

Structural Features of the Eastern Part of Kuqa Depression in Jurassic

【作者】 张国锋

【导师】 罗金海;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 构造地质学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 库车盆地是塔里木盆地富含油气资源之一,从1958年在库车坳陷东部中侏罗统储层中发现了依奇克里克油田开始,人们就对库车坳陷地区进行了大量的研究工作。本文着重研究了库车坳陷东部侏罗系的构造特征,试图揭示侏罗纪以来库车坳陷东部构造形成、发展和演化特点,这将有助于揭示南天山造山带与塔里木盆地侏罗纪以来的相互作用特点,为该地区的盆地与造山带研究提供新的资料。论文在前人工作的基础上,通过地面地质的野外详细研究,结合前陆盆地基本理论,综合分析库车盆地的地层、构造、钻井、地震等资料,特别是侏罗系的相关资料,论文得出以下结论:(1)协助依托项目编制了库车坳陷东部TJ2k构造图,比较全面地揭示了研究区侏罗系构造轮廓。从该构造图可以清楚地反映库车坳陷东部侏罗系构造的两个特点:①南北分带:从北向南挤压程度减小,褶皱形成时代从北向南变新;②东西分段:西段线性褶皱,东段短轴褶皱。(2)依奇克里克构造带和吐格尔明构造带变形强度的差异不是由南天山向南逆冲推覆运动的差异造成,主要是由于南天山山前褶皱-冲断带在这两个构造带之间不同的位移消耗机制造成的:东部吐格尔明构造带的逆冲推覆活动具有后展式的特点;西部依奇克里克构造带的逆冲推覆活动具有前展式的特点。(3)对研究区北缘地震剖面的分析研究认为,明北构造带中被南天山逆冲推覆体掩覆的侏罗系宽度最大,至少被掩覆9.58km。(4)根据对研究区内地层接触关系、地震剖面中构造样式、生长地层等的分析,认为研究区内依奇克里克背斜和吐格尔明背斜在早白垩世晚期(巴什基奇克组晚期)—晚白垩世期间的晚期燕山运动中已有雏形,但是定形于库车期(格拉斯期)以来。

【Abstract】 Kuqa basin is one of the teetonic unit of oil and gas resources in Tarim Basin, since 1958 Yiqikelike oil filed was found in middle Jurassic reservoir in the eastern part of the Kuqa Depression.researcherse done a lot of the area of kuqa depression,This paper focuses on the structural characteristics of Jurassic of the eastern part of the Kuqa Depression and try to reveal the characleristics of teclonic formation.development and evolution since the Jurassic.which will help to reveal the interaction characteristics between the south Tianshan orogan and the Tarim Basin since the Jurassic and provide new information for the basins and orogenic belts in this area.On the basis of the previous work.we through the detailed study of The surface geology. combined with the basic theory of the foreland basin.analysis of Kuqa basin stratigraphy. structure,drilling and seismic data comprehensively.especially the information on Jurassic. we obtain the following conclusions:(1)We established the TJ2k tectonic map of the eastern kuqa depression.which comprehensively reveals the Jurassic structural configuration of the research area.Two Jurassic structural characteristics of the eastern luqa depression can be clearly reflected from the tectonic map:①North-south zonation:the deformation force is decreasing and the formation time of the fold is young from north to south.②East-west segmentation:the western develop limear fold and the eastern develop short axis fold,since the Cenozoic.(2)The Difference of deformation strength between Yiqikelike belt and Tugeerming did not result from the diversity of the south Tianshan’s southward thrust movement.but mainly due to the differece of the South Tianshan piedmont fold-thrust belt’s consumption mechanism of displacement in the two structures:The Tugeerming tectonic belt’s thrusting activities with the characteristic of post-expansion:the Yiqikelike tectonic belt’s thrusting activities with the characteristic of previous-expansion.(3)The analysis of seismic profiles of northern margin of the study area think that the Jurassic of the Ming North tectonic belt is widest of the Jurassic ocerlaid by the South Tianshan thrust nappe.at least 9.58km.(4)Basing on the analysis of the stratigraphic contact.the structural style in the seismic profiles.growth strata.etc.in the study area.it thinks that the Yiqikelike anticline and the Tugeerming anticline already have a prototype during the early Cretaceous late and the late Cretaceous late yanshan movement, but they were forming since from the Kuqa period.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

