

Study on the Function and Mechanism of University Culture to the University Person Development

【作者】 吴建玲

【导师】 赵宗更;

【作者基本信息】 河北科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大学从其本质上来说是一个文化机构,是将人类的先进文化转化为大学人个人的内在力量,促进大学人发展的过程。大学通过文化的继承、传播和创造,促使大学人不断地社会化、个性化和文明化,最终发展成为符合时代要求的高素质人才。大学文化是大学发展的根基,它是大学人在大学的一切活动方式、活动过程与活动结果的产物。从内涵来看,大学文化是大学精神文化、制度文化、行为文化和环境文化的有机统一。大学文化发展的动力是外化与内化的辩证统一过程,大学文化的目的和意义是“化人”。无论是对身在其中的大学人发展,还是对大学自身的发展都发挥着至关重要的作用。只有明白了大学文化对大学人发展的作用及机理,才能更好地发挥好大学文化的作用:才能更好地建设好大学文化,进而促进大学人发展。本论文以高等教育学、大学文化学、心理学等学科为理论的基础,运用文献法、系统法和定性分析法等研究方法,在界定大学文化、大学人、大学文化对大学人发展作用及机理等基本概念的基础上,从大学文化的视角探讨了大学文化作用于大学人发展的必然性以及大学精神文化、制度文化、行为文化和环境文化对大学人发展作用及机理。本文重点就以下几个方面进行了理论研究:首先是从大学文化的特性、特点,并从理论上论证了大学文化作用于大学人发展的必然性:其次是从大学精神文化、制度文化、行为文化和环境文化等四方面对大学人发展的作用及机理两方面进行了阐释;最后结合当前的时代背景和时代发展对大学人发展目标的要求以及遵循大学文化对大学人发展的机理的基础上,从宏观上提出了构建高品位大学文化的原则与对策。论文具有一定的理论价值,以大学文化作为研究策略来探究大学文化如何作用于大学人发展的作用及机理,指出了大学文化建设应更多关注大学人发展,而非只是为了建设而建设。

【Abstract】 University essentially is a cultural institution, is the process of human advanced culture into the university person individual inner strength, promoting the university person development. University prompts the university person, to make them constantly socialization, personalization and civilized, by cultural inheritance, spread and creation.University culture is the foundation of university development, it is university person all the activities, process of the activities. From the connotation, university culture is the spiritual culture, system culture, behavior culture and environment culture of the organic unity. University culture development power is the process of dialectical unity with internalization externalization. The purpose and significance of university culture is "to develop person". Both for the development of university itself and university person development plays an very important role.Only truly understand the university culture function mechanism of university person development can be better to play well with the function of university culture, and build excellent university culture, and promote the university person development.This paper based on the subject of Higher Education, University Culture and Psychology uses literature, system and qualitative analysis research method, on defining the university culture, university person, the function and mechanism of university culture to the university person development of basic concept basis. From the angle of university culture to demonstrate that university culture works the role of university person development inevitably, and spiritual culture, system culture, behavior culture and environment culture to the university person development function and mechanism. This paper makes the following several aspects of the research:firstly, from the characteristics of university culture and characteristics and the development characteristics of university in theory proved university culture function development necessity; Secondly, from the university spirit culture, system culture, behavior culture and environment culture, four aspects of university culture mechanism discussed to the university person development function and mechanism. Finally combining the current era background and for the university person development goal request as well as following the mechanism of university culture to the university person development. From on macroscopic proposed the principle and strategy of building high-grade university culture. Paper has certain theoretical value, taking the university culture as a research strategy to explore how the university culture to make university person development function and mechanism. Finally, the university cultural construction should pay more attention to the development of university person, rather than just for building and construction.

【关键词】 文化大学文化大学人作用机理
【Key words】 cultureuniversity cultureuniversity personfunctionmechanism

