

Research on Tectonic Features and Favorable Area Forecast of Permian-Paleogene in Huangqiao Area

【作者】 董强强

【导师】 蒲仁海;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 黄桥地区位于江苏省泰州市境内,是下扬子区有利的海相含油气区。前人对该地区进行了较为充分的基础地质研究,进行了初步地震、钻井勘探,并取得一定进展。本论文吸收、总结了前人研究成果,并利用已有勘探资料,对黄桥地区展开地震资料构造解释研究。黄桥地区主要是受中北部大断裂控制,呈一系列北东走向的单断式的箕状断陷,主断层基本上呈北东东向展布,与区域构造走向一致。区内整体上南高北低,南部以古隆起为主,如东南部古斜坡,北部以古凹陷为主,如中北部次凹。在现有资料条件下,本文对黄桥地区T2-Tg4地震反射层的古构造特征进行了尽可能细致的的研究,制作了地震合成记录,标定了区内目的反射层地震地质层位,并对其进行解释;进而对断层进行解释,归纳出各层位的地震反射特征,编制出一系列T2-Tg4反射层古构造相关图件;最后对各层位的构造特征进行了细致研究,分析了各层位断裂类型、级别及期次,即区内晚印支-早燕山期形成逆冲断层,主要为一级断裂;晚燕山-早喜山期反转继承的正断层,主要为一级和二级断裂;晚喜山期发育阶梯式正断层,主要为二级和三级断裂。其中的一级断裂控制了区内构造、沉积特征,对圈闭的形成、油气的运聚起到了至关重要的作用。根据利用恢复剥蚀厚度所编制的原始沉积厚度图,分析研究了黄桥地区二叠纪至古近纪古构造演化史,区内经历了晚印支-中燕山推覆造山期、晚燕山-早喜山拉张裂陷期、晚喜山构造抬升期三个阶段。通过对黄桥地区烃源岩特征、盖层特征及油气运聚特征进行了系统的研究,深化了对该区油气成藏规律的认识,划分出油气有利区带,为之后的勘探工作提供理论指导。

【Abstract】 Huangqiao area is located in Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, which is beneficial to the marine oil and gas areas in Lower Yangtze Region. Previous to the region a more adequate basis for geological research and the implementation of the initial seismic drilling exploration, and have made certain progress. Summarizing the results of previous studies absorption and using of existing exploration data, This paper commences structural interpretation of seismic data on the Huangqiao area.Huangqiao area is mainly affected by large north-central faults control the direction of the NE dustpan single fault type fault group, the main fault basically NEE trending, consistent with the regional structural trend.The whole region south than in the north, the south by the uplift-based, such as the southeastern sub-convex, the main north to the ancient depression, such as the North Central sub-sag.Under the conditions of the existing data, this paper research on T2-Tg4 seismic reflection layer of the ancient structural features under the conditions of a detailed study as much as possible and commence production of seismic records, the purpose of calibration of the regional seismic geological layer reflective layer and explain them, then we interpret the faults, summarize characteristics of each layer bit seismic reflection, and prepare a series of T2-Tg4 reflector relevant maps of ancient structures, and then place the structural characteristics of the layers made a careful study, Analyze the layers bit fault type, level and period of time, that The late Indo-China region-Early Mesozoic thrust faults formed mainly to A Fracture;Late Yanshan-Early Himalayan inverted normal faults inherited, mainly primary and secondary fracture;Late Himalayan developed domino-style normal faults, which were mainly secondary and tertiary fracture. Where A Fracture controlled the area structure, sedimentary characteristics and trap formation, migration and accumulation of oil and gas play a crucial role.According to restore eroded by the original thickness of the sediment thickness map compiled, we analyze and study Permian to Early Tertiary tectonic evolution of ancient history on Huangqiao area, which experienced three stages of the late Triassic-early Yanshan acrogenic thrust、the late Yanshan-Early Himalayan extensional rift and the late Himalayan uplift.Huangqiao area by hydrocarbon source rocks, seals and hydrocarbon migration and accumulation characteristics of the system, deepen the oil and gas accumulation in the area understanding of the law, oil and gas division of the favorable zone for exploration after the theoretical work guidance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】TE122
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】244

