

Analysis on the Pattern of Regional Economic Space Polarization and Coordinated Dvelopment in Henan Province

【作者】 贺晓丽

【导师】 高建华;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 作为“中部崛起”战略的实施对象之一,河南省是一个人口基数大、经济发展相对落后的地区。伴随着改革开放和随之而来的经济全球化,河南省的人才、技术、信息等经济要素在逐渐与国际接轨的过程中得到了长足的发展。同时由于各地市自然资源、交通运输、基础设施等条件的差异,导致了区域经济发展不平衡,从而形成了河南省独特的区域经济空间极化格局。随着经济的不断发展,区域经济不均衡将进一步加剧,空间极化现象将愈发鲜明,极化城市与其他城市之间、城乡之间的差距将进一步拉大,最终势必影响河南省整体区域的协调可持续发展。如何有效稳定的解决这一问题,成为“十二五”期间河南省社会经济发展战略的重中之重。在此背景下,本文通过对国内外学者所作的相关研究进行细致总结借鉴的基础上,首先对1994-2008年河南省区域经济空间极化现象的发展演变进程进行测度,测度指标分别选用了基尼系数与极化指数,其中极化指数选取的是Wolfson指数和Tsui-Wang指数;同时利用ARCGIS软件运用GIS空间分析技术,分别对1994年、1999年、2004年、2008年河南省区域经济空间极化现象进行了空间模拟分析,使之以图片的形式更加直观的反应出来;其次运用牛顿的引力模型对2008年河南省18个地级市之间的经济联系量进行测算,并根据测算结果划分经济联系的强度等级;然后选取一定指标,运用欧氏距离分析法,通过一系列修正,测度河南省5个极化中心城市、2个外联经济量最弱的城市与其他城市的地缘经济关系,分析城市之间的竞争与互补关系;最后将市际经济联系强度与城市间竞合关系进行匹配,分析主要城市的经济发展环境与方向;最终通过上文的研究结论对河南省区域经济的协调发展提出建议对策。将区域空间极化的测度模拟与外联经济量、地缘经济关系三者有机结合起来共同对区域协调发展进行研究是本文可能的创新之处。通过定性与定量研究,本文最终得出以下结论:近15年来河南省区域经济水平整体差距不大,但从近几年河南省的发展策略和发展趋势不难看出,随着时间的推进,河南省地区之间的差距必然增大,2008年河南省已基本形成1个一级极化中心城市(郑州市)和豫西、豫北、豫东、豫南地区4个次级极化中心城市(洛阳市、鹤壁市、商丘市、驻马店市);在今后的经济发展中,郑州市应当与焦作市、许昌市、济源市等地开展更为广泛的合作,取长补短;洛阳市应当与平顶山市加强经济合作,互通有无;鹤壁市应当加强与郑州市的经济联系与合作,具体分析与濮阳市经济联系较强的领域并增强合作关系;商丘市应当在避免与开封市、周口市可能产生恶性竞争的同时,加强与郑州市的经济协作;驻马店市应当更加注重与洛阳市的经济交流,同时加强与信阳市的经济合作,发掘两个城市之间的互补之处。

【Abstract】 As a member of“the rise of the central region”strategy, Henan Province has more population and lower level of economy than other cities. With the economic opening and globalization, the elements of Henan Province, such as telants,technology,information,etc, get a huge development. As a result of differences of natural resources, transportation, base installation and so on, between the 18 cities, the economic developments are not balanced. The polarization centers gradually formed. But with the economic continually developed, the regional economic asymmetry is intensified. The gaps will be increased ulteriorly between the polarization cities and others,meanwhile between the citis and the the villages. It is bound to obstruct the coordinated and sustainable development of regional economy in Henan Province. It is the focal point for Henan Province to resolve the problem in the period of“TWELVE FIVE”.Through summarizding the interrelated research home and abroad carefully, we analysed the regional polarization in Henan Province 1994-2008 based on the Gini Coefficient, polarization index(Wolfson Index and Tsui - wang Index). At the same time, we made use of the software of ARCGIS to analyze it spatially.So make it more intuitive expression comes out with the form of image. Then we calculated the economic contacts between cities in Henan Province by use of the gravity model, divided the degree of the economic related strength. And we measured the mayor cities’geo-economic relations between the other cities with reference to Euclidean distance calculation method.Continually we matched the strength of economic contacts with the relationship of competition and cooperation, analyzed the surroundings and direction of the economic development for the mayor cities. Finally we came up with some suggeestion about the regional harmonious development. The possible innovative point in this paper was that we made calculating the space polarization and counting related economic strength and geo-economy linked closely to research the regional sustainable development.Through qualitative and quantitative research, we obtained these results: the economic levels of Henan Province 1994-2008 do not have too big gaps. But from the development strategy and trend of it in recent years, it is easy to see that regional gap will increase. In 2008 Henan has basically formed five polarization center cities: Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Hebi, Shangqiu, Zhumadian. In the future economic development, Zhengzhou should start more extensive cooperation with Jiaozuo, Xuchang, Jiyuan, etc. Luoyang should strengthen economic cooperation with Pingdingshan. Hebi should enhance economic contacts and cooperation with Zhengzhou, concrete analysis stronger contact areas in economy with Puyang and strengthen these contacts. Shangqiu should avoid the vicious competition with Kaifeng and Zhoukou. Meanwhile, it should enhance economic ties with Zhengzhou. Zhumadian should pay more attention to economic exchanges with Zhengzhou. At the same time, it should expand economic cooperation with Xinyang, and excavations complementary places between the two cities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】386

