

Procedure of Investigation Protection of the Rights of Criminal Suspects

【作者】 刘齐英

【导师】 任瑞兴; 石超亭;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 诉讼法, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 从现实出发,必须承认在社会的任何层面或任何特定的时间点,法律所能做的都是有限度的,特别是公诉案件中因涉嫌犯罪正在被立案侦查和审查起诉的刑事当事人的权利保障问题。刑事诉讼的直接目的是惩罚犯罪和保障人权,实现司法公正,而最终目的是维护一定阶级社会的统治,而要想实现最终目的,直接目的则是必经阶段。在两个目的中,惩罚犯罪是手段,保障人权是目的,这是现代社会人权观发展的必然要求,也是国际上刑事诉讼制度发展的必然趋势。侦查阶段是刑事程序的起端,抓获犯罪嫌疑人,收集相关证据是这个阶段的主要任务,直接关系到提起公诉的成功与否、刑事审判能否顺利进行。同时在整个刑事诉讼过程中,处于被追诉者地位的犯罪嫌疑人的诉讼权利及人身安危极易受到国家有关机关的有组织的非法的侵犯。在刑事侦查阶段收集证据环节、采取强制措施环节还有讯问环节,存在着非制度性技术侦查措施采用不规范侦查羁押期限具有任意性,“变相羁押”、“超期羁押”现象严重;犯罪嫌疑人的部分自我辩护能力被剥夺;还有犯罪嫌疑人在侦查羁押阶段遭受刑讯逼供等问题屡禁不止。由此可见,在控制犯罪与保障人权的方面有明显失衡,刑事诉讼中犯罪嫌疑人权利的保障不仅事关司法的公正与效率,亦关系到人权的保护、司法的文明水平和国家形象。就目前情形来看,我国实现程序正当化的条件已渐成熟,笔者认为可以结合我国刑事诉讼的实际情况并借鉴外国的一些先进经验,从确保程序公正的方面来完善我国的侦查程序,从而完善犯罪嫌疑人的人权保障机制,赋予我国侦查程序中犯罪嫌疑人必要的取保候审、沉默权和获得律师帮助的一些权利。因此在注重人权保障,加快诉讼民主化进程的今天,结合我国刑事诉讼的实际情况,通过赋予犯罪嫌疑人必要的程序权利,以权利制约权力,创造一个权利与权力的适度平衡的正当法律程序。同时也应注意程序正当的有限性,不能将一些可能影响侦查机关追究能力的措施完全归纳到法律中去。

【Abstract】 From the reality, we must be admitted that any level of society or any particular point in time, the law can do is limited, especially in cases of suspected criminal prosecution is being on file for investigation and prosecution in the form of protecting the rights of the parties Problem.The direct purpose of criminal proceedings to punish crimes and safeguard human rights, achieve justice, with the ultimate aim is to maintain the rule of a certain class society, and in order to achieve the ultimate goal, the purpose is to direct a necessary stage. In the two purposes, the punishment of crime is a means of protection of human rights is the goal, indicating that the concept of human rights in modern society, the inevitable demand of the international system of criminal procedure on the development trend of development. Investigation stage is the form of program education, arrested the suspect, the collection of relevant evidence is the main task of this stage, is directly related to the success of prosecution and criminal trial can proceed smoothly. At the same time throughout the criminal proceedings, in the status of the defendants procedural rights of criminal suspects and personal safety of vulnerable countries, the profits of organized violations Part of gathering evidence in the criminal investigation stage, to take part also questioned aspects of coercive measures, there is a non-institutional use of non-standard technical detection measures; the principle of compulsory measures to detention, release on bail as the exception; investigation period of arbitrary detention, "in disguise Custody "," extended detention "is serious; criminal suspects deprived of part of self-defense capabilities; there are investigators in the investigation of criminal suspects in custody phase of repeated torture and other issues. Thus, in the control of crime and protection of human rights has obvious imbalance, the rights of criminal suspects not only concerns the protection of judicial fairness and efficiency, also related to the protection of human rights, the level of civilization of justice and national image. On the current situation, our country Due process conditions to achieve gradually mature,I believe that criminal proceedings can be combined with the actual situation in China and learn the advanced experience of foreign countries and in line with China’s national conditions, based on aspects from ensuring procedural fairness to improve our investigative procedures to improve the human rights of criminal suspects protection mechanism, to give our investigation Procedures necessary to bail the suspect, silence, and some of the rights to counsel. So pay attention to human rights protection, speed up the democratization process in litigation today, combined with the actual situation of the criminal proceedings, criminal suspects by giving the necessary procedural rights, the right to restrict power to create a proper balance of rights and powers of the due process of law. Also note the limited nature of procedural due process can not be held that may affect the ability of measures to investigating authorities to the law to complete induction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【下载频次】267

