

【作者】 刘姣

【导师】 赵小雷;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 美学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 陕北民歌是中华民族浩如烟海的民歌海洋中一支艺术奇葩,是中华民族黄土文化的重要载体,更是民间文化宝库中一颗绚烂的明珠。陕北民歌根植于民间、来源于民间,具有生动的艺术表现形式和独特的审美文化魅力。随着西部大开发以来社会转型的加剧和经济的飞速发展,大众对原生态民歌关注逐步提升;陕北民歌也逐渐走进人们的生活、走上舞台、进入文化理论研究领域,越来越多的人开始关注这一艺术形式。对陕北民歌的美学探讨有助于我们了解陕北地域文化,发扬原生态审美文化。本论文通过查阅大量资料、收集民歌素材,在众多学者研究的基础上,以独特的审美视角对陕北民歌进行探讨。首先从陕北民歌生成的背景入手,阐述自然环境及历史条件对于陕北民歌的形成和发展的影响;其次从美学角度对陕北民歌的艺术特征进行总结和分析;再次运用现代审美学的思维阐述其与现时代人类审美追求的完美契合之处,最后对于陕北民歌发展遇到的挑战、极其潜藏的艺术风险进行挖掘,从而为陕北民歌的健康、可持续发展提供行之有效的思路。在现时代背景下,陕北民歌的再次重返,使人们重新认识到其独特的艺术魅力和重要的文化价值,让当代人在陕北民歌的旋律中领略到民间音乐在中华民族文化长河中不可替代的作用。这对于开展对于非物质文化遗产的保护和利用有着独特而重要的意义。

【Abstract】 The folk song of northern Shaanxi province is one of the greatest Chinese artistic forms. It is a significant carrier of the loess culture. Moreover it is also a glowing pearl in folk culture. The folk song of northern Shaanxi province roots in and originates from the people. It has the vivid art performance and unique charm of the local culture. With the fierce social transformation and the rapid economic development after the plan of the development of the western region, people start to pay more attention to the original folk songs. As a result, the folk song of northern Shaanxi province approaches people’s life, mounts the stage and also becomes a hot research topic. The aesthetic investigation of the folk song of northern Shaanxi province is beneficial to the understanding of the regional culture in that area and also promotes the primitive aesthetics. After reviewing a large amount literature and collecting the folk songs, this thesis discusses the folk song of northern Shaanxi province in a unique aesthetic perspective. First of all, based on the background study, the affects from the natural environment and the history to the formation and development of the folk song of northern Shaanxi province are demonstrated. Then, the artistic characteristics of the folk song of northern Shaanxi province are summarized and analyzed in terms of aesthetic perspective. In addition, the match between human pursuit for beauties and the folk song of northern Shaanxi province is illustrated according to the modern aesthetics. Last but not lease, the challenges and potential art risks of the folk song of northern Shaanxi province are investigated in order to provide a healthy and sustainable method for its development. The return of the folk song of northern Shaanxi province to the modern era makes people realized its unique beauty and significant value in culture. It also makes modern people realize the irreplaceable role played by the folk song of northern Shaanxi province in the Chinese nation culture. It is significant for the protection and usage of the intangible cultural heritage.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

