

【作者】 陈颖

【导师】 罗学科;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中空玻璃由于其良好的保温、隔热、隔声特性已经广泛被应用于建筑、车船及轨道交通当中。按照中空玻璃加工工艺流程,玻璃原片的加工依次为镀膜、切割、磨边及清洗。玻璃的切割处于整个加工过程的较前位置,其设备的切割精度对后续各个加工环节及最终成品质量都有着不同程度的影响。本文对切割机机械结构及控制方式进行了介绍,分析出导致切割机加工误差源主要来自机械加工、零部件装配、伺服参数、变频器参数设置、切割程序以及设备周围环境影响产生的误差。目前,玻璃切割机电气控制部分已经完成设计和安装,机械部分部件正处在加工之中,尚未完成整体机械装配。所以,本文对切割机的电气控制部分进行论述,并依照其控制模式和玻璃切割机切割台结构建立了实验台,模拟切割机X轴(双边伺服系统)、Y轴两个方向上的运动,并以此作为运动误差实验基础。其实验台由导轨、伺服驱动系统、光栅及编码器系统等组成,完成连接及伺服调试后对系统进行运动误差的测量实验。切割台的实验需要在其正常工作1-2小时后进行,利用雷尼绍激光干涉仪对运动误差进行测量,得到其误差数据后进行数据处理,计算得到补偿值后将其再次输入实验系统,进行测量比较。如此循环后,直至将运动综合误差降低到要求范围以内。最终,根据实验台反映出的数据,归纳、总结出降低误差的途径,按照误差数据图表列出可能导致误差的原因及部位,为最终切割机调试运行及后期阶段性测试提供相关参数和依据。

【Abstract】 Benefit from its good characteristics—reduces heat flow and soundproofing--insulating glass now has been widely used in architectures, vehicles and track traffics. Based on the process flow, the raw glass sheet need to be filmed, cut, edged and cleaned, then becomes a piece of insulate glass finally. Among all these, cutting machine locates at the second step of processing technical. Its precision significantly influences the following steps and the quality of the final products.This paper firstly introduces the mechanical structure of Glass Cutting Machine and its control method. Secondly analyze its error sources, including machining, Parts assembly, Servo parameter, Inverter parameter settings, Cutting procedure and environment impact of the machine. Now, the design and installation of electrical controls for Glass cutting machine have been finished. Some mechanism parts of the machine are being processed and waiting for being assembled. So an experiment platform was build based on that control mode and mechanism structure to simulate the movement on x-axis (two servo system) and y-axis of cutting machine. This simulation experiment specifically focuses on the cutting experiment table, consists of guideway, Servo drive system, optical grating and Encoder system. A movement error test was conducted after connection work and Servo debugging.This experiment has to be done after 1-2 hours normal running. Collecting experimental tolerance data using Renishaw laser interferometer, calculate a compensation value after data analysis, and then input this value into our experiment system to compare with. Repeat this process until composite error get into an acceptable range.Finally the cause of error position could be found and the method will be provided to reduce the general error through analysis.


