

【作者】 吴胜浩

【导师】 刘先林; 钟若飞;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 车载激光扫描系统能提供实时、多尺度、多分辨率的数据,它的出现极大地满足了数字城市对数据采集效率的要求,是空间数据获取技术研究的热点。车载激光扫描系统是多传感器集成的系统,主要由三大部分组成,分别是激光扫描仪、CCD相机、GPS/IMU.其中,激光扫描仪获取目标几何形状信息,CCD相机采集目标纹理信息,GPS/IMU得到车载系统位置与姿态。通过良好设计的空间同步和时间同步模式,可以在获取三维激光点云数据的同时获取相应的光学影像,融合处理激光点云和光学影像能实现城市场景的真彩色三维可视化,获得对城市场景的一致性解释与描述,展现了更优越的性能。颜色作为最直观、最感性的信息在其中有着举足轻重的作用。本文主要围绕车载激光扫描系统中颜色数据的获取与融合处理进行研究,从整体出发讨论如何在车载系统的基础上对颜色的采集,颜色的处理进行改进。系统论述了颜色采集系统建立的原则,线阵CCD相机的工作原理,图像数据结构要求与格式转换,重点实验了基于直接线性变换和视平面与视线方程的线阵相机标定方法,着重阐述了建立颜色数据与激光扫描数据的映射关系的方法,并比较了基于最佳扫描行的融合方法与基于硬件的融合方法的优缺,分析了原始彩色激光点云的特点,提出了基于数值内插的方法来提升彩色激光点云的颜色纹理分辨率,从而增强城市场景真彩色三维可视化的效果,并对结果进行了分析。最后总结了颜色与点云交互处理的实例,强调颜色信息在点云应用上的巨大作用。本文所实现的方法和程序都具有一定的实用性。无论是原始图像的转换,激光点云与纹理数据的融合,还是彩色点云的内插,基于颜色的点云应用,都能提供良好、稳定的结果,且充分考虑了对系统性能的需求。

【Abstract】 Vehicle-borne Laser Scanning has an immense value in present days for fulfilling the demands of fast and cost-effective data acquisition for digital urban and other mapping related fields. It has flexibility in providing multi temporal, multi-dimensional and multi resolution data and has become central issue of spatial data acquisition.The Vehicle-borne Laser Scanning of multiple sensors comprises of three basic components, viz.Laser Scanner, CCD camera and GPS/IMU. Laser Scanner provides range data (angle and distance from the sensor to each of the observed feature). CCD camera is used for image data and GPS/IMU are used for positioning. Through good space synchronization and time synchronization control, it can obtain 3D laser point clouds and corresponding optical images simultaneously. The true chromatic model of city scene may be realized with the help of integration of laser point clouds and optical images. Data fusing can explain and describe the consistency of urban scene, and show more superior performance. Texture being the most visible, most sensible has a pivotal role.This paper focus on the color data acquisition and processing, discuss how to collect color and improve the visualization of the color from the overall based on available vehicle-borne laser scanning system. The platform and principle of color texture data obtaining are analyzed systematically. Line CCD camera principle of work is explained also. Image data structure and format transformation are defined too. Calibration of Line CCD Camera used Direct Linear Transformation method combined with the view plane and view line equation, because of its unique characteristics. As a key, the mapping model is built between the point clouds and digital images and as a result color point clouds is generated and compare the advantages and disadvantages of fusion based on best scan line between based on hardware. The characteristics of the original color point clouds are stated, numerical interpolation is proposed to ascend the resolution of color point clouds, in order to enhance true color 3D visualization’s effect of city scene. Experiments are conducted and the results are clarified. Finally, the interactive applications of point clouds and color texture are summarized, the huge role of color in the applications of point cloud is emphasized.The methods and programs implemented in this paper have practical value and can give good and stable results whether in initial images transformation、fusion between laser data and texture image and interpolation of initial color point clouds or applications of points cloud based on color texture. At the same time, system performance is fully considered.

  • 【分类号】TP202
  • 【下载频次】460

