

The Study on the Approaches of Graduate Moral Education in China

【作者】 葛世玲

【导师】 张德宗;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着形势发展的需要,我国研究生教育进入了迅速发展的新时期。研究生教育是高等教育人才培养的最高层次。研究生德育是研究生教育的重要内容,是培养高素质人才必不可少的环节。由于历史和现实的原因,研究生德育的实施并没有受到应有的重视,在理论上和实践上都存在着一些亟待探索和解决的问题。如研究生德育实施途径的简单化、实施方法的落后化等问题。因此,要使高校研究生德育在新的形势下发挥作用,取得实效,就必须与时俱进,在各个方面不断创新。如能否主动去研究新问题、寻找新思路、开拓新途径等,是研究生德育工作能否适应时代的要求、发挥应有作用的关键。研究生的德育途径是落实研究生德育内容、实现研究生德育目标的渠道。它要遵循研究生德育原则,并接受校内外各种物质的、精神的条件制约,并结合研究生这一特殊群体的特点,采取行之有效的方法。教育实践证明,只有遵循教育规律与了解研究生的特点,不断拓宽研究生德育的途径,摒弃那些与研究生特点不适应、与时代发展不一致的做法,勇于开拓、大胆创新,才能够取得较好的德育教育效果,推动研究生德育教育的深化。本着这样的思想,笔者提出了符合研究生特点的五种德育途径--开展学术道德教育活动、研究生科研集体建设、开展社会实践活动、开展心理健康教育、校园文化建设。这不仅对高校传统的德育途径赋予了新内涵,并且还对今后探究研究生德育理论提供了理论基础。

【Abstract】 With the development of the situation needs .graduate education has entered a new period of rapid development. Graduate education is the highest level of personnel training of higher education. Graduate moral education is an important part of graduate education and is an essential part of training high-quality talent. Due to historical and practical reasons, the implementation of moral education did not receive the due attention. Both in theory and in practice, there are some problems to explore and solve problems. such as a single approach of moral education and the backward ways. Therefore, in order to play a role and be effective for graduate students in moral education, it must advance with the times, and innovate in all aspects. Such as the ability to take the initiative to study new problems and find new ideas and explore new ways and so on, is a graduate moral able to meet the requirements of the times and play its key role. Graduate students moral way is to implement the contents of moral education and to achieve channels of graduate goals of moral education. It should follow the moral principles of graduate and receive a variety of internal and external physical or spiritual limitations. Education proved that only by following the law of education and understanding the characteristics of graduate, and continuously expanding the channels of moral and abandoning the characteristics of those not suited to young students and the practice inconsistent with the times, and courage, daring innovation, can it be able to achieve better educational results and promote Moral Education of Postgraduate deepened. With this idea, the author proposes five moral means that is consistent with students’characteristics - academic and moral education、collective construction of scientific research、social practice、mental health education and campus culture. This is not only to add new content into the traditional way of moral university and also to provide a theoretical basis for exploring the future of graduate moral theory

【关键词】 德育研究生德育德育途径
【Key words】 Moral educationGraduate moral educationMoral way
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

