

Experiment of Performance of Basis Material and Plant Furnishing for Ecology Protection of Slope

【作者】 彭泉

【导师】 肖衡林; 何俊;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 岩土工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 公路的大量兴建,特别是高等级公路及山区高速公路的建设,产生了大量的路堑与路基边坡,破坏原地貌土壤植被系统的生态平衡,导致地表裸露,土壤抗侵蚀能力下降,水土流失加剧,生态破坏严重。厚基材喷播技术作为岩质边坡植被恢复技术之一,现已应用于我国高等级公路裸露岩质边坡的生态护坡当中。该技术具有广阔的应用前景,其核心是绿化基材的配比。本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,针对绿化基材主要做了如下工作:(1)采用正交设计方法,在不同基材配比的试验块中进行单一狗牙根的种植,研究了基材中泥炭、水泥、土壤改良剂(PAM)、保水剂和纤维5种主要成分在狗牙根生长中所起的作用。并最终得到一种在湖北中部地区适合狗牙根生长的最优基材配比(泥炭20%,水泥5%,PAM0.05%,保水剂0.15%,纤维40%)。同时进行平行试验,对种植和未种植狗牙根的基材PH值的变化情况进行研究,发现随着时间的推移,两者基材的PH值逐渐接近中性。(2)通过室内剪切试验,研究不同纤维含量、水泥含量及不同龄期下基材试样的抗剪强度。结果表明基材配比纤维用量体积比不应超过25%;纤维含量一定时,试样在水泥龄期14d左右时其抗剪强度指标粘聚力c达到最大。(3)通过在7个试验块上进行不同草灌配比的植物种植试验,对不同试验块中植物种子的出芽率、植物生长高度及覆盖率记录,经分析最终得出1至2种最适合宜昌三峡翻坝高速公路绿化施工用的草灌比。(4)通过现场植被护坡试验,对按一定草灌比采用厚基材喷播技术进行生态防护的岩质边坡的植物生长状况进行观测,验证了该技术的可行性。

【Abstract】 A lot of cutting and embankment slopes produced by people. With a large number of highway construction, especially high-grade highways and mountain highway construction. Which result the destruction of the original landscape ecological balance of the soil vegetation system, lead to ground bared, soil erosion capacity reduced, soil erosion increased and ecological destructed. Thick basis material spraying Technology as one of rock slope vegetation technologies has been widely used in Chinese highway. The technology has broad application prospects, its core is the ratio of green basis material content. In this paper, drawing on the basis of previous studies for the green basis material, the author main did the following work:(1) The orthogonal method was adopted to study the compounding ratio of basis material through the testing in room. Then, through analyzing the testing data, the best compounding was obtained in the requirement of different time cycle, which is peat 20% , cement 5%, PAM 0.05%, insurance agent 0.15%, fiber 40%. Parallel test was did to study the pH value’s variation rule, founding that both the basis material’s pH value gradually close to neutral PH value. The two basis material one had plant while the other had no plant.(2) By the direct shear test of different proportions of basis material, finding that the sample’s fiber content ratio should not exceed 25%, under certain fiber content , the maximum shear strength C of the sample is got at around the age of 14d of the cement.(3) Through the grass and shrub ratio model test, 1 to 2 most suitable Yichang Gorge Fanba highway construction’s grass and shrub seeds ratios are obtained, which for the greening of Hubei central region. The result is got by analyzing plant seeds’sprouting rate, plant growth height and coverage.(4) Through the vegetation slope tests, the slope are greened by thick basis material technique, observing the plants’growth, the plants is under a certain ratio of grass and shrub seed, demonstrated the technical feasibility.

【关键词】 生态护坡基材正交设计水泥龄期
【Key words】 ecological slope protectionbasis materialorthogonal designcementage
  • 【分类号】U418.9;U417.1
  • 【下载频次】255

