

Approaches of Conducting Educative Work among the Youth within the Communist Party of China in the New Historical Period

【作者】 沈博

【导师】 张向东;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 政治学理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 青年作为一个特色鲜明的群体,一直走在时代的前沿,得到了全世界的广泛关注,青年问题也是各国政府所共同关心的问题。我国正处于社会转型的关键时期,改革开放三十年来,随着市场经济的进一步发展,社会各阶层的分化以及科学技术的进步,使青年人的生活方式、交流方式和政治意识的表达方式都发生了深刻的变化。青年人一改以往家庭、学校、单位的成长路线以及被动的政治表达和交流方式,作为热爱生活、追求自由、关注自身权益并善于表达意愿的一类群体,纳入了我国公共管理体系的视野并成为党和政府高度关注的对象。在我国历史上,青年人作为社会进步的中坚力量,其发展一直得到了党和国家的高度重视和长期关注,如何做好青年群众工作事关党和国家的希望与未来。中国共产党自成立以来,就把青年群众工作作为党的一项基础性工作常抓不懈。1922年,党在建立之初就组织召开了共青团第一次全国代表大会,从组织和思想上统一了全团的工作,明确了团的奋斗目标和政治纲领,实现了党对团组织的绝对领导。在我党90多年的发展过程中,团组织几经更名、工作重心多次调整,经历了由建国前的以发动青年群众加入革命,领导中国青年运动为主旨的革命型准政党团体;逐步发展为改革开放前的引导和教育青年投身建设、服务大局,并担负一定社会管理职能的行政型准政府机构;到改革开放后更多的以社会组织的身份服务青年,将“第三部门”的理念引入自身建设的服务型准社会组织这样三个发展阶段,走过了艰难曲折的发展过程。①在这个过程中,共青团形成了一大批影响广泛的品牌活动,建设了一套组织化动员青年的体系,领导了中国的青年运动,并作为党的助手和后备队,完成了各个时期党交给的各项任务。进入新世纪以来,党中央对共青团提出了“力争使团的基层组织网络覆盖全体青年,使团的各项工作和活动影响全体青年”的总体要求。响应党的号召就必须要求团组织厘清两个方面的问题:一是团的组织覆盖全体青年,要做到共青团的工作资源一级往一级下移,哪里有青年哪里就有共青团,做到胡锦涛主席所说的“眼睛向下,重心下移”;二是团的工作和活动覆盖全体青年,这就要求我们认识到“青年们在哪里?”,“他们需要什么?”这两个方面的问题。但是就目前党的青年工作体系,特别是共青团组织的建设还存在许多问题、面临各种挑战。比如,共青团作为党的青年工作的主导力量,面临着党的身份由革命党到执政党,经济体制由计划到市场,青年人流动性加大、政治表达方式、交流方式的复杂多样化和信息传播途径的扩宽、速度的加快等多方面、深层次的挑战。同时,团组织还要解决自身身份定位不清,职能、职责范围有待探索,团与党和政府的关系日渐复杂,工作格局亟待优化,以及团组织社会合法性有待加强等问题,这些来自体制内外的挑战和问题,正考验着党团组织应对社会复杂局势,创新工作抓手,拓展工作范围,实施组织再造的能力。对此,全国各级团组织应对挑战做出了一些积极性的探索。团中央大力推进的青少年中心的建设、大学生志愿者为主体的社区青少年社工队伍建设、12355青少年网络服务台;“希望工程”、“青年志愿者”、“保护母亲河”等社会活动;北京、广东等地探索的成立青年工作领导小组,强化对青少年工作事务的统筹领导;上海团市委制定并纳入国民预算序列的《上海青少年发展“十一五”规划》;还有河南共青团开创的“驻外团工委”等等。这些积极探索,在格局构建、职能定位等方面取得了一批富有建设性的成果,使上述问题得到部分的解决和缓解。面向未来,共青团组织要想承担起党赋予的凝聚、培养优秀青年,为党输送后备人才和做好青年群众工作,巩固、扩大党的青年群众基础这两方面的重要任务,做到始终走在时代的前列,引领中国青年运动的发展,就要着手构架“制度化保障、团组织实施、社会化动员”的党的青年群众工作管理体系。要深入探索服务青年的领域,努力拓展服务青年的途径;积极争取法律和政府的授权,形成有力的制度保障;注重完善团组织的机构设置,实施组织结构再造;加强社会化动员能力建设,广泛联系各界青年;完善绩效考核体制,保证各项工作实施。

【Abstract】 As a distinctive group, young people are always standing at the forefront of the age and thus have gained worldwide attention. For governments of every type, youth issues are among their top priorities and shared their common concern. Since the Reform and Opening up China is going through a critical period of social transition since the past three decades. With the further development of market economy, social stratification, as well as scientific and technological progress, the young people’s way of life, communication method and their ways of expression of political consciousness has also changed dramatically. Nowadays, young people in China hold adjusted concept on family, education, and express their passion for life, their pursuit of freedom and the self-interest, all of which make it necessary for the government to take them as a whole into consideration during the decision-making process. The Chinese government always attached great importance to the role the youth played in the development of the nation as well as the Party: as early as the establishment of the Communist Party of China, the first National Congress of the Communist Youth League was also held and since then all the young people in China have been provided with a clear guidelines and goals. After nearly nine decades of the development, in spite of numerous name changing and goals altering, the League made its way out of adversities and hardship;①In this process, the Communist Youth League had initiated a large number of activities in a wide range of activities and successfully build a system organized to mobilize young people to lead China’s youth movement. As the party’s assistant and supporting team, it has efficiently supported the Party going through every historical period.Entering into a new age, the Communist Party of China raises new questions about the development of the Youth League and proposed a guideline of“endeavoring to launch grassroots champions in a maximal scale and reached the young people in China of different levels’. In order to achieve the general goal, works have to be done in different aspects. Firstly, we have to weave a network covering the as many as young people as possible and turn our eyes to local youth activities just as president Hu Jintao mentioned“look down and set your foot firmly on the ground’. Secondly, the working scale of the League is to be enlarged and therefore questions as“where are the youth?”as well as“what do they want”are to be answered. Faced with the challenges and summing up the experience of the past, in the new era the Communist Youth League has to map out its developing schedule considering the fact that the instead of being a revolutionary party nowadays the Communist Party of China has become the only governing party in China; has to crystallize the League’s obligations and set down legitimacy of its activities. Hence the Central Committee has vigorously promote the construction of youth centers, with community college student volunteers as the major force, they have already launched“12,355 youth network help desk”; The "Project of Hope", "the Young Volunteers," "the Protection of our Mother River" and other social activities at various levels of the League ; In Beijing, Guangdong and other places, leading teams of the Youth League has been established so as to strengthen the network; In Shanghai, the Youth League has been put into the national budget formulation and sequence of the“Shanghai Youth Development”and the“Eleventh Five-Year plan”; in Henan the League has created“Moving Working Committee”to facilitate the youth work in institutions and enterprises. All of these endeavors are innovative method exploring the possible pattern of construction, function, and orientation of the League and achieved a number of constructive results.For the better fulfillment of its obligations and the achievement of its goals in the new era, the League has to should the responsibilities of cultivating, educating the youth and to a large degree consolidate the popularity of the Communist Party of China among the mass. Therefore a set of management system which could ensure "institutional security”,“the implementation of organization and“social mobilization" is in urgent need.

【关键词】 现代化共青团群众工作路径探究
【Key words】 ModernizationThe Leaguethe Mass workApproaches
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】D297
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】654

