

Power Substation Intelligent Operation Platform Construction for the Smart Power Grid

【作者】 赵小彬

【导师】 赵振宇;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在国家电网公司智能电网发展的建设统一规划下,从智能电网发展的背景入手,结合首都电网以及变电站运行管理的具体需求,探讨变电站智能运营平台建设的必要性、可行性以及设计与实施中的关键问题。本文中针对变电站智能运营平台建设和应用,提出了框架性思路,明确了建设过程中的核心技术和各子系统的实现方式,使得智能运营平台的建设更加具有针对性和可操作性,让系统建设进一步高效实施,不仅提高了劳动生产率,也提升了一定的经济效益,让智能运营平台建设成较为理想的综合管理系统,最终形成坚强智能电网下的变电站生产运行管理新模式。变电站智能运营平台的建设具有重要意义。变电站智能运营平台建设将在整体上促进变电专业生产管理的跨越式发展,为首都主网的安全稳定运行奠定坚实的基础。变电站智能运营平台满足多系统的接入及融合,具有统一的接口标准和规范,具有可扩展性,具备可持续性发展的能力。平台主要功能是实现安全生产管理、故障实时处理、厂站运行监测和科学决策评估四大功能。平台的建设改变当前生产管理模式下存在的弊端,提升安全生产、运行管理、检修维护、故障实时处理等生产管理环节的精益化水平,实现各项生产业务流程的优化,最终达到管理效率与效益的双提高。

【Abstract】 The age of Smart Grid is drawing close according to the universal planning by the State Grid Corporation. The author begins his research from the background of smart grid development, and continues to investigate the necessity and feasibility in building a Intelligent Substation Operating Platform (the Platform), as well as some sticking points in designing and implementing it. The article proposes an overall suggestion according to the construction and application of the Platform. It also illustrates some key technical areas during construction phase and the way in presenting subsystems, which contribute to the feasibility and effectiveness in building the Platform. To make it an ideal and comprehensive management system, the application of the Platform will improve the production efficiency and increase the economic returns, thus finally transforming into a new managerial mode of substation operation.The completion and application of this platform will have significant meanings in greatly promoting the development of power transformation, as well as in stabilizing the sound operation of the capital power grid.As designed with standardized interface protocols and codes, along with its extendable and sustainable capability of development, the platform will enable the connection and integration from multi systems. The four main functions of the platform are efficient management of work flow, malfunction handling, monitoring and control, and decision-making and evaluation. The application of the platform will diminish flaws existing in current management and improve the efficiency and accuracy in all business units. Hence it will optimize the work flows and increase the economic returns at the same time.


