

China’s Rural Environmental Tort Civil Relief System Probing

【作者】 董媛

【导师】 李庆海;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 民商法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当前我国农村环境侵权问题日益突出,仅依靠行政法和刑法的公力救济保护受害人是远远不够的,还必须依靠民事私法救济。但当前我国农村环境侵权民事救济制度尚不完善,众多的受害居民权益还得不到应有的保护,因此笔者结合两大法系国家的农村环境侵权民事救济制度,分析了我国农村环境侵权民事救济制度的现状,并对我国农村环境侵权民事救济的现状进行了系统评析,旨在指出不足之处,以进一步健全和完善我国农村环境侵权民事救济制度。本文共五章。第一章为绪论。主要介绍了农村环境侵权民事救济的国内外研究动态、目的、意义、研究的主要任务和预期目标。第二章主要概述了农村环境侵权民事救济的民法理论基础,即民法的生态化和民法的社会化。第三章概述了两大法系国家农村环境侵权民事救济理论和实践经验,并对农村环境侵权民事救济制度作出了系统分析和比较。在大陆法系国家,较为有特色的是日本的“忍受限度论”;德国的“受害人咨询请求权”、“环境责任保险制度”;法国的“团体诉讼制度”、“损害赔偿基金制度”。在英美法系国家,美国的主要特色为调和性和灵活性的“部分排除侵害”和“代替排除侵害”制度。第四章论述了我国农村环境侵权民事救济的现状,并作出了相应评析。主要对当前我国农村环境侵权民事救济方式和救济途径作出了系统评析。第五章论述了如何完善我国农村环境侵权民事救济的立法举措。首先,引入利益衡量原则作为农村环境侵权民事救济的基本原则。其次,完善民事救济方式和救济途径。民事救济方式主要为排除侵害和损害赔偿两种。在排除侵害方面,应引入调和性的“部分排除侵害”和“代替排除侵害之赔偿”制度;在损害赔偿方面,应扩展救济方式,引入损害赔偿社会化制度,以保证受害人能够获得及时的救济。通过对民事救济的各种途径进行比较分析,旨在建立完善的民事救济途径。最后,为使受害人能够得到更好的民事救济,应建立相应的受害者民事救济补贴制度或补偿机制、环境责任保险。

【Abstract】 Current our country countryside environment tort problem increasingly, rely on the administrative law and criminal law of ram aid force to protect victims is not enough, also must rely on civil law relief. But the current our country rural environmental tort civil relief system also still is not perfected, many of the victims still lack of residents rights protection.Therefore I combine the countries of two important legal systems of the rural environment tort civil relief system, analysis of the rural environmental tort civil remedy system present situation, for China’s rural environmental tort civil relief on the current situation of system are also elucidated, author aims to indicate deficiencies, to further perfect and perfect our country rural environmental tort civil relief system.The paper has five chapters. The first chapter elaborated on introduction. This chapter introduces the rural environment tort civil remedy of the domestic and foreign research dynamic,purpose,meaning, the main task and expectations. The second chapter outlines the rural environment tort civil remedy of legal principles. The legal basis for ecological civil law and civil law socialization. The third chapter discusses the countries of two important legal systems of rural environmental tort civil remedies theory and practical experience, and the corresponding to the rural environment tort civil relief system made system analysis and comparison. In civil law countries, Relatively distinctive is Japan’s endure limit theory; Germany’s victim consulting claim, environmental liability insurance system; The French group litigation system, damage compensation fund system. In countries of Anglo-American law system, America’s main features for harmonic sex and flexibility of "part exclude violations" and "instead of exclusion enroach on" system. The fourth chapter discusses our country rural environmental tort civil remedy of the status.,and has made the corresponding elucidated. Mainly to the current our country countryside environment tort civil relief way and relief way made a review systematically. The fifth chapter discusses how to perfect our country’s rural environmental tort civil remedy legislation move. First of all, introducing the principle of benefit measure as rural environmental tort civil remedy for basic principles. Secondly, perfect civil relief way and relief way. Civil remedy way are mainly to eliminate violations and damages two kinds. In the exclusion of attacks, In the exclusion of attacks,should introduce harmonic sex "part exclude violations" and "replace exclude the infringement compensation" system. In damages, should expand relief way, introducing damages socialization system, to ensure the victim can get timely relief. Through the various approaches to civil remedy for comparison and analysis, aim to establish perfect civil relief way. Finally, in order to make the victim can get better civil remedy, shoud establish corresponding victims compensation system for civil remedy or compensation mechanism, environmental liability insurance.


