

Under the Financial Crisis Our Steel Industry Response to American Anti-Dumping Problem Research

【作者】 张慧

【导师】 宋永辉;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以金融危机为背景,阐述了金融危机下,我国钢铁业遭遇来自美国等反倾销调查诉讼空前频繁,我国钢铁出口受到极大冲击,加之国内钢铁产能严重过剩,很多钢铁企业面临破产危机,通过对美国对我国钢铁业的反倾销行为分析,找出应对策略,对我国钢铁业健康和谐发展以及平稳度过危机具有一定的理论和实践意义。论文首先研究了倾销与反倾销的基本问题,包括倾销与反倾销的基本概念、产生及发展,WTO中对倾销与反倾销的界定及规则,美国对于倾销与反倾销的法律界定等基本问题。论文第三部分研究了我国钢铁业的发展历程,从我国钢铁业生产情况、销售情况、经营情况、进出口情况进行阐述,并分析了钢铁业发展的趋势,同时对近年来特别是金融危机后,我国钢铁业遭遇别国反倾销事件的回顾,研究了我国钢铁业遭遇反倾销的现状、问题,表明找出应对策略,帮助钢铁业走出低谷已刻不容缓。第四部分分三节分别阐述了美国对我国钢铁业反倾销的经济、动因及法律分析。指出反倾销所具有投资跨越、贸易转移等负效应,反倾销行为的实施,很多已成为已“公平贸易”为名的滥用,对产业保护过度关注,导致了对经济效益的背离。分析了我国反倾销法律制度的缺陷,指出我国目前在反“反倾销”方面没有明确的法律规定,以及企业缺乏出口价格协调机制与反倾销应诉机制,也是致使我国应对不利的重要原因。第五部分论文论述了日本、印度在应对反倾销中的做法及经验,并在第六部分根据我国遭遇反倾销的实际情况,提出相应的解决问题的对策建议。最后提出本文的研究结论。

【Abstract】 Under the financial crisis, China steel industry is suffering the anti-dumping investigation litigation brought from America and many other countries. This phenomenon unprecedentedly impacted the national steel exports. Moreover, the domestic steel capacity is seriously excess, many steel enterprises are facing bankruptcy crisis. In this paper, I have analyzed the American steel anti-dumping behaviors and find out strategies which will help the steel industry to develop more healthy and harmonious.In this paper, I state the problem as 5 parts. It firstly studies the basic problems of dumping and anti-dumping, including the basic concepts of dumping and anti-dumping, their generation and development, definitions and rules of dumping and dumping stipulated by WTO, and the legal definitions of the United States with respect to dumping and anti-dumping.In the third part of this paper, I research the development processes in steel industry, it states contents from our nation’s steel production, sales, business, import, export and the development trend of the steel industry. Moreover, in recent years, especially after the financial crisis. With the reviews of the anti-dumping events of China’s steel industry, this paper put forwards the strategies in order to help steel industry to go out of whack.The fourth part includes three sections; each respectively expounds the economic reasons and law reasons of US anti-dumping against our nation. This paper points out the anti-dumping has some negative effects such as investment span, trade transfer and the implementation of anti-dumping actions. Many have already become "fair trade" to abuse, on the industrial protection excessive attention, it led to the economic benefits of the deviation. This paper analyzes the defects of the system of anti-dumping laws. It points out it is no clear regulations and rules about "anti-dumping" now, as well as enterprises are lack of export price coordination mechanism and the anti-dumping litigation-responding mechanism. This also causes our nation have no correct countermeasures. In the fifth part, we state the anti-dumping practices and experiences in Japan and India. And at the last part of this paper, I put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to solve the problem. Finally it puts forward the study conclusion.

【关键词】 倾销反倾销钢铁业美国WTO
【Key words】 DumpingAnti-dumpingSteelAmericaWTO

