

The Studying on Social Assistance about the Involuntary Unemployment Group in Urban Areas of China

【作者】 吴洁

【导师】 张昆仑;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 社会保障, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,我国城镇非自愿失业群体总数庞大,其中高校毕业生、“4050”人员和农村转移到城镇的剩余劳动力是非自愿失业的主要组成部分。而我国的社会救助只为贫困群体和受到突发性自然灾害的群体提供救助,非贫困性质的失业群体则处于社会救助的外围。造成大量人员非自愿失业的原因有:经济体制改革,国有企业减员增效,职工被迫下岗待业;农村剩余劳动力向城镇转移,城镇劳动力供过于求,非自愿失业的劳动者增多;传统部门改变企业原有的以使用劳动力为主的模式,采用新技术并且引进大量高新技术人才,导致无技能和文化水平低的劳动力不得不面对非自愿失业;高校与劳动力市场缺少沟通,培养的毕业生缺乏劳动力市场上所需的技能和专业经验,导致高校应届毕业生非自愿失业问题的凸显。除此之外,用人单位对女性求职者进行限制或拒用,加重了女性非自愿失业现象。在劳动力市场中,“4050”人员失业、知识型失业和女性非自愿失业等问题最为突出。在人力资源市场中,企业对于25-34岁的群体需求人数较高,出现了需求大于供给的现象,以致不少地区出现了用工荒”现象;然而,年龄较大的“4050”人员及大学以上学历的高校毕业生在就业中则供大于求,非自愿失业现象比其他群体都要严重。不管是容易就业的25-34岁的人员,还是难就业的“4050”人员和高校毕业生,他们在面对失业风险时并不是所有人员都覆盖在失业保险范围内。一旦失业,他们既没有失业保险也没有相应的社会救助措施帮助他们。因此,扩大社会救助的救助对象是很有必要的,贫困不能成为获得社会救助的必要条件,非自愿失业群体也应覆盖在社会救助的范围之内。我国目前对非自愿失业群体的社会救助包括失业救助、就业援助、网络救助和最低生活保障制度,救助的重点还是放在对贫困群体的经济补助上;然而由于个人理念偏差,户籍制度的限制,以及缺乏必要的监管措施导致我国城镇对非自愿失业群体的社会救助不能顺利实施。西方国家制定了专门的《社会保障法》对劳动力市场进行调节和规范,保护劳动者的权益。如英国制定的失业援助政策中的“新举措”;美国的失业保险和公共救助相结合的社会救助体系;俄罗斯的失业救济金和就业培训相互补充的社会救助;法国政府建立的全国联网的社会保险号码实行全国范围内规范管理,并与企业合作制定的促进就业培训计划。虽然各国救助措施不同,但救助重点都有所改变,将以往以失业救助金为主要方式来帮助非自愿失业群体的措施转变为将失业救助金作为职业技能培训基金和企业招聘失业群体的奖励性支出,这种转变提升了企业培训员工和招聘失业群体的积极性,有助于消除失业群体对政府的依赖,同时还减少了依赖政府生活的“懒汉”数量。国内和国外的社会救助各项措施对于完善我国非自愿失业群体的社会救助具有重要意义。具体完善措施有:实施完善的就业援助政策;实现全国统一的社会救助体系;建立全国联网的社会救助计算机网络系统,实现社会保障卡全国漫游;改革户籍制度对非自愿失业群体的各种限制;增强政府责任意识,提高服务水平,采取辖区分片管理上门服务措施;建立完善的监督机制,确保资金的去向。特别是在完善救助服务机制上,各服务机构要对辖区内的劳动人口负责,为其建立相应的就业跟踪扶持机制,对辖区内的劳动人口采取主动上门登记就业和失业情况,并为失业人员提供就业信息或者推荐就业。完善的社会救助是社会公平的重要体现,解决非自愿失业群体就业问题需要得到社会救助的支持和帮助。

【Abstract】 At the present time, there is an enormous sum of the involuntary unemployment groups in urban areas of our Country, the college graduates,4050staffs and the labor forces that transferred from rural to urban areas are the mainly parts of the involuntary unemployment groups. There are relatively few social assistance measures for these groups, and the social assistance in China is just offering help to the poverty-stricken group or the person who has suffered sudden natural calamities, the impoverished group is in the periphery of social assistance. The cause of involuntary unemployment is too much; by economic reforming, state-owned enterprises were on the purpose of downsizing staffs and improving efficiency, many staffs were forced to give up their jobs; too many labor forces transferred from rural to urban areas, the labor supply of urban areas was increasing, and many labor forces were in the involuntary unemployment state; traditional departments changed their old operational mode, they adopted new techniques and brought in high-tech talent, that caused unskilled or low educated labor forces facing involuntary unemployment; colleges were lack of communication with labor market and their college graduates were short of professional skills and experience, those questions lead many graduates to involuntary unemployment. Except that many employers set up hard limits to women job seekers, it aggravated women’s involuntary unemployment. In the labor market, it was great serious of 4050staffs’unemployment, knowledge-based unemployment and women’s involuntary unemployment.In the Human Resources Market, enterprises need more labor forces between the ages 25 to 34; it came to demand labor force exceeding supply and some places appeared labor force shortage; however, both 4050staffs and high educated college students are hard to get jobs. Not only 25 to 34 age labor forces, but also 4050staffs and college graduated not all of them have the unemployment insurance. If they are unemployed, they will have neither unemployment insurance nor social assistance to help them. Therefore it is necessary to extend the scope of the helped; penury can not be the necessary condition to get help from social assistance, the involuntary unemployment group should be also helped by social assistance.There are some assistance measures to help involuntary unemployment group, that include unemployment assistance, employment assistance program, assistance on internet and the system of subsistence allowances, but it still focus on the economic subsidy about poverty group; however, because of personal ideology deviation, the limitation on household registration system and lack of mechanism of effective supervision that made the social assistance measures cannot be successfully implemented.Many Western Countries set up special Social Security Act to adjust and standardize the labor market, with the intention to protect the rights and interests of the labor force. Such as the UK’s New Deal, unemployment insurance combined with public assistance in America, unemployment benefit complement with employment training program in Russia, French government set up social insurance numbers on internet all over the Country and formulates the training plan to promote employment with enterprises. Although assistance measures are different in each Country, assistance point change a lot, unemployment benefit is converted to training funds and reward the enterprises who advertise unemployment personnel, this conversion improve the enterprises training their staffs’enthusiasm and advertising unemployment group’s enthusiasm, it can help to avert dependency on government and reduce the number of lazybones.Various measures of Social Assistance at home or abroad are very important to perfect the Social Assistance of China about involuntary unemployment group. The specific measures to prefect the assistance system include that implementing the prefect employment assistance policy; reunifying the social assistance system in the whole Country; establishing computer network system about social assistance all over the Country, achieving the social security card can roam the Country; reforming the limit of household registration system; promoting the government’s duty, improving service level, taking home service; establishing a prefect supervision mechanism to make sure the effective use of the funds. Especially on prefect the service mechanism about assistance, each service department should be responsible for the labor force of their areas and take the positive employment service, providing employment information or recommending jobs to unemployment group. Prefect social assistance is the important aspect of social justice, solving the employment problem needs the support and assistance from social assistance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

