

【作者】 姚薇薇

【导师】 仓理新;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 随着中国经济的发展,城市化进程加快,大批流动人口进入城市,也由此带来一系列问题,围绕着流动人口的子女教育问题,所出现的打工子弟学校一直为人们所关注。然而,城市化虽然给打工子弟学校带来了创办学校的外部需求,可是能够提供给他们的环境因素并不稳定。流动的家庭,流动的打工子弟,流动的生存环境,使打工子弟学校和学生无法把教育看成是第一位的,生存对他们来说才是最重要的。私立办学决定了打工子弟学校的盈利性,而生存的市场化环境和作为供给需求的打工子弟家庭,又必然决定了打工子弟学校只能把更好地生存,而不是高效的教育,作为办学的目标。这样就自然形成了一种劣质的教学供需关系。学校不会全力以赴地投入教育,种种教学设置都成了收费的手段。打工子弟学校出现的现象在发达国家的城市化过程中,表现却有所不同。这是因为发达国家城市化的过程相对比较平稳,社会适应城市变化的过程,相对较为有秩序。而中国和一些发达国家的情况恰恰相反,快速的城市化,教育的市场化导致生存规律取代了教育规律,这样的结果,必然招致打工子弟学校最终悲剧性的命运。

【Abstract】 As China’s economy development, urbanization, large numbers of migrants into the city, it also brings a range of issues arising therefore, around the children of migrant education, migrant children schools emerged has been the people’s attention problem.However, although urbanization has brought to the school children of migrant workers founded the school in external demand, but to provide them with environmental factors is not stable, the flow of the family, the flow of migrant children, the flow of the living environment, so that migrant children schools and students can not take education as the first one, the survival for them is the most important. Private school determines the profitability of the school children of migrant workers, and the survival of the market environment and the needs of children of migrant workers as domestic supply, but also must determine the school children of migrant workers can only live better, rather than efficient education as Running objectives. This will naturally form a kind of poor quality of teaching supply and demand, the school does not go all out to put into education, various teaching settings have become the means to pay.The phenomenon of China’s migrant children schools in the process of urbanization in developed countries, the performance is different. This is because the process of urbanization in developed countries is relatively stable, the process of social change to adapt to the city, relatively orderly. China and some developed countries to the contrary, rapid urbanization, education, law of survival of the market leads to replace the law of education, such a result, migrant children schools inevitably lead to the ultimate tragic fate.

  • 【分类号】G527
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】338

