

Research on Jean Learning of Ding Chengyun

【作者】 郭晶

【导师】 班一;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 音乐学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 丁承运先生是我国知名的音乐教育家和音乐理论家,当代富有成就的古琴演奏家之一。他在教育岗位上辛勤耕耘四十余载,教书育人,著书立说,弘扬琴学,桃李满天下。丁承运在古琴艺术的道路上,兢兢业业、心无旁鹜,以自己非凡的创造力升华了中华古琴艺术,为我国当代琴学的发展做出了巨大贡献,主要有:1、以琴论调对清商乐调的研究;2、对古瑟的复原成就巨大,被称为当代“古瑟复原第一人”,再现了“琴瑟和鸣”的千年绝响;3、琴曲的挖掘和整理方面收获颇丰,打谱了一系列开创性的作品。丁承运在琴学领域的成就颇多,也为当今琴人对琴学的学习和研究提供了巨大的财富。本文以丁承运的琴学成就为主要研究对象,通过笔者与丁承运先生的多次交流学习和专题专访,又查阅大量的文献资料,以“丁承运对当代琴学的贡献及影响”为思路,对丁承运的琴学成就予以简要总结,以期对丁承运为弘扬琴学所进行的活动及影响加以梳理和评价,力求做到客观、清晰和准确。本文分四个部分进行阐述:第一部分:对丁承运的学琴经历和艺术生涯进行整理和小结,共分为幼学启蒙、勤求古训;琴学积累,厚积薄发;大道至简、彰显非凡三个阶段。第二部分:对丁承运在琴学实践中创办琴会、复原古瑟、挖掘琴曲、应邀讲学四个方面所作的贡献及其对社会的影响进行了全面地梳理和总结。第三部分:对丁承运“以琴论调”对清商乐调的理论进行详细地分析和梳理,阐明了清、平、瑟、楚、侧这五个调的特点,即清、平、瑟是三个琴调,系三均音系;楚调是寄清调和胡笳调弹的楚声;侧调是隋唐俗乐二十八调之权舆,七声定弦法是侧调的标志。第四部分:对丁承运全面继承中国传统文人精神的琴学精神予以总结。

【Abstract】 Ding Chengyun is a well-known composer, music theoretician; as well as a China’s contemporary famous Guqin.player. He is a professor of master in Wuhan Music Institute, visit professor in China Music Institute and guest professor of Nanhua University, Taiwan. He is also a member of Chinese Musician Association, Chinese Music History Association, China law study association. Ding Chengyun entered Wuhan Music Institute to learn Guqin (Chinese zither). After the graduation, he teached in the Art Department of Henan University institute, as the chairman of the laboratory of music theory and music department. Engaged in music education carrier for over 40 years, he contributes a lot for the development of the music education of Henan University, even for the China’s Guqin education. In his Guqin art career, he always put practice and theory study closely together, and from which accumulated a lot of useful experiences.The object of this research is the Guqin practice and theory of Ding Chengyun. This paper mainly contains three parts:Part 1.1 elaborate in detail the background of Ding Chengyun’s Guqin research in classifying his career and Guqin study experience. Part II. By developing Ding Chengyun’s music theory- study the tone through Guqin, I analyze the characteristics of the five tones (Qing,Ping, Se, Chu, Ce) in Guqin; Part III. I summarize Ding Chengyun’s contributions in the Guqin study field and his influences. Part IV.the carrier of butyl comprehensive inherit traditional Chinese scholar spirit be summed up.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】J632.31
  • 【下载频次】216

