

The Design and Research of the Safety Seats of the Car Based on the Principles of Kansei Engineering

【作者】 谢敏

【导师】 唐德红;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济建设的不断深入,国民生活水平的不断提高,汽车作为一种非常重要的交通工具,也被越来越多的人所拥有。伴随着汽车拥有率的不断攀升,随之而来的儿童交通意外伤害的问题也越来越被社会所关注。据有关部门统计,目前我国每年都有超过1.85万名14岁以下儿童死于交通安全事故,死亡率是欧洲的2.5倍、美国的2.6倍,交通事故已经成为十四岁以下儿童的第一死因[1]。造成儿童意外伤害的一个重要原因是由于目前汽车内的安全设备和措施都是依照成年人的身体尺寸来设计的,并不能适合于儿童的身体规格,因而并不能有效地保障儿童乘员的生命安全。实验证明,使用汽车儿童安全座椅能较大程度地降低对儿童乘员的伤害。因而,使用汽车儿童安全座椅有其必要性。汽车安全座椅是一种安装在汽车座位上的,供婴儿、幼儿或少年使用以保护其人身安全的附属设备[2]。在我国,关于儿童乘员乘车安全的法律、法规尚未完全建立。另外,有很多家长缺乏或误解儿童乘车安全常识。因而,汽车儿童安全座椅在我国的普及率非常低,相对于欧美等国家,该行业在我国的发展严重滞后。本研究建立在感性工学的基本原理指导下,以消费者和适用人群的感性心理为设计出发点,借助设计美学、人机工程学、儿童病理学、消费心理学、产品语义学等理论的研究成果和方法,运用调查问卷等手段,将调查数据综合分析并逐层深入,推导出的结果作为产品设计的立足点,系统地分析出幼儿型汽车安全座椅的形态设计,探寻出较为切合满足幼儿生理和心理诉求的设计方案。本文首先分析了儿童交通意外伤害的现状以及存在的问题,结合国内外儿童汽车安全座椅的研究现状,确立了本研究的主要内容、研究方法及研究意义。接着介绍了汽车儿童安全座椅的历史、发展过程以及基本的分类,在此基础上,概述了幼儿型汽车安全座椅形态的特点和结构。然后阐述了感性工学的基本概念、国内外发展状况、程序和方法。最后运用感性工学中的定性式逐层推论法来指导幼儿型汽车安全座椅的设计,设计方案围绕“关爱”这一设计主题,尝试从安全性、形态完整性、现代美学原则和功能性四个方面入手,从产品的结构、色彩、肌理等方面加以分析,希望探索出较为可行的幼儿型汽车安全座椅设计方案。

【Abstract】 The car, as an indispensable means of transport, has also been owned by growing people especially with the constant deepening economic construction and the continuous improvement of living standards of China; however, with rising car ownership rate, injuries for children due to traffic accident follows which are gaining greater and greater concern by the society. According to relevant statistics, there are over 18,500 each year for children fewer than 14 died in traffic accidents. The mortality rate is 2.5 times of that in Europe, and 2.6 times for the case of the United States which made the traffic accidents come the first cause of death among children under the age of 14.One of the important reason of that high rate of injures and death for the child under 14 in traffic accident is that the current car’s safety equipment and emergency measures are designed in accordance to adult body size which is not suitable for children’s physical specifications, and therefore can not effectively protect the lives of child occupant. Experiments show that the use of child-only safety car seats can reduce a large extent on the rate of child occupant injury, which made using child car safety seats come into a necessary.The safety car seat is a kind of ancillary equipments which is installed on the car seat for infants, young children or adolescents to protect the personal safety. In China, the laws and regulations of child occupant have not been fully established yet; apart form that many parents lack of the knowledge or have misinterpretation of the safety of child occupant. Therefore, the child-only safety car seat covers a very low penetration rate in China, which resulted in the design of the child-only safety car seat keeps a huge gap from its counterpart like United States and Europe.The research is based on the basic principles of Kansei Engineering. Under the guidance of perceptual psychology of consumers and for applicable people, the design of the child-only safety car seat makes the starting point by first gaining of theories and research of design aesthetics, ergonomics, child pathology, consumer psychology and product semantics and questionnaires as the second step, then comprehensive analysis of the survey data. Finally, the industry finds the best pattern of the device which is more suitable for young children to explore Physical and psychological demandsThis paper analyzes both the status and the problem of injures happened in traffic accident of child by integrating the research status of situation and the problems of the case at home and abroad. Then both the main content and significance of research of the industry would be established in this paper. After that the paper would give out a brief introduction of the history of child-only safety car, the development process and basic classification of this industry; then come to the summary of both the characteristics of infantile form and structure of child-only safety car seat in accordance of the above-mentioned information. Then this paper describes the basic concepts, domestic and international development, procedures and methods of Kansei Engineering, Finally, the paper applies method of qualitative type of inference layer by layer from Kansei engineering to guide the design of child-only safety car seat by step with theme of "love and care", which aims on starting from the theories of the following four aspects: the security, integrity of form, the principles of modern aesthetics and functionality to explore a scheme of feasible design of child-only safety car seat with improved product structure, color, texture and other factor in order to analysis.


