

The Comparative Analysis of Attack Effect of Chinese Men’s Volleyball and 4 Strong Terms in 16th Asian Games

【作者】 胡雲菲

【导师】 屈东华; 刘言和;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2010年,中国男排仅以第5名的成绩结束了第16届广州亚运会的排球比赛。中国男排成绩的下滑与伊朗男排和泰国男排的快速发展成了鲜明的对比。尤其是在球队的进攻效果上,中国男排已经失去了绝对的优势。研究运用文献法、录像观察法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法对中国男排与亚运会四强球队在进攻效果进行研究,认为排球进攻技术包括:发球技术、扣球技术和拦网技术。然后,分析了各个进攻技术的运用效果,找出了中国男排在进攻效果上存在的优势与不足,并提出了相应的发展建议。发球技术的运用方面,中国队与四强球队都只采用了大力跳发球和跳发飘球这2种技术。中国队、伊朗队和泰国队更加注重发球的稳定性,而日本队和韩国队则更加注重发球的攻击性。中国男排大力跳发球的得分率和失误率与日本队、韩国队和伊朗队有明显差距,与泰国队的差距不明显。跳发飘球的运用效果在四强球队中依然保持较好的优势。扣球进攻技术的运用方面,运用比例最高的扣球进攻方式为强攻,最高为66.7%;其次为快攻,最高为43.0%;第3为后排进攻,最高为14.5%。中国男排扣球进攻效果与伊朗队、日本队和韩国队之间的差距较大。这种差异主要表现在强攻的进攻效果,进攻的得分效果和进攻稳定性相对较弱。在快攻和后排进攻的运用上保持了较好的优势。拦网技术的运用方面,双人拦网依然是球队拦网的主要方式,拦网比例在7场比赛中最低为55.6%,最高达到73.7%。中国队在拦网效果上要落后于伊朗队、日本队和韩国队,而优于泰国队。在单人拦网的得分效果上中国队要好于四强球队,但失误率较高。双人拦网方面与日本队和伊朗队之间的差距较为明显,而略优于泰国队。在三人拦网方面与四强球队之间不存在明显差距。根据研究的结论提出3点建议:(1)发球技术方面,中国男排应积极加强队员大力跳发球的攻击力,提高队员的发球力量与速度,继续发展跳发飘球的攻击性和稳定性,提高跳发飘球的准确性;(2)扣球技术方面,中国男排应加强球队强攻的整体实力,尤其是调整强攻等被动进攻条件下的得分能力。保持快攻的高得分率,提高快攻的有效性,结合球队进攻的整体战术合理使用后排进攻;(3)拦网技术方面,中国男排应加强队员拦网的整体技术,安排具有不同作用的拦网训练,提高拦网的针对性和攻击性,注重拦网队员之间的配合,尤其是副攻队员的判断与移动能力。

【Abstract】 In 2010, the Chinese men’s volleyball team finished their games as the fifth in the 16th Asian Games held in Guangzhou. It tends to be a sharp contrast between the rapid declination of Chinese Men’s Volleyball team and the rapid development of Iran and Thailand. Especially in the team’s offensive effect, Chinese men’s team have lost their absolute superiority. By using literature review, video observation, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, I do a research on the offensive effect of the Chinese Men’s Volleyball Team and the other top four volleyball teams in Asian Games. I believe that the offensive techniques include: Serve, spike and block techniques. Then, by analyzing the effect of using each offensive technique, I find out the advantages and disadvantages of attact effect that exist in the Chinese men’ volleyball team, and propose the corresponding suggestions for further development.In the use of Serving technology, the Chinese team and the top four teams only adopt Jump Serve and floating the ball these 2 techniques. Chinese, Iran’s and Thailand’s teams emphasis more on the stability of serving a ball, while Japanese and South Korean’s teams pay more attention to the aggressiveness of serving. The scoring rate and the error rate of Chinese team in the jumping serve turn out an obvious gap with Japanese, South Korean’s, and Iran’s teams, while the gap with Thailand’s is not obvious. Chinese team still remains an advantage position comparing the top four teams in the jumping-serving a floating ballIn the use of Spiking technology, storm takes the highest proportion of Spike Attack, which once comes to 66.7% as the highest point; followed by the break, which once comes to 43.0% as the highest point; No. 3 is the rear attack, which once comes up to 14.5% as the highest point. The distance between the team of Chinese and the teams of Iran, Japan and South Korea is quite large in the aspect of Spike Attack. This distance mainly manifests in the effect of storming, the effectiveness of scoring in offensive attack and the relatively poor stability of offensive attack. However it shows an advantage in the quick attack and rear attack. In the use of blocking technology, the double block is still the main form of blocking, which reaches the proportion of the lowest 55.6% and the highest 73.7% in the seven games. Chinese team in the blocking effect lags behind Iran’s, Japanese and South Korean’s teams and is better than Thailand’s.The scores of Chinese team in the single block is better than the other four teams, but the error rate stays at a relatively higher position. There is an obvious gap between Chinese team and the Japanese and Iran’s team, which is slightly better than Thailand’s in the aspect of double block. There is not a significant gap among them in the three-block.Based on the conclusion of research, I would like to propose: (1) in the serving technology, the Chinese volleyball team should actively strengthen the offensive of Jump Serve, improve players’ strength and speed of serving, develop the offensive and stability of Jumping serving a Floating ball continual, and improve the accuracy of floating ball; (2) in the spiking technology, the Chinese team should strengthen the storm of the overall strength, especially the ability of scoring in the circumstance of passive attack. They should also keep the high scoring rate of Fast-break and improve the effectiveness of fast break, and make a rational use of rear attack combining the overall tactics ; (3) in the blocking technology, the Chinese volleyball team block should strengthen the blocking technology as a whole, arrange the training of block with different roles in order to improve the relevance and offensive of block, attach importance to the cooperation of block-oriented members, particularly the judgment and mobility of the vice attacker.

【关键词】 男排亚运会进攻效果
【Key words】 Men’s volleyballAsian gamesattack effect
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】G842
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】174

