

The ZY3000/10/20 Shield Hydraulic Support Improved Design

【作者】 李艳霞

【导师】 张戌社; 张增贵;

【作者基本信息】 河北科技大学 , 机械工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 现在的煤矿开采,已经由原有的炮采方式转变为综合机械化开采,液压支架在综合机械化采煤作业中具有非常重要的作用,是机械化采煤必不可少的支护设备。液压支架的活动侧护板装置,作为支架的辅助结构件,对提高支架的掩护和防矸性能具有重要作用。论文分析了国内外液压支架设计、制作、使用现状,指出了液压支架发展趋势。介绍了液压支架的分类、特点、设计要点和常见结构形式,并依据原始给定条件设计出了ZY3000/10/20掩护式液压支架。对该型支架在井下使用中发生的损坏情况进行了分析阐述,通过井下使用情况调研、实物与设计要求符合性验证、设计校核的结果,确定了该型支架活动侧护板装置大量损坏的原因。根据损坏原因明确了设计改进的方向,确定了优化目标。然后利用Solidworks软件建立了顶梁活动侧护板的实体模型,结合活动侧护板的使用工况及损坏情况,利用Solidworks软件的COSMOSXpress工具确定了对活动侧护板进行约束和加载的三种方式,即选择模拟活动侧护板正常使用状态进行约束和加载、模拟支架利用侧推千斤顶进行调架时的状态进行约束和加载、模拟升架过程中相邻支架发生咬架现象进行约束和加载三种方式分别对活动侧护板进行加载分析,根据加载结果对活动侧护板进行优化,经优化后的活动侧护板满足了目标要求,能更好的适应实际使用工况。论文还对原侧推千斤顶进、回液管路布置情况进行了改进,缩短了接头座长度,加长了相应胶管的长度,达到了接头座不露出顶梁体的目的,减少了接头座损坏现象。增加了双向锁,避免了侧推千斤顶活塞杆在浮动状态下自由伸缩。最后,根据优化结果制定了ZY3000支架大修方案。

【Abstract】 Now the coal mining, mining methods have changed from original shot to mechanized mining, hydraulic support in mechanized coal mining operations have a very important role, is essential to support mechanized mining equipment. The activities of hydraulic support device side guard, as the auxiliary support structure, to improve support performance of the cover and has an important role in anti-gangue.This paper analysis the hydraulic design, production and use status. Pointed out the development trend of the hydraulic support. it introduced the hydraulic classification, characteristics, design elements and the common structure, according the original conditions design of the ZY3000/10/20 cover hydraulic support. Analyzed and discussed this type support damaged underground, through the use of support underground survey, site physical inspection and design requirements compliance verification results, the original design of the check, then the analysis identified the activities of the support device side plates to cause a lot of damage. according the causes of damage to clear the design improvement direction, and determine the optimization goal. Then use Solidworks software to build a entity solid model of top beam activities side plates, combined with the use and damage condition of the activities side plates, using Solidworks software COSMSXpress tool to identified on the activities side plates three kinds of constraints and load way, choose the side plates to simulate the normal activities of the state of restraint use and loading, simulation support of frame when the jack to adjust the state of constraint and loading, the process of the adjacent support rose frame phenomenon occurs bound to bite and loading activities, in three ways to load the side plates to analyze the results of the activities, under the load board to optimize side protection, after optimization of the activity side plates to meet the objectives and requirements, it can better adapt to the actual use conditions.In addition, improved the original side of the jack forward, back fluid pipeline layout, shorten the length of the connector block, extended the corresponding length of hose to make sure the connector block don’t exposed top beam, and reduce the connector block damage.Increase two-way lock, to avoid the side of the jack rod to push free stretch in the floating state. Finally, work out the ZY3000 hydraulic support overhaul scheme on the basis of the optimization results.


