

The Analysis of Competitiveness on China’s Industrial Manufactured Goods Exported to U.S.A. and Its Influencing Factors

【作者】 王玉婷

【导师】 高丽峰;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代后,中美贸易进入了高速发展时期,尤其作为出口主体商品的工业制成品,出口规模发展十分迅速。制造业作为我国的支柱产业,是国家现代工业化发展的体现,其发展潜力决定了一国的经济实力,因而被高度关注。美国作为世界上最大的独立经济体,其巨大的市场容量和进口需求成为各国产品出口竞争的重要目标市场,也是衡量各国产业国际竞争力实力和竞争潜力的焦点。面对世界产业转移和国际分工格局形成带来的挑战与机遇,客观分析我国工业制成品对美出口竞争力的状况和影响因素,对中美经贸长远发展具有重要的现实意义。本文先对中国工业制成品对美出口状况进行了简单描述,从总量和出口结构进行了分析,发现我国出口规模扩大的同时,出口结构也发生了相应变动。由于这些变化多归功于产品竞争力的变动,因而随后本文采用因子分析法和进出口数据对衡量竞争力各个指标进行综合地定量分析,得出杂项制品竞争力最高,但下降幅度也最为明显,其次是轻纺织、橡胶制品,但也出现小幅下降的趋势,机械及运输设备出口竞争力上升最快,相反化学品及有关产品出口竞争力最小,变化也最为缓慢的特点。进而从生产要素、需求条件、相关和辅助产业、企业组织结构和竞争战略及政府、机遇方面,对竞争力的影响因素展开了定性分析,对各类产品的竞争变化成因进行分类总结。最后在鉴于因素分析的基础上提出提高发展循环经济、全面引导外资流向、加大科技投入、创建产业集群、实施出口市场多元化战略等相关政策与建议。

【Abstract】 Since 1990s, China-U.S.A. trade has entered into a rapidly growing period, especially as the main exports of manufactured goods, which developed very rapidly. As China’s pillar industries, the manufacturing sector is the source for national economic development, and its export competitiveness determines the strength of the country’s economy, so it is be highly concerned. Meanwhile, the market capacity of U.S.A. has becoming the most potential export target market of other countries. So, the analysis on the industrial competitiveness of manufactured exports to U.S.A situation and influencing factors are committed to be important to the development of China-U.S.A. trade.Firstly, this article focuses on China’s manufactured goods exports to U.S.A of simple description, and from the total size and structure of exports trend aspects analysis, it is found that while the scale of China’s exports expanded, export structure has also undergone corresponding changes. Because these changes mostly due to the competitiveness of products. And then, we use factor analysis and trade data of exports to measure the comprehensive quantitative analysis of the competitiveness.It is found that miscellaneous manufactured articles is the most competitive, but they are the most significant decrease. Followed by the light textile, rubber products, but also has a slight downward trend. Machinery and transport equipment increased export competitiveness fastest. However, chemicals and related products’ export competitiveness is the smallest and most slowly changing characteristics.In the end, it analyzes the impacts of competitive forces from the production, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, corporate organizational structure and competition strategy and the government role, opportunity elements. Then, based on the analysis in view of factors, it proposes to increase the development of circular economy, a comprehensive guide the flow of foreign capital, increase investment in science and technology to create industry clusters and other relevant policies and proposals.


