

Empirical Research on Influencing Factors of Competitiveness for China’s Undertaking Information Technology Outsourcing

【作者】 李华宇

【导师】 李媛;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 服务外包逐渐出现离岸化和国际化趋势,新型国际化服务外包企业脱颖而出,服务外包对一国经济发展的战略意义逐渐显现,服务外包及其国际化对于中国以及其他发展中国家的经济发展战略具有重要意义。本文以我国计算机和信息服务出口额为研究对象,用它来代表我国承接IT外包竞争力状况。通过分析我国计算机和信息服务贸易TC指数和其他现状得出我国承接IT外包业务仍较缺乏竞争力,在国际市场中所占份额仍然较低。为了找出我国承接IT外包竞争力的影响因素及这些因素对我国承接IT外包竞争力的具体影响程度,基于波特钻石模型理论,借鉴国内外相关研究,本文首先以我国计算机和信息服务出口额为因变量,选取17个指标作为我国承接IT外包竞争力的影响因素并归为六组,通过主成分分析提取每组共同因子,继而通过格兰杰因果检验和Johansen协整检验筛选出符合计量要求的影响因子,最后通过回归分析得到最终回归方程。本文通过实证分析得出内外部资本投入的增加、劳动力成本和IT外包业劳动力规模的上升会削弱我国承接IT外包竞争力,政府对科研和科教文卫事业投入的增加能提高我国承接IT外包竞争力,高级要素、国内相关产业支持和国内外需求对我国承接IT外包竞争力无影响的结论。为了提高我国承接IT外包竞争力,今后应全面提高IT外包业从业人员综合素质;完善电信业基础设施建设;充分利用国内外两个市场;继续加大对IT外包企业的政策、资金支持;鼓励科研事业的发展和企业创新活动的开展;增强行业协会的服务功能。

【Abstract】 Offshore and internationalization trends has appeared in service outsourcing activities and a number of outstanding enterprises have emerged in this line. The strategic significance of service outsourcing activities to a country’s economy development has appeared gradually. Service outsourcing activities and its internationalization trends are of great importance to China and other developing countries.In this paper, China’s export of computer and information services which stands for the competitiveness for China’s undertaking Information Technology Outsourcing is the target for research. Through analysis of the Trade Specialization Coefficient and other data of computer and information services export we can find that China’s international market share is still low and our country still lacks of competitiveness in this line.In order to find out influencing factors to the competitiveness for China’s undertaking Information Technology Outsourcing and relation between them. Based on Porter’s Competitiveness Diamond Model and relative domestic and foreign researches, this paper selected seventeen indicators as influencing factors and classified them into six groups. Then through factor analysis, the principal component factors of each group were extracted. Through granger causality test and co-integration test the influencing factors which meet the measurement requirement are obtained. Finally the relationship between competitiveness of China’s undertaking IT outsourcing with several indicators are obtained by regression analysis. Research concludes that rising input of capital and labor, rising cost of labor can undermine the competitiveness of undertaking IT outsourcing; government support can elevate the competitiveness; other factors have no influence on the competitiveness.In order to elevate the competitiveness for China’s undertaking Information Technology Outsourcing, the overall quality of IT outsourcing employees must be improved; the telecommunications infrastructure must be completed; the domestic and international markets must be made full use of; the government should give more policy and financial support to the IT outsourcing enterprises; the scientific research andinnovation activities should be more and the service function of relative industryassociation must be enhanced.

  • 【分类号】F752.68;F224
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】151
  • 攻读期成果

