

【作者】 彭迪

【导师】 贾海洋;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳师范大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 法律援助制度是人类法制文明和法律文化发展到一定阶段的必然产物,是世界各国普遍采用的司法救济制度。本文从法律援助制度的内涵与性质、特征谈起,阐述法律援助的范围、组织机构与程序、经费来源与管理,分析与探讨了法律援助在我国的建立与发展,以及在发展过程中反映出的问题与不足,并进一步提出了完善我国法律援助制度的相关措施。全文由引言、正文、结论的后记四部分组成。正文分为五部分:第一部分,内容主要是法律援助制度一般理论概述。其中包括法律援助制度基本特征、法律援助性质、法律援助制度所体现出的基本价值以及法律援助制度在运行过程中,具备的功能等。第二部分,主要介绍了介绍法律援助的范围。其中包括法律援助对象和法律援助受案范围两方面内容。第三部分,主要探讨法律援助的组织机构与程序。世界各国对本国的法律援助机构的设置采取不同模式,其各自履行的职能不尽相同。法律援助程序性规定相对来说,各国大体一致。第四部分,阐述了法律援助经费来源与管理、使用。国外内法律援助援助业务经费来源大概有政府拨款、社会捐助等方式。其管理与使用需要一定的原则和方式、方法,以监督、保障经费的合理使用。第五部分,分析了我国法律援助发展现状与存在的不足,并对进一步完善提出了相应的措施与对策。我国法律援助制度发展经历了萌芽孕育、试点初探、建立与全面发展三个阶段。虽然在我们法律援助制度发展过程中,取得了喜人的成绩,但是,问题与不足也是普遍存在的。故,针对制度尚待完善的部分,笔者提出了“加速法律援助国家立法进程,健全法律援助法律体系”、“完善与创新工作机制,促使法律援助供需平衡”、“促进法律援助工作体制、机制创新,充分发挥法律援助职能”等改进措施,力求对我国法律援助制度全面发展提出一些可供参考的建议。

【Abstract】 The legal aid system is an inevitable result of the development of humanbeing’s legal system civilization. This paper will expatiate the bound, the organizing structure, the procedure, the outlay source and the management of the legal aid. Furthermore, this paper will study the foundation and the development of Chinese legal aid system and analyze its defects. In the last, this paper will give some relative measures to commsumate our legal aid system. However, all these will be from the angle of legal aid system’s connotation, quality and character. And this paper contain 4 parts:foreword, text, conclusion and postscript.There are 5 parts composing the text.The first part is mainly an academic profile of the legal aid system. In addition, this part concludes the basic characters, the quality, the value and the function of the legal aid system.The second part is emphasizing on introducing the bound of the leal aid system. This part contains two sections:one is the object of the legal aid system;the other is the width of the legal aid system.The third part is mostly disscusing the organizing structure and its procedure. Every country has their own legal aid system model. And the different nation’s legal aid system embodies different function. But the procedure of the legal aid system is relativly identical all over the world.The foruth part is stressing on the outlay source and management. The outlay of the legal aid mainly comes from the government and the society donation. The management and usage of the outlay needs a certain regulation and methond to make sure the outlay be used properly.The fivth part is mainly describing the present statement of our legal aid system and analyse the defects embodied during its development. Besides, this part will give some relative measures to commsumate our legal aid system. Chinese legal aid system maybe develope from the rudiment, the trial, the foundation and the development. The legal aid system brings lots of fruits, but there are still many problems. So this paper suggest that accelerating the national legislation progress of the legal aid and the sanity of the system; perfecting and creating the work method to make the balance of the supply and the demand; promoting the innovation of the legal aid mechanism to exert the functions. These advices maybe are helpful to our legal aid system’s development.

【关键词】 法律援助制度完善措施
【Key words】 legal aidsystemconsummating measure

