegradeⅢhospital conducted the questionnaire survey, and there are 334 valid questionnaires.The questionnaires include general information questionnaire, awareness of the career planningquestionnaire and individual career management questionnaire. Using spass15.0 statisticalsoftware to analysis the data.These methods include descriptive statistics.In the intervention study, The gradeⅢhospital respiratory ward 35 nurses were selected asresearch objects, took part in the career planning guidance and tests were conducted before andafter the guidance. Using spass15.0 statistical software to analysis the data, these methodsincluded t-test analysis of variance.After implementing career planning counseling for respiratory nurses, the researcher makethe individual depth interview respectively with 11 nurses participating in the career planningcounseling in the quiet place. After the respondents consent, the researcher records, notes andcollects the data, every respondent is interviewed in 0.5-1h. For counseling content and methods,10open-ended questions are interviewed, eg, what are you feeling after attending the counseling;what is your assessment for yourself and what are the advantages and disadvantages; what isyour view of the present work; how are you plan your future career development; what are yourrecommendations of the career planning and counseling. Results1. The results of the test of the individual career management questionnaire:Reliability: the overall questionnaire cronbach alpha coefficient is 0.839, test-retest reliabilitycoefficient is 0.830.Validity: the coefficient of five dimensions with the total questionnaire is between 0.621-0.777,and the coefficient of the five dimensions is 0.155-0.567,less than the correlation of betweendimensions and the total questionnaire, that is all, these show that the questionnaire has goodcontent validity.2. Survey results:(1)The scores of nurses individual career management questionnaire is 68.12±8.06 and aremiddle level, the score of the continuing education is the highest and the score of theself-presentation is the lowest, which respectively is relation to the nurses management of thehospital and chinese reserved character .(2) The nurses awareness of the career planning: 51.20% nurses know the concept of theindividual career development strategy constitution, 40.78% nurses know the principle of theindividual career development strategy constitution, 38.98% nurses know the meaning of thecareer planning, 41.80% nurses know the methods and steps of the career planning, 40.78%nurses know career development theory, 45.37% nurses know individual career periods, 48.80%nurses individual career targets coordinating the organization’s. These show the nursesawareness of the career planning belongs to the lower-middle level generally.3. Experimental results:After the career planning guidance, there is a significant difference of the scores of theindividual career management(p<0.05).4. Interview results:Nurses show that after the career planning guidance, their individual career managementshave been improved, professional identities have been increased and self-worth is reachieved.Conclusion1.Nurses’awareness of the career planning are lower-middle level.2.Nurses’individual career management are middle level.3.To implement the career planning and counseling for nurses, which can improve the status ofnurses’individual career management. Mainly in the following areas:the increasing of careerexploration, the clear of career goal, the increasing of continuing education、self-presentationand relation.


