

Regarding to Ecological Philosophy Understanding on Negative Effect between Sustainable Development and Population Aging

【作者】 艾明珠

【导师】 贺伟;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我们从生态哲学的视域解读人口老龄化对经济社会可持续发展的负面效应,把人口年龄结构和经济社会发展作为生态的有机组成部分与生态整体一起发展和进化,不仅符合了生态文明社会和可持续发展社会的基本要求,同时生态哲学的相关理论也为人口老龄化和经济社会可持续发展提出了一种合理的发展指向。通过对人口老龄化与可持续发展概念解析,我们可以明确人口老龄化与可持续发展的深刻理论内涵。从人口老龄化的内涵入手,着重从生态哲学种群结构、热力学第二定律角度介绍了人口老龄化的生态内涵,分析我国人口老龄化的特点,并从科技支持和政策导向两个方面分析我国人口老龄化出现的原因。同时从导致人口老龄化出现的偶然性因素、必然性因素及具体数据进一步分析人口年龄结构的未来发展趋势。此外,由于可持续发展的科学理论基础之一是生态学,因此,阐述经济社会可持续发展的生态哲学内涵,以及可持续发展中的人口与自然,凸显了人口与自然的整体性。人口老龄化对可持续发展的制约与影响,首先明确了什么是人口生态,分析了人口生态的构成与分布。重点分析人口老龄化对经济社会的负效应,从储蓄、消费、老年社会保障、劳动力这几个方面进行具体解读。面对人口老龄化给经济社会可持续发展带来的负效应,我们应该以生态的、科学的态度来积极应对,并在生态哲学的整体观点下采取生态的措施来避免所带来的负效应,生态措施主要包括战略决策层面的生态指向、科技创新层面的生态指向和社会文化层面的生态指向。我们以生态哲学这一全新的视角解读人口老龄化给经济社会可持续发展所带来的负效应,能够更加深刻的认识人口老龄化问题,对人口老龄化问题的研究乃至解决,必将起到一定的推动作用。

【Abstract】 From the philosophy point of view, reading the negative effort between sustainable development and social aging problem and combing people’s age structures and social economic development meets the basic requirement of nature civilization and sustainable developing society. Meanwhile nature philosophy conceptual theory also can be a rational director of people’s aging problems and social continual development.Concepts of people’s aging and sustainable development are to be analyzed and theoretical meanings of people’s aging and sustainable development are to be identified. Starting from the meaning of people’s aging problems, to analyze China’s aging problem, focusing on nature philosophy bunching to introduce the meaning of nature of aging problems, and analyzing feature of China’s aging from technology supports and governmental policy aspects are three ways to analyze China’s aging problem. For the same time, accidental and inevitable factors to produce China’s aging problems and specific data analysis can help to analyze future people’s age structures. In addition, one of scientific theoretical bases for sustainable development is ecology, so explanation of ecological philosophy meaning of sustainable development of economic society as well as people and nature during sustainable development shows integrity feature of people and nature.Firstly, for the restriction and influence on sustainable development by people’s aging, what is people ecology is clearly stated and structure and distribution of people ecology is analyzed. Secondly, after analyzing people aging negative effort on people ecology itself, saving, consuming, elder society insurance, and working force can be the factors focusing on analysis negative effort between social aging and economical society.By facing negative effort between people aging problem and social economical sustainable development, an ecological and scientific attitude should be accepted to avoid its negative effort. Ecological policy mostly includes decisional, scientific and social culture level.Ecology can be a brand new point of view to tell the negative effort between people aging and social economic sustainable development, also can be a way to deeply understand problems coming with aging, and can be positive developer for researching aging problems.


