

【作者】 王苏玉

【导师】 杨丽珍;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 传统观点认为非财产性损害赔偿只能发生在侵权损害赔偿中,合同的损害赔偿主要是财产方面,不适用非财产性损害赔偿。当违约行为确实导致合同相对方的非财产性损害时,可以依据责任竞合理论通过侵权之诉得到救济。本文对这种观点进行了质疑,认为仅靠责任竞合理论来保护合同相对方利益是不充分的,在一些特殊合同中,受害人的非财产性损害完全得不到赔偿。这种情况下,通过合同对非财产性损害进行救济是完全必要和可行的,同时,为了使违约非财产性损害赔偿与社会经济发展相适应,违约造成的非财产性损害赔偿应当限制在一定的范围之内。本文共分四个部分,第一部分是违约非财产性损害赔偿的含义界定。明确损害与非财产性损害、非财产性损害与精神损害、非财产性损害赔偿与违约责任这些相关的概念,说明本文之所以用“非财产性损害”而不用“精神损害”一词的原因,并通过对非财产性损害赔偿范围和违约责任范围的分析从一个侧面体现出违约责任对非财产性利益保护是具有优势的。第二部分是违约非财产性损害赔偿应然性分析。’从人权精神理论,有损害有救济理念,完全赔偿原则和责任竞合理论分析违约非财产性损害赔偿赖以生存和成长的根基,对否认违约非财产性损害赔偿的观点进行反驳,认为否定说关于请求权基础、预见性、妨碍交易、证据问题、计算问题、人格商业化、惩罚性赔偿的观点是不合理的。第三部分是违约非财产性损害赔偿实然性分析。对英美法系和大陆法系几个国家的立法状况进行比较,立足于我国的立法现状与司法实践,通过特定的合同如婚庆合同,旅游合同,发现违约非财产性损害赔偿在现实实践中的普遍存在,为促进社会公平与正义对违约非财产性损害进行合同救济也是非常有必要性的。第四部分是我国违约非财产性损害赔偿制度构建。对国外违约非财产性损害赔偿制度模式进行探讨,认为我国适用一般禁止允许例外型模式。适用范围包括以提供精神愉悦为目的的合同、合同以有特殊意义的物为标的、以解除痛苦和麻烦为目的的合同、违约对生活造成不当影响这四种合同。违约非财产性损害赔偿的构成要件主要包括必须有违约的行为、有损害事实的发生、因果关系、非财产性损害应当是可以预见的。同时对违约非财产性损害赔偿的方式和数额提出了自己的看法,为实践中法官判案提供参考。

【Abstract】 Traditional view is that non-pecuniary damages only in tort damages, the contract is mainly property damages are not applicable to non-property damages. Breach of contract when the relative side did lead to non-pecuniary damages, the liability can be based on competing theories get relief through the infringement complaint. In this paper, this view was the question that the responsibility alone to protect a competing theory of Relativity Fangli Yi is not sufficient, in some special contract, the victim’s complete lack of non-compensation for property damage. In this case, through a contract for non-property damage relief is absolutely necessary and feasible, at the same time, in order for breach of contract non-property damages adapt to social and economic development, breach of contract due to non-property damages shall be limited to a certain the range.This article is divided into four parts. The first part is compensation for non-pecuniary damages meaning defined. Clear the damage and non-pecuniary damage, non-pecuniary damage and mental damage, non-pecuniary damages and breach of contract, the relevant concepts to illustrate the reason of "non-pecuniary damage "instead of "mental harm " The reasons for the word, and through non-pecuniary damages liability for breach of the scope and the scope of the analysis reflected from one side of the liability for breach of protection of non-property interests is a advantage.The second part is the default non-pecuniary damages ought to be analyzed. From the spirit of human rights theory, there is damage there is a remedy philosophy, principles and responsibilities of full compensation for breach of competing theories of non-pecuniary damages for the survival and growth of the foundation, denied breach of contract for non-pecuniary damages to refute the view that the denial that Based on the claim, predictability, impede trade, evidentiary issues, computing issues, personality commercialization point of view of punitive damages is unreasonable.The third part is the non-pecuniary damages Factual analysis. On the common law and civil law status of legislation in several countries to compare, and analyze the current situation of the legislative and judicial practice, That allows exceptions to the general prohibition applicable to our type of model. Including the scope for the purpose of providing spiritual joy contract, the contract of special significance to the subject matter is to relieve the pain and trouble for the purpose of contract, breach of contract caused by undue influence on the lives of these four contracts. Breach of non-pecuniary damages, including the composition of the main elements of breach of contract must act prejudicial to the occurrence of the facts, causal relations, non-pecuniary damage should be foreseeable. Meanwhile, non-pecuniary damages default manner and the amount put forward their views, the judges decide cases as a reference in practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

