

Study on the Optimization of City Suburb Bus Operation in Shijiazhuang City

【作者】 王岩

【导师】 陈爱祖; 刘春禄;

【作者基本信息】 河北科技大学 , 工业工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 城市公共交通营运服务的质量,直接关系到城市居民的出行,影响城市的经济生活与社会生活。因此,石家庄市城郊公交线路运营优化问题的研究,对居民便利出行、城市化进程有着积极而重要的现实意义。在查阅相关文献后,首先对运营组织优化的研究进行综述,分别介绍了国内外关于发车间隔及时刻表确定、车辆调度的相关研究成果,对这些研究成果进行总结;并对公交运营组织相关理论作简要的介绍,主要包括公交客流规律、运营计划编制、调度作业。在介绍运营计划编制流程时,对行车时刻表和车辆计划作了较详细的介绍。对石家庄市城郊代表性公交线路运营情况进行调查分析。首先介绍了调查方案的设计,主要包括:调查内容、调查方式、抽样率与样本量、调查数据的录入、修正与处理等;重点是调查数据分析,主要包括客流特征的分析、服务水平的分析、乘客情况分析。根据调查结果,探究线路运营中存在的主要问题,提出相应的解决对策。主要包括:优先发展城郊公交,加大扶持力度;加大线网密度;优化运营调度。调度优化时,在调度模型的建立和求解方面,有一定创新。建立了兼顾乘客需求与公交企业效益的发车频率模型,给出了一维搜索法求解方法。以石家庄市51路、53路等15条石家庄城郊公交线路为例进行分析,结果表明:优化模型效果良好,对于城郊大部分公交线路能提高服务水平,但不影响公交企业效益,并指出了模型失效时的调度方法。

【Abstract】 The service quality of urban public transport is directly related to residents trip and political life,economic life. So, the research about operation optimization of bus line is beneficial to facilitate the residents travel and push forward urbanization process.After extensive consult to related literature, the author made a review of operation optimization of bus line. Research results at home and abroad in departing time interval, the operation schedule for public transit lines and vehicle scheduling were introduced respectively. Also, the research results were summarized. Then, it briefly introduced the related theories of operation organization of public transportation such as rule of passenger traffic flow,operation plan, dispatching operation. Among them, specific business of urban public transport and terms were described in detail.Investigation and analysis on operational situation of bus line at the suburb of Shijiazhuang city was carried out with the method of questionnaire. First, investigation scheme was simply introduced such as the investigation content, investigation method choice, the decision of investigation way, sampling rate, and so on, then, Survey data such as passenger basic attribute, trip characteristics of residents, service effect were analyzed .According to the investigation results, the author has analyzed the main problems in operation and proposed some suggestions such as giving priority to the development of public traffic at the suburb of Shijiazhuang city, increasing transit network density, optimizing operation dispatcher. The paper made some innovations on optimal model and its solution. Optimal model of urban bus frequency was set up giving consideration to passenger demand and bus company benefits, and a solution method has been put forward for one-dimensional search. Taking 15 bus lines at the suburb of Shijiazhuang city as an example, optimization was carried out using the previous model. The results showed that it can improve service level but not affect the bus company benefits. Also, the scheduling method is proposed when the model is failure.

  • 【分类号】U491.17
  • 【下载频次】256

