

The Research on Literature of He Chengtian

【作者】 刘静

【导师】 张亚军;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 东海何氏家族中的杰出人物众多,如何无忌、何承天、何长瑜及“东海三何”等。何承天是东海何氏家族中继往开来的重要成员,他在天文历法、文学、乐律、史学等方面的杰出成就,使他不仅在东海何氏家族史上,乃至刘宋的文化史、文学史上都具有不容忽视的地位。本论文以何承天为研究对象,以东海何氏家族为切入点,通过了解何承天其人、其事,通过探析何承天其诗、其文,全面了解何承天的一生,凸显他在文学上的成就,不因何承天于天文学、思想领域的贡献而遮盖了其在文学上的光彩。本论文共分三部分:引言、正文、结语。引言分析了学者们多注目于王谢等大姓世族,而像东海何氏这样的次等世族却少人关注的情况,他们对何承天的研究也多局限于天文、数学、思想等方面,在刘宋诗歌和散文的研究中,虽有所涉猎,但都是一笔带过,并未作为重点研究对象。正文共分三章。第一章:以东海何氏为切入点,追寻了何承天的生活轨迹,因为他生活于晋宋之际,晋宋的转折对他的人生有着明显的影响,所以对他的人生阶段进行了分期,并探察了他的交游情况。第二章:展开对何承天诗歌的研究,以刘宋前期的诗坛状况为背景,追溯了何承天诗歌创作的渊源、流派,分析了何承天诗歌的题材和风格,并对他与颜延之诗歌创作风格的相似性进行了对比。第三章:何承天散文研究,以刘宋前期的散文创作状况为背景,分析了何承天散文创作丰富多彩的内容,并对其特点有所探讨。他的风格与当时散文创作既有一致的地方,又有自身的特点。结语总结全文,进一步指出对本课题的延展性研究方向。

【Abstract】 There were numerous outstanding figures of He family in Donghai,such as, He Wuji,He Chengtian,He Changyu and“Three figures of He family”etc. He Chengtian was an important member of He family who is an important figure not only in the past but also in future.He made many achievements in calendar,literature、music,history and so on. So he is not only an important figure in He family but also plays an important role in culture and literature of Song Dynasty.This thesis will focus on He Chengtian as its resaerch objective and from the perspectives of He family. It is obviously that the literary achievements of He Chengtian is highlighted by way of He Chengtian himself, his biography, his poetry and literary works. His literary works is not inferior to his achievements in astronomy and astronantics.This thesis is divided into three parts: Introduction, Body and Conclusion.The thesis in introducton analysises the very influential figures in history, such as Xie family and Wang family. Few people pay attention to minor figures like He family.Some research works related with He Chengtian limited in his works in astronomy and astronantics, mathematics and his philosophy and so forth. His essayes and poetry were studied by a few people, however, not as the main research subject.The main body consists of three chapters.Chapter one focuses on He family in Donghai in search for the life of He Chengtian. He lived in vicissitudinary Dynasty between Jin and Song. It has an influential effect on the turning point of his life. His life is divided into several periods and observed his traveling.Chapter two studies He Chengtian’s poetry and poetry in the earlier beginning of Song Dynasty. It focuses on the source and school of his poetry. It analysises the subjects and writing style of He Chengtian and it also has a comparison with Yan Tingzhi’poetry.Chapter three studies essays of He Chengtian on the basis of essay of Song Dynasty. It analysises the contents and features of his works. His writing style has similar points with his counterparts and has its own writing features.The conclusion is summing up the whole essay,and points out the research prospects in future.

【关键词】 东海何氏何承天诗歌散文
【Key words】 He family in DonghaiHe Chengtianpoetryprose
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

